View Full Version : #584? Time to go 'Caveman' for the season?

05-08-2014, 06:25 PM
It's hotter than sin today. The humidity is creeping up and the windows to the bar have officially opened up to air out the place.

Since it's too hot to fire up the stove, I am going to adhere to the time honored tradition and ask the ladies to sit down, have a drink while
I make a fire, toss on some protein, veggies....Just like in the caveman days!

It is the first official cookout of the season and I'd like to offer up a cool Gin and Tonic or a glass of cold mint sun tea.

I am making chicken, with a veggie mix of bell peppers, onions, and broccoli with parmesan cheese and olive oil....

If you like, you can dress up in faux animal togas to make it more festive?


05-08-2014, 06:43 PM
Wow, today was so nice out today (as in above 70 degrees for much of the afternoon) we kept the door open (sliding glass door) with just the screen for most of the afternoon!

I am sure the Orc would help tend the grill, Richard! Are you yet accustomed to heat that has humidity with it? I know that NOT how California heat generally is!

Can we toast marshmallows afterwards?

Lady's Human
05-08-2014, 11:14 PM
Can I serve up the marshmallows with the launcher? :p

05-09-2014, 10:55 AM
Can I serve up the marshmallows with the launcher? :p

You betcha.

I think a radio with a baseball game should be on the menu, too.


I am comeing to terms with the humidity....the heat doesn't bother me......:eek:

05-09-2014, 04:41 PM
Not the hockey playoffs? ;) Just kidding, hot weather is baseball weather. We have cool and drizzly today - good thing the game's in Texas this evening!

05-09-2014, 07:01 PM
Oh, good! I'll make iced tea and find a clip of Phil Hartman's SNL "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer".

05-09-2014, 11:25 PM
It's getting warmer where I am and I'm craving a double BM with an skewer of prawns and cherry toms. Whenever the sun shines I think of sittin' in Gini's back yard staring up a the maple tree.. Now I stare up at the sky and talk to her all the time.

05-10-2014, 12:55 AM
Tiny burritos for all! I like burritos. Rodney likes burritos. Even the cats like chicken burritos! (Found that out by accident because I dropped some on the floor and Spook nommed it quicker than I've ever seen her eat people food. I guess there's a reason why Spook follows me around whenever I make them! :rolleyes: :o )

05-10-2014, 05:45 PM
Heavy humidity, warm temps and thunder overhead- NOW it feels like summer will come! I know not to expect it to last, but the first big thunderstorms of the season are always a turning point, it seems!

Drag the grill under an overhang (burgers don;t like getting rained on), and let's get something cooking! ;)

05-12-2014, 02:55 PM
Not the hockey playoffs? ;) Just kidding, hot weather is baseball weather. We have cool and drizzly today - good thing the game's in Texas this evening!

I can't watch hockey - Now I see how soccer/football fans can get so up tight over a 1-0 game, It doesn't help that the two So Cal teams are facing off?

Yes, Baseball.......

I LOVE thunderstorms.....The weather is a spectacular thing here.

More fire and burgers......brats too.



I'll have to look the CML up.....




Double BM, prawn and a cherry tomato.
Whenever I see a rose bush I think about Gini's roses. She was so proud of her plants!

One day she asked me if I like her "bette midler" (It probably wasn't a bette midler bush, but, for some reason that is the name I remember?).

I thought "WTH is she talking about".........; )



Burritos and tacos......fresh off the grill.

Yes, chikin is a cat's best friend.


05-12-2014, 03:21 PM
Maybe soccer isn't so bad........


05-14-2014, 08:59 PM
Baseball, hockey, sooo much for a Boston sports fan tonight, but I had my very first strawberry frappe of the season during a road trip this evening!