View Full Version : Limping dog

06-02-2014, 11:49 AM
We were playing with our dog ( 2 year old shihtzu mix) he was running like crazy and all of a sudden he yelped, and has been limping every since. He doesn't whine it doesn't hurt when you touch his leg.any ideas as to what it is. He has a vet appt. just wondering what to expect

06-02-2014, 11:59 AM
We were playing with our dog ( 2 year old shihtzu mix) he was running like crazy and all of a sudden he yelped, and has been limping every since. He doesn't whine it doesn't hurt when you touch his leg.any ideas as to what it is. He has a vet appt. just wondering what to expect

Sounds like he may have pulled a muscle - hopefully that's all it is, and is easily diagnosed and fixed. There are other possibilities, too numerous to mention - think of all the things human athletes get in their knees ...