View Full Version : Looking for advice about a found cat...

07-19-2014, 10:59 PM
Hi Pettalk, its been a long time! I don't know if anybody remembers me, but I thought I would post here, looking for some words of wisdom.

One week ago, the sweetest cat ever showed up on our front porch. The family room's windows were open, and I could hear her mewing. I went out, and she immediately took to me, purring, and desperately wanting inside. We left for Church and were gone for 5 hours, and came home and she was still sitting there. The whole day she just sat there. She eventually came around to the side of the house, and laid in the carport and slept. Again, any time we opened the door she would try desperately to get inside.

I put out some water for her, and she was starving thirsty. I didn't want to put food out b/c I didn't want to distract her from going home. I managed to take her (haha, this was an ordeal!) two miles to get her checked for a microchip, but there was none.

The next morning, I got her some food and she was sooo starved. And that night, I finally let her inside. We have put signs up in our neighborhood, left information at the local Petsmart, talked to 12-15 neighbors personally, inquired at four local vets. From what I understand, there is no local animal shelter, just a huge animal control about 20 miles from here that handles this area. I am a little nervous to call them b/c on their website it says that they prefer to have all strays surrendered, and then if nobody claims them, you can get them back but you have to pay the fees. I don't really feel like that is an effective way to reconnect this kitty with her owners.

I was just wondering if anybody had other ideas on how to reconnect her with her family? She was obviously well loved, very tame and gentle, litter box trained etc. She has a collar on, but no tags. And at what point can we go ahead and name her and adopt her into our family? My girls desperately want to name her, but I have put it off because I don't want to get too attached quite yet.

07-19-2014, 11:39 PM
I would definitely put up "found cat" notices in the neighborhood. Also call all the local veterinarians, animal hospitals and animal control people to see if anyone has reported her missing. Basically contact all the places you would contact had you lost a pet ... but in reverse! You can put a free listing in most local papers - or at least their websites, saying "Found Cat." And there is a website https://www.lostmydoggie.com where you can see if any cats have been reported missing near you (by zip code) and also list her on their site for free. We recently learned of this service when we got a phone call about a cat missing in our area. Sadly, in our case, I suspect the coyotes that live in the conservation area next door, as every spring/summer a few cats seem to go missing, or small dogs too. I do wish people would keep their cats inside around here, as between the traffic and the wildlife, it just is not safe, and a spoiled housecoat is so match for most predators.

07-20-2014, 01:57 AM
All you can do is what Karen suggested... You can also try putting ads on Craigslist about the found cat as well as looking through craigslist ads for missing cats.

Keep in mind, though, that if you are feeding the cat, in a majority of states after a certain amount of time that means you are legally the owner (thanks Animal Cops for teaching me that!) so if you want to adopt her, great; if not, then I would recommend looking for a new home for her.

07-20-2014, 04:45 AM
I remember you. :) I can't add to what Karen and Jessica said, but I hope you'll find her family, or will keep her. Good luck!

07-20-2014, 10:19 AM
I can't add much to what was said, but definitely watch for "missing cat" signs and ads as well. Are there neighbourhood stores with public bulletin boards? They are a great place to look for these ads, and also to put up found notices. As for the big shelter - do they have a lost and found section?

Thank you for feeding her - poor girl! :love: She could starve before her family is found, if they ever are.

Just to screen for the actual people that say they own the cat, have them tell you the colour of collar she is wearing. And how she went missing, if you feel suspicious.

Not to be paranoid - just sayin'! ;)

I remember you, though! Isn't there a feral family that lives in a small shelter your family built in your back yard? :)

07-21-2014, 07:18 AM
Aw, just adopt her and keep her full and happy.

Seems it has been some time, if anyone was missing her they would have come across some of your postings about her by now.

Cats know a good home, and a not so good one. If she was THAT hungry, she either didn't want to go back or she couldn't -- sadly, sometimes folks move and just leave the cat to fend for itself.

You've had her a week, you've notified 4 local vets, posted at the PetsMart, talked with neighbors. Do check your local craigslist, look in both Lost n Found and Pets. If you post an ad about her, post in both places as well. I highly recommend you do NOT include a photo, let the person who contacts you describe her. This is one way to ensure the correct owner finds her.

