View Full Version : Infuriating Article; Anyone up for writing a letter of complaint?

12-16-2002, 12:40 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
(received by email)

December 11, 2002

Mmm... pit bull for dinner: Moves to phase out ownership of pit bulls are not happening fast enough

Fancy some pit bull pie? Or perhaps a slice of terrier terrine?

The thought of chomping into the cooked flesh of an american pit bull terrier may turn your stomach, but the Koreans haven’t got it all wrong.

Killing the pit bull for human consumption is far preferable to keeping them as pets

American pit bull terriers are a menace and should not be kept in any back yard in this state, let alone be allowed to walk through our parks and streets.

The fact is, these vile animals are genetically programmed to kill.

And no amount of bleating from owners who make claims such as, “But little Hannibal is so cute and adorable that he wouldn’t harm a flea”, changes a thing.

The american pit bull is deadly. Once that instinct to kill is triggered- weather it be by a small child or a fluffy white dog- the creature becomes a raging monster.

And at least one council in Victoria has recognised that brutal fact.

In the municipality of Hobsons Bay- which includes areas such as Williamstown, Altona and Laverton- it is no longer possible to register a new american pit bull terrier.

Only pit bulls which are now registered are permitted, which means that, over time, pit bull ownership in this part of Melbourne will be phased out.

Recent amendments to the Victorian Domestic (Feral and Nuisance) Animals Act giver all councils the power to phase out this dangerous breed of dog.

So why haven’t more councils acted?

The new laws are now in place, so there are simply no more excuses.

The new legislation automatically deems pit bulls to be dangerous dogs, wether or not they have a history of aggressive behaviour.

There are now much tougher rules on how dangerous dogs must be enclosed. Pit bull owners face fines of up to $12,000 if their animals attack.

But there are still holes in the regulations.

According to the RSPCA president Hugh Wirth, moves to forcibly de-sex all pit bulls in Victoria- rejected by the State Opposition- were a retrograde step.

And the legislation does not cover crossbreeds, which can be dangerous.

There are also problems at a federal level. While the importation of the american pit bull into Australia is banned- along with that of several other exotic and fierce breeds- not enough is being done to police the prohibition laws.

Dr. Wirth says some pit bull owners have managed to escape the import prohibitions by making false declarations s to the breed of dog being imported.

And he claims the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service is failing to adequately investigate such declarations.

And what about the owners themselves?

What type of person would want to keep an animal which has only one purpose in life- to attack and kill?

In my view, the typical pit bull owner enjoys the fear that their “pet” evokes in others.

I am sure there are a few decent pit bull owners out there, but I am afraid I haven’t seen any.

And what’s with those “mini-me” collars- the ones that are covered in silver spikes and worn around the neck of both master and dog?

Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, does it?

So, if you are not living in the municipality of Hobsons Bay and want to be assured that you and your children can walk the streets and play in the park in relative safety, then start petitioning your local council.

Otherwise, maybe the solution is to rely on the culinary traditions of the South Koreans.

Yum, yum.

[email protected]

SARAH HENDERSON is a lawyer and director of Kudos Management Group

If you want to contact the author or the paper:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Sarah Henderson, the author [email protected]
Sarah Can be contacted at 03 9866 2310
S M Henderson
37 Tyronne St
South Yarra, Victoria, 3141

12-16-2002, 12:48 PM
Good gracious - we NEED to all write this woman.

12-16-2002, 12:49 PM
:eek: :mad:

That about sums it up...

12-16-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
(received by email)

December 11, 2002

American pit bull terriers are a menace and should not be kept in any back yard in this state, let alone be allowed to walk through our parks and streets.

The fact is, these vile animals are genetically programmed to kill.

And no amount of bleating from owners who make claims such as, “But little Hannibal is so cute and adorable that he wouldn’t harm a flea”, changes a thing.

The american pit bull is deadly. Once that instinct to kill is triggered- weather it be by a small child or a fluffy white dog- the creature becomes a raging monster.

"Genetically programmed to kill!" Who made her the genetics expert!! :mad:

While I don't agree with the Korean Culinary preferences, I am not going to attack their culture for traditions they may have. But suggesting the rest of the world serve up pitbulls is just ignorant! This Sarah is a real stupid woman.

This article makes my bood boil!

12-16-2002, 01:13 PM
Here's my letter to that stupid woman.

