View Full Version : Spring has sprung!

05-12-2014, 02:00 PM
Warm enough to work today with all the window open, although it is just one day, and the temps will drop with the coming rain tomorrow, it really seems like summer is on its way. After the winter we had, it seemed dubious for a while there!

05-12-2014, 02:55 PM
Here in central NC, it will probably reach 90 today. We had spring then summer, back to spring, now summer temps again. 90 is too hot here for May but we take what we get. It is supposed to be cooler later this week. I'm sitting here with the a/c on. Oh, I forgot to mention the POLLEN this spring is terrible. Right now I have a cough and laryngitis probably from allergies and pollen. Anyway I'm glad winter is over!!

05-12-2014, 03:55 PM
Parts of Colorado got 4" of SNOW over night!!

05-12-2014, 04:22 PM
It's humid here in NJ, I am already dreading it. ;)

05-12-2014, 05:11 PM
It's humid here in NJ, I am already dreading it. ;)

It is kind of humid today, and was 86° earlier, but I know the temperature will drop drastically overnight, it is only supped to be in the mid-fifties tomorrow!

05-12-2014, 06:13 PM
It was hot and humid here today - must have been around 90, but I wasn't home all day so didn't check the temps. It's still 83 right now and very overcast with rain moving in for at least tomorrow. Temps are supposed to be in high 70's and then later on in the week,, dropping to highs in the 60's. I hate this hot weather, and when I got back from Baltimore at around 6 p.m. - it was miserably hot in the house - even with windows open and fans on. Wolfy was panting like he had just waked across the Sahara Desert, and the kitties were laying all sprawled out and looking pathetic. They all need the a.c. turned on more than I do! :rolleyes:

05-12-2014, 10:30 PM
I skipped grocery shopping and just ate leftover cake for lunch today because it was 90ish and my car has no air conditioning. -_-

05-13-2014, 05:17 AM
We got a tornado warning yesterday afternoon. I was stuck in a bathroom at the library for an hour.

05-13-2014, 11:31 AM
I skipped grocery shopping and just ate leftover cake for lunch today because it was 90ish and my car has no air conditioning. -_-

And it's only getting hotter as the week goes on! I just hope it cools off by this weekend. I am busy and the dogs will be home alone, I don't want it to be too hot. Plus I will be outside on Sunday too.

Cathy, if you're bored and want to drive to Walnut Creek, Animals on Broadway (called Animals OFF Broadway this year) is going on at Heather Farms on Sunday! :) I'll be working the ARF booth.

05-14-2014, 07:47 AM
Yesterday it was sunny, hot and humid. Today it's overcast, damp and chilly. I had to go around closing windows since I was cold, and yesterday they were all open and fans running and I was hot. Tomorrow??? - forecast is for hot and humid again. :rolleyes: I hate this back and forth nonsense.

05-16-2014, 06:20 AM
It's 40F this morning and raining. My toe hurts from when I broke it a very long time ago, and my ankle hurts from when I broke that. It's supposed to be 60 on Sunday, though, so that will be nice.

Edited to add: 4 PM - it's 43F, wind chill 37F, with a frost advisory overnight. Come back, spring!