View Full Version : Went to Pooches in the Ballpark :)

06-23-2014, 06:55 PM
Each year, the St. Louis Cardinals holds an annual "Pooches in the Ballpark" where you can buy special all-inclusive tickets to attend a ball game with your pooch. Tickets benefit local humane societies and you get to walk around the field in a parade before the game in front of everybody :D

This is our second year going. Last year it was not a good experience... we brought Jamie and she did GREAT around the crowds and other dogs... up until about the 4th or 5th inning when our section was chosen to be the "balloon section" and so they brought out balloons and people were waving them around... Jamie got so freaked out by them waving and popping that we had to leave... not to mention shooting off fireworks for home runs (she did not have fire work anxiety at that time, but I'm sure other dogs did!!!)

They sent a survey after the game last year asking about our experience and I told them why I was not happy.

This year we decided to go again and bring Nova. She is a lot younger and was VERY anxious around all the car and foot traffic but settled down after awhile. The best part of the thing is that we were able to stay for the ENTIRE game... no balloons... AND they did not shoot off fireworks for our home run like they usually do!!! AAAND... Nova and I were up on the jumbotron... My dogs on jumbotron - 3. Me on jumbotron - technically 0.

A lot of other MLB teams have similar events at their stadiums so if you're interested I would look into it... but be forewarned, tickets for the Cardinals' one sold out in less than 10 minutes... so you have to act fast!

Now... the real reason I know why you're here... the pictures!!!

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/q80/s720x720/10343527_10152561201284048_4459078145555421275_n.j pg
Near first plate with the arch in the background!

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10469321_10152561364674048_8356780983507158005_n.j pg?oh=893ad43bb3411fe7e352f1628cff9f13&oe=5411E1F9
Tuckered out while watching the game

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/p180x540/10300242_10152561466504048_1193571746620015073_n.j pg
Danny carrying her through the crowd on our way back to the car afterwards

06-23-2014, 07:56 PM
Aww, how fun! I am glad they listened to your feedback from last year! :) Looks like everyone had a great time!

06-24-2014, 06:52 AM
Jaimie looks so festive! Love her outfit, you did a great job. And the first photo, with the Arch, is perfect!

So glad you went to this and had a good time!

06-24-2014, 09:34 AM
Our local team does do this. And the shelter I volunteer with actually sponsors it. But I have not attended and probably won't (at least not as long as Zoee is around). Zoee would not do good AT ALL and I would feel bad leaving her home alone and taking Taggart.
But I think it is a great idea! And I love seeing pictures. :D

06-24-2014, 04:11 PM
Nova is gorgeous! What a fun night, I loved the pictures. I bet it was a lot of fun. Is Nova a new pooch? And I noticed your siggy with Charlie in it...did you happen to get him back?

06-24-2014, 09:36 PM
Thank you, everyone! I love going to this event... it is a lot of fun. There surprisingly weren't any trouble-makers, but I guess if you pay as much as you do for these tickets that you won't show up with your "bad" dog and risk being thrown out.

And I will also say... tulle is a pain to work with... I made her that tulle skirt and I don't think I will ever make one again!

Alysser, no, I don't have him back and I probably won't ever get him back or see him again, except by some crazy miracle. :( The photo in my sig was taken a few years ago, probably taken on the last day the whole group was together like this.

Yes... Nova is our new pup we adopted in January. I started agility with her this month and she is doing SO GREAT at it... I cannot wait to see her potential.