Ms. Henderson,

I would like to tell you how offensive your article about Pit Bulls was. Pit Bulls are great dogs who are loving members of many families. The people who train them to be aggressive are the ones at fault. Any dog can be trained to be aggressive. And the thought of eating a member of my family, which is how my animals are treated, absolutely disgusts me. My husband and I have 18 rescue dogs, 2 of whom are Pit mixes and would never think of harming them in any way.

I certainly hope that you are NOT a pet owner, because if you are, I feel sorry for your animals since it is obvious that they are nothing but property. It also appears obvious that you have no respect for the lives of animals. Perhaps you might rethink your ideas and open your mind a little bit.

Thank you,

12-16-2002, 01:14 PM
If my niece sees this article she will go ballistic!! She is the proud owner of one of the sweetest Pits you would ever want to meet. Her name is Bella and she is the dearest dog.

This woman is just plain ignorant and as someone said - who made her an authority!

I fully realize that it is within the Korean culture to eat dogs - but to even make the comparison with American Pit Bulls is disgusting.

All of us should write back!

Thanks, Zippy

Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
(received by email)

December 11, 2002

... Moves to phase out ownership of pit bulls are not happening fast enough; by SARAH HENDERSON

If you want to contact the author or the paper:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Sarah Henderson, the author [email protected]
Sarah Can be contacted at 03 9866 2310
S M Henderson
37 Tyronne St
South Yarra, Victoria, 3141

The problem with attempting to argue with or object to what Idiots like this write, or Publishers publish -
Is that they are too biased to even consider your agruments...

It's like trying to reason with a Misbehaving FurKid...
You rationally state your point - or objection to bad behavior
(or biased / inflammatory writing), and

... They cock their head to the side and give you
a blank stare -
as if to say "And your Point is/was...???"

:mad: :rolleyes: :mad:

/s/ Phred

12-16-2002, 02:45 PM
I hope Kay ann can keep from getting too upset from this article. I just can't imagine eating Simba. That is just NASTY to think about. This woman needs a night out in the wilds here to know about freoius animals. A cute little grizzly hugging her (nice pic huh) makes me smile.

12-16-2002, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
. A cute little grizzly hugging her (nice pic huh) makes me smile.

Yes, a grizzly would be good, but since she is from Australia, maybe we could get her together with that Animal Planet guy that no one likes - and he could introduce her to a few crocodiles.

12-16-2002, 05:40 PM
I can't believer this woman... she doesn't even deserve to be called that... that "thing then. How could she write such a thing.
zippy-zat, and other Pet Talkers, I think we can do something about this. I am sorry, but I think that some other people besides the people on Pet Talk need to see this, especialy Pitt Bull owners. I can not even think about this... well, exept for the part where we are going to act!

That makes me so mad!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Ms. Henderson had no right to do such a thing! :mad:

Aspen and Misty
12-16-2002, 07:09 PM
Here is my email...

I don't not agree with your paper about pittbulls. They are in Fact a very sweet breed who do not live up to there reputation. They are a breed that needs a strong hand to controlle them but a pitt bull in the right hands can be a wonderful family pet. Weither the kids are old or young or its just an older couple looking for compainionship. If a golden were to bite someone I'm sure the person would not report it unless it was a bad bite. If a pitt bull were to bite someone the report would be sent in the next day and the dog would be put to sleep right away.


12-16-2002, 07:28 PM
Urg, thats just stupid. Any dog can be a nice sweet caring dog if in the right home/environment..these dogs were brought up bad by some people so they got this pathedic reputation..I've seen pits that were the sweetest dogs, I don't see how she can say that, she's obviously not done her fair side of investigating this..if any..

12-16-2002, 08:06 PM
I agree with Cinder and Smoke/Phred,

You can't expect this person, biased as she is, to seriously
listen to anyone with a differing opinion. That shouldn't stop
anyone from writing to say how absolutely stupid & insensitive
we think she is. She's not at all funny:mad:

12-17-2002, 03:03 PM
i was kinda laughing at this as i read it. how stupid can you be? just shows how much this woman knows...ugh!:mad:

but she wouldn't care what we have to say, just like i don't care what she has to say. i still think pits and all dogs can only be "dangerous" because of the conditions they live in or because of how they are treated or trained. i don't need one stupid article by one stupid woman to change my mind about that.

12-17-2002, 11:13 PM
what a sick woman!!!
Too bad her parents weren't spayed and neutered!

12-17-2002, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Too bad her parents weren't spayed and neutered!

Staci! :eek: LOL :D :D