After all this time, I wouldn't bother posting flyers, it will just get weirdos trying to get her from you. And we all know she is better off in a PT home!

Welcome back, post some pics of her and update us on everything!

07-21-2014, 09:45 AM
I have that problem in my neighborhopod as these Cats could be strays or lost.
If they are tooo hungry or in distress I take them in.
I pray I have not taken in a Pet.

07-21-2014, 01:22 PM
Aw, just adopt her and keep her full and happy.

Seems it has been some time, if anyone was missing her they would have come across some of your postings about her by now.

After all this time, I wouldn't bother posting flyers, it will just get weirdos trying to get her from you. And we all know she is better off in a PT home!

Welcome back, post some pics of her and update us on everything!

I disagree about this point - yes, it has been a week, but that is not necessarily a sign the person or people are not looking for her. This is summer, consider that her family may be on vacation and left her in someone else's care who was careless, or left her in someone's care who let her out thinking she or he was doing the right thing, but instead she thought, "This is not MY human - I must go find my real people, not this person!" ...

07-21-2014, 02:26 PM
My first thought was... feed the cat and keep her if you have space and love for her. I guess you should do some due diligence in trying to find previous owner but I myself would not go overboard trying to find owner, not if I really liked the cat. Poor cat must have been so hungry and thirsty. Does she act satisfied to be with you? or maybe happy to be with someone who gives her food and shelter? Good Luck!

07-21-2014, 04:26 PM
I disagree about this point - yes, it has been a week, but that is not necessarily a sign the person or people are not looking for her. This is summer, consider that her family may be on vacation and left her in someone else's care who was careless, or left her in someone's care who let her out thinking she or he was doing the right thing, but instead she thought, "This is not MY human - I must go find my real people, not this person!" ...
THIS, absolutely! Not every "lost" pet was lost by an irresponsible owner who isn't looking for him or her... sometimes stuff just happens.

Just a thought -- when they scanned for a microchip, did they scan the pet's ENTIRE body or just along the back/shoulder blades? And did they use a *newer* universal scanner? I have seen microchips end up in the most oddball places... down legs, on the belly, in front of the neck, etc. And if they are only using a scanner for the most popular brands of chips, it may not scan the chip at all.

Case in point... Nova has two microchips... one is an AKC brand chip (we are assuming) and the other is a HomeAgain chip. When the shelter took her in, their scanner did not pick up the AKC brand chip so they assumed she wasn't chipped and put another one in. When she went in for her spay, the vet clinic scanned her with their universal scanner and found two chips.

07-25-2014, 04:35 PM
Thank you for your responses. I carefully considered everything that was mentioned, and came to the conclusion that I need to feel like I have done "due diligence" to the point where I would feel like I had done enough. We put up more signs, I have faithfully checked Craigslist and local classified ads, and everyday done SOMETHING to try and locate her former owners. And I think we have done exactly that. Between my husband and I, we have spent hours, both together and separate and come up with no leads. We haven't received a single phone call from the signs in our neighborhood.

So, I think the next step we are going to take is making a vet appointment for her and get her checked. I'm a little suspicious that she might be pregnant...but I could be way wrong on that. I dunno.

We have gone ahead and named her Maisy. :love:

I also wanted to say that if we should find the owner, even after all of this, that she would go straight back to her owners.

07-25-2014, 04:50 PM
Thank you for your responses. I carefully considered everything that was mentioned, and came to the conclusion that I need to feel like I have done "due diligence" to the point where I would feel like I had done enough. We put up more signs, I have faithfully checked Craigslist and local classified ads, and everyday done SOMETHING to try and locate her former owners. And I think we have done exactly that. Between my husband and I, we have spent hours, both together and separate and come up with no leads. We haven't received a single phone call from the signs in our neighborhood.

So, I think the next step we are going to take is making a vet appointment for her and get her checked. I'm a little suspicious that she might be pregnant...but I could be way wrong on that. I dunno.

We have gone ahead and named her Maisy. :love:

I also wanted to say that if we should find the owner, even after all of this, that she would go straight back to her owners.

Aww, pretty name for a pretty kitty! :) And yes, I agree you have indeed done "due diligence," and am glad you are giving her a home and a vet appointment!