View Full Version : Animal Legal Defense Fund

09-28-2001, 08:15 AM
Several people have posted recently inquiring about the legal rights of animals: What to do in cases of known abuse, whether to/how to report suspected abuse, companion animal "custody" issues, etc. Should anyone wish to make known their views on this important issue; to have heard their voice of commitment to these defenseless, voiceless victims of aubse, I am posting a link to a petition being circulated by the Animal Legal Defense Fund to be presented to the U.S. Congress. Thanks to all who sign. If you visit their site, I think you will find it very enlightening, heartbreakig, yet filled with hope.

[ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

09-28-2001, 09:27 AM
Thanks tats - I did sign this - here's another organization I can contribute to. You know every time I see a dead animal on the street, hear of abuse happening anywhere, I put some more change in my animal fund jar and at the end of the year send to it to my favorite organizations one being Best Friends Animal Sanctuary located in Kanab, Utah. Sadly though, my jar can consist of quite a big amount of change at the end of the year - maybe someday it will be empty and then I'll know that people are really doing something about our furry friends.

09-28-2001, 02:36 PM
Best Friends is so wonderful! It was on their board that I heard about Pet Talk. What incredible, amazing work they do. And, HUA, and, and!!! Sometimes you feel like you just can't do, help or give enough! Thank you for signing! Sandra

09-28-2001, 02:43 PM
Yes Sandra - Best Friends is so very wonderful they helped me place my kittens in good homes - my retirement dream is to sell my condo, buy a nice motor home and park it out in front of Best Friends and volunteer and foster babies until I die.

09-28-2001, 02:53 PM
Purrley! I've wanted to do that for the longest time! How great it would be to see all those once homeless, unloved and "unwanted" furkids, "problem" dogs, FLv kittys, etc., and know that FOREVER, until they cross, they will be loved and treated like royalty! And such great volunteer and education programs! They actually have volunteer oriented vacation packages, where you can stay or camp near the grounds and spend your days taking classes, caring for the creatures, hiking, seeing the Natl. Park, etc. Someday! Let me know if you go!! :)

[ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

09-29-2001, 09:03 AM
I signed and sent an e-mail to my friends to sign, too.

09-29-2001, 09:32 AM
Thank you Sue! Love to Killian and Shiloh :)

09-29-2001, 10:23 PM
I gladly signed the petition !!Thank You
for posting the link. All The Best. Liz.

09-29-2001, 11:18 PM
That's a great move to have an animals' Bill of Rights. If the US Congress takes up the petition, it will be a great inspiration to the rest of the world to do something similar.
Purrley, I like your idea about the money jar. And your retirement dream of parking your motor-home outside the animals shelters & helping the animals is wonderful.
Would you ever consider spending some of your retirement time travelling in Australia???

09-30-2001, 11:05 AM
Purrley, your retirement dream sounds a little like mine. I was hoping the HUA would build a retirement village real near their shelter, and then us oldies could walk over and volunteer our time with all the furkids who are there. Of course this retirement village would be pet friendly, especially designed for people with pets....lots of outdoor space. In return, if we could no longer care for our own furkids, HUA would help out by seeing that they found new homes or could live at the shelter.