View Full Version : Chihuahua with Leg Injuries - Home after surgery

07-17-2014, 05:24 PM
IMOM.org is fundraising for Muneca, a 5 year old Chihuahua. Muneca needs surgery on her legs. Please help get the word out to all Chihuahua lovers. And, if you're in a position, please donate.

Her thread on IMOM is here: http://www.imom.org/community/index.php?showtopic=10307&hl=
To make a donation http://tinyurl.com/79og6jd.
Please include the name of the pet: Muneca Benitez

Here is the info from IMOM's site:

Muneca is a 5 year old Chihuahua. On the 4th of July she was frightened by fireworks and jumped from a 2nd floor window. Her forelegs did not break, but the ligaments were hyper-extended; her lower forelegs bent outward instead of back toward her body. This is a painful and debilitating condition that can be corrected with surgery.

Muneca’s owner is working with other organizations to raise much of what’s needed for the cost of surgery. IMOM has set a goal of donating $1300 to help this little dog. Can you help us reach that goal?

IMOM’s email address for direct Paypal donations is [email protected]. Be sure to let us know who your donation is for.

Please help Muneca by sharing a link to this page in social media, message boards, mailing lists, etc.


07-17-2014, 09:20 PM
Aww, poor little one!

07-18-2014, 05:03 PM
Update from IMOM: A member has issued a Matching Challenge for $200. The member (her name is Betsy) will match the next $200 that comes in dollar for dollar.
Please keep getting the word out. Muneca is in a lot of pain and has been for many days now.


FUND UPDATE: Muneca has $450 in donations and needs $915 more!
Muneca has a $200 Matching Challenge!

Thank you Elwen for sending in your match; thank you Betsy for your Matching Challenge; and thank you everyone for your Matching Challenges and donations so far! Okay, we're a third of the way there - I know we can do this so Muneca can get fixed up. Who will take some of Betsy's Matching Challenge? If you're unable to donate, please share, share, share on all your social media sites so we can get the word out to more people about this poor kitty.

If you are able to help, please go to http://tinyurl.com/79og6jd to make a donation; note for Muneca Benitez. If you prefer, you may also make a direct donation via PayPal by specifying [email protected] as the recipient. Don't forget to indicate Muneca's name when making your donation.

07-19-2014, 04:08 PM
Update from IMOM today:

FUND UPDATE: Muneca has $507 in donations and needs $858 more!

There is $143 left on the Matching Challenge!

Please Angels - If you would consider a donation to this little girl. She has been in pain since July 4th. She needs our help.

If you are able to help, please go to http://tinyurl.com/79og6jd to make a donation; note for Muneca Benitez. If you prefer, you may also make a direct donation via PayPal by specifying [email protected] as the recipient. Don't forget to indicate Muneca's name when making your donation.

Thank you!

07-22-2014, 10:24 AM
IMOM volunteers are still working hard to raise the funds for surgery. Please keep cross-posting. Thanks!

FUND UPDATE: Muneca has $909 in donations and needs $456 more!
$50 Of Muneca's $100 Matching Challenge has been met!

Thank you so much Jaz, and thank you Elwen for your Matching Challenge. Okay, you heard it - who can resist a double dog dare??? $50 is all that's left in the Matching Challenge, and then Elwen can send in the matching $$. We really need to help Muneca. She's been in this condition for so long. Please, please help. if you're unable to donate, please share.

If you are able to help, please go to http://tinyurl.com/79og6jd to make a donation; note for Muneca Benitez. If you prefer, you may also make a direct donation via PayPal by specifying [email protected] as the recipient. Don't forget to indicate Muneca's name when making your donation.

Thank you!

07-22-2014, 05:59 PM
Muneca's family has organized a fundraising bakesale and yardsale to try to raise additional funds for surgery.
http://www.imom.org/community/uploads/gallery/album_382/sml_gallery_31491_382_3293285.jpg http://www.imom.org/community/uploads/gallery/album_382/sml_gallery_31491_382_1249230.jpg

07-22-2014, 06:01 PM
Muneca isn't giving up...... Please cross-post

07-23-2014, 11:42 AM
The bake/yardsale must have been a big hit, because all funds have been raised. You can take Muneca off your worry list. :) Her legs are getting treated.

07-24-2014, 12:53 PM
LOL shes so cute. glad things worked out

07-25-2014, 04:18 PM
Muneca had surgery and is home recovering. While it's too soon to know if she'll make a full recovery, she is lapping up love from her family.
Thank you to all who donated or spread the word.
http://www.imom.org/community/uploads/gallery/album_382/sml_gallery_31491_382_2744891.jpg http://www.imom.org/community/uploads/gallery/album_382/sml_gallery_31491_382_1469043.jpg http://www.imom.org/community/uploads/gallery/album_382/sml_gallery_31491_382_2460565.jpg