View Full Version : Kentucky Derby Catmobile Fun

04-14-2014, 07:27 PM
Dear PT Kitty Friends ... Cassie would like to know if the Catmobile and its guests are planning to go to the Kentucky Derby this year! It is on May 3 and 4 at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. There are also other interesting things to do there. She would like to see the horses (of course!) and nibble on some cat-mint. And try on hats!

So, if the Catmobile is going, Cassie would like to join in. :love:

Pinot's Mom
04-14-2014, 07:32 PM
Of course it's a tradition! Catmobile is all reserved. Contact me for reservations.

Purrs, Pinot :)

04-15-2014, 12:04 AM
I'm sad because I don't have an excited kitty who wants to join the fun. I'll be watching this thread though!!!:love::love:

04-15-2014, 07:09 AM
Hey, you guys! Edward - the kitty who owns Pet Talker Richard LIVES in Kentucky - you might want to check with him as to particularly good Kentucky fun spots!

04-15-2014, 09:31 AM
Yes , we all love pomp , ceremony , the horses and Southern Cooking.
We are so there!!!!!!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:

04-15-2014, 01:00 PM
My boys, as usual, will be there. Will Kimba be needing his bagpipes? Mac will be bringing his glove, bat, and ball in case Frankie wants to get in a little practice.:D

04-15-2014, 02:38 PM
Oh, yes, Kimba should definitely bring the pipes. Bob and Elmer have been practicing "My Old Kentucky Home" on theirs.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-16-2014, 03:59 PM
Snoopy is not into hourses, so I will keep her here at home.
Maya, Inka & Zazou, are very excited to come!
Inka is already waiting at our front door; I think she cannot wait to see her new boyfriend in real for the fist time!!! ;)

04-16-2014, 04:23 PM
My boys, as usual, will be there. Will Kimba be needing his bagpipes? Mac will be bringing his glove, bat, and ball in case Frankie wants to get in a little practice.:D

My gang are raring to go as it were. Frankie never leaves home without his baseball gear so would love to play with Mac and any other kitty who wants to join in. :)

The girls can't wait to shop for the big hats that are a 'must' on Derby Day!!!

They are looking forward to meeting the new horses that will be there this year.

The best part will be catching up with all their friends and meeting new ones. :love:

04-16-2014, 05:34 PM
The Princess and Franklin are rarin' to go! Chelsea can't wait to go shopping with the girls and of course Franklin will bring bagpipes and ball gear. He has been working on "My Old Kentucky Home" ...a lot.....my neighbors are not amused....:rolleyes:

04-18-2014, 10:48 PM
The Edster would love to host a Catmobile full of kitties for the Derby.

I do not have my computer at the moment, but Ed would love to give you some tips and 'flavor' of the stuff needed to have a good time!!

04-29-2014, 12:05 PM
Hey everyone,

Ed and Tucker are ready to give some guided tours around the city and race track.

Mint juleps are the drink of the Derby and hopefully this irritating weather will be over and done with before saturday and the "big race".

I think a stop for a Hot Brown sandwich should be th first stop on the tour!!!!

04-29-2014, 01:51 PM
Luke and Leia, and brother Harley too, would just love this, but I think maybe they are a wee bit young for gallivanting yet. They just turned 5 months old. Besides, Princess Leia has an appointment on Friday that she isn't even aware of - out come the grown up kitty parts. She's gonna hate me for sure, and Luke and Harley will need to be here to comfort her hurt feelings - and belly! :eek: :p Maybe they can make some future trip. ;)

04-30-2014, 11:30 AM
Louisville is the home of the Louisville Slugger baseball bat company, we also have a minor league team affiliated with the Cincinnati Reds. Slugger Field is a beautiful baseball park here in town.

Tonight is the Steamboat Race and tomorrow is the Pegasus Parade! They will also pick the starting spots for the Derby tonight at 5 p.m.

There is tons to do here leading up to the Race!!!!

I think we'll have to squeeze in a trip to go hat shopping too!


One thing about the derby is that it's not just one race on Saturday. The Oaks Races are held on Friday night and there are something like 13 races on Saturday.....

04-30-2014, 01:52 PM
Inka is already waiting at our front door; I think she cannot wait to see her new boyfriend in real for the fist time!!! ;)

Hi fellow kitties,
If it's not too late, I'd love to join all of you for the trip. I never met a real horsie before and it sounds like fun. My fiddle is being polished up and tuned to purrfection, my lessons are going very well. Right now I'm learning to play "Run For the Roses" by Dan Fogelberg, a quite pretty song about horsies. What do I need to bring along with my fiddle and baseball stuff? If I'll need sunglasses please let me know so I can tell Meowmie to get me some at the mall.

Oh Inka, I'm soooo happy to know that you're coming too. I can't wait to meet you in purrson and I hope we'll have some down time so we can get to know each other.

I really hope it's not too late to join all of you. We all had so much fun on my first Catmobile trip and I can't wait to do it again. Hope to see all of you soon.

Your bud,

Pinot's Mom
04-30-2014, 06:11 PM
Oh, oh I'm so sorry I haven't reported in, so busy with connections and reservations!! Edster and I have been planning a very special trip for all. Amigo, of course you're coming - I already planned your pick up. We hit the road tomorrow, kitties, report in!

Purrs, Pinot

04-30-2014, 07:39 PM
Oh, oh I'm so sorry I haven't reported in, so busy with connections and reservations!! Edster and I have been planning a very special trip for all. Amigo, of course you're coming - I already planned your pick up. We hit the road tomorrow, kitties, report in!

Purrs, Pinot

Oh thank you, Pinot! I'm so excited and can't wait for the Catmobile to get here. I'm packing now and Soncat