View Full Version : More Olivia Pictures....all settled in now.

12-17-2002, 01:10 PM
Olivia is such a joy! She really fits in well. :) She got to explore last night after her vet appointment...all clear except for a tape worm. It was so sweet, the vet told us both (Olivia and I) that we were both very lucky to have each other. Wasn't that sweet? :D

Here she is posing for daddy on her bed:

Olivia cleaning her fur....so silky...

Being cute and girly:

Woken up for some pictures:

12-17-2002, 01:27 PM
Olivia is one gorgeous girl!! Tape Worm!! :eek: Yuk! I sure hope that clears up soon. Bless her little kitty heart. The vet is right, you are both lucky to have each other! ;) What a wonderful way to begin your holiday season! I can't wait to hear more about her and how she and her siblings are getting on!

Give your new precious girl some scritchies for me! She's just gorgeous!:D

12-17-2002, 03:09 PM

Thank you for your sweet words. :)

I went home at lunch and Olivia didn't want to come out of her furry tent thing. I gave her a dental treat (some of her teeth are cracked :( ) and she took it back in there with her. I hope she's OK. I'm sure she is, its scary coming into a new home.

Speaking of Olivia, she seems to enjoy shoes too....does that sound like anyone you know? ;)

12-17-2002, 03:13 PM
What a beauty she is!

Wow! I can remember when you first got Noah!

Amazing how time flies and the families grow bigger. :D

12-17-2002, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
Wow! I can remember when you first got Noah!
Amazing how time flies and the families grow bigger. :D
Last night we figured out that every six months we get a new cat....eeeep! No more. ;)

12-17-2002, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
No more. ;) [/B]

Famous last words;)

Olivia is a real beauty

12-17-2002, 06:24 PM
She's so gorgeous!!! I'm sure she will be so happy. How is she getting along with the other three?

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-17-2002, 06:35 PM
And so shiney too!!!:D
How do you treat a tapeworm?!?!? With antibiotics? Poor little kitty.... give her a kiss and hug for me!

12-17-2002, 06:43 PM
(Chester get your tail out of my face and your nose of the computer screen. I want to see Olivia's pictures too! Go play with Luke!)

My Chester is quite smitten with Olivia. I think it's because they look a lot alike only I'm sure she has better manners than he does. I try, but he must have his own way! Anyway! We love her new pictures and are glad she is making herself at home.:D

smokey the elder
12-18-2002, 08:34 AM
Olivia looks like she's settling in very nicely. She's gorgeous. This time you got your black cat.:)

Tapeworms are treated with Drontal. They are carried by fleas.

12-18-2002, 11:13 AM
Aww I love the pic where she is cleaning her face- so adorable!

12-18-2002, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
How do you treat a tapeworm?!?!?
They have shots to treat/cure cats with tapeworms...so that is good. And they aren't contagious unless one of the other cats eats a flea off Olivia...which she doesn't have.

We let her out for about an hour or so last night. There was a bit of hissing, but nothing more. She made herself at home on the table...under the table on the chairs (Noah, Noel & Basil's spot), behind the tree and in front of the tv. I'll try and post those pictures tonight.

12-18-2002, 12:49 PM
Congrats on the baby!! She's adorable!

Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Speaking of Olivia, she seems to enjoy shoes too....does that sound like anyone you know? ;)

Gigi loves my shoes. If I happen to leave a pair lying about...she'll cart them around in her mouth. It's so funny to see her dragging one of my heels along by the strap.

Last night we figured out that every six months we get a new cat....eeeep! No more.

I figured out that how I was with ferts and it got even shorter with the kitties. Sept. 2001-Lola, Feb. 2002-Jax, July 2002-Max and Scout...aftere that last week in July when I got Scout...the other two kitties came about a week or two apart in August. I went from every 6 months to every couple weeks! I won't say No more because I know I'll just jinx myself and have another kitty pop up on my door step!

Miss Meow
12-18-2002, 04:01 PM
She's so beautiful :) I especially like the second last picture, Olivia looks so alert and happy in that one.

Do they all sleep on your bed? One thing we've noticed with four is that it's extra squishy at sleep time!

12-18-2002, 04:54 PM
Olivia is beautiful! And, I, too, would like to know how things are coming along with the other three. As to making statements about no more cats, etc., I think it is best not to make those statements at all. Then, you don't look quite as foolish the next time you adopt one...he he he..

12-18-2002, 09:32 PM
Olivia is gorgeous ... such a lovely black coat!

Tapeworms are nothing bad, one pill (drontal) is all it usually takes to get rid of them! ;)

12-18-2002, 09:48 PM
WHAT?!?! ANOTHER KITTY KAT?!?! :eek: I thought 3 was your limit! LOL! I can swear that is the cutest black cat I have EVER seen! She's ADORABLE! Her fur looks so shiny and silky! What a sweet lttle cat! Congratualtions! Pretty soon, we'll be congratulating you on your 5th, your 6th, your 7th, your 8th, your 9th, and your 10th! :eek: I know that you are saying 4 is your limit, but we KNOW those are JUST words. With Noah's mommy, cat additions will never stop! :p

12-19-2002, 12:37 AM
what a sweetheart!

12-19-2002, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I think it is best not to make those statements at all. Then, you don't look quite as foolish the next time you adopt one...he he he..


Olivia is a real beauty queen. Glad to see she has a forever home. They'll all be cuddling before you know it.

12-19-2002, 05:23 AM
Purrrrrrretty black cat! Hope she brings you lots and lots of luck~!!