View Full Version : I'm a "grandma" to two baby robins - Photos added

07-11-2014, 12:34 PM
Bird enthusiasts, I need your help!

I have an air conditioner in the living room that goes through the wall. I have not been out on the balcony very much this summer, though I have opened the sliding door a lot. I've heard scratching and faint chirping that seemed to be coming from inside the air conditioner. :confused: When I left for work today, there was a robin on the curb, and (s)he flew right up to my air conditioner -- and I saw two little baby bird heads peeking from a nest on my air conditioner! I'm a "grandma"! I probably shouldn't go out on the balcony at all, right? Just open the door and try to hear the babies? I don't want to scare them. But I'm so proud to be a double "grandma"! The robin parents picked my air conditioner to build their nest :) Do robins reuse their nests year after year, or should I try to take the nest down when the babies and their parents are gone? Any help or advice would be terrific! I don't want to harm them.

Thank you so much,

Edited to add- if you look closely you can see the baby bird's dark eye down in the nest. He is looking to the right.

07-11-2014, 01:19 PM
First you need to get photos of the babies, and share with us!

Then, I suggest you wait till the babies have flown off and remove the nest, lol.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-11-2014, 03:05 PM
First you need to get photos of the babies, and share with us!

Then, I suggest you wait till the babies have flown off and remove the nest, lol.

LOL, this spoken like a true Pettalker!!

PICS! PICS! PICS!!!!!!!!!!

07-11-2014, 03:24 PM
When the babies have left, you can remove the nest. Robins usually build a new nest each year,m and sometimes will build multiples. If you do not want her nesting there again, you will have to effectively block her access to the spot.

Robins can be quite stubborn. Dad one year had a robin trying to build a nest on the ladder hanging in his garage. Mind you there are plenty of trees to choose from, so he destroyed the nest and moved the ladder several time, even putting it an an angle to discourage her. She still built a nest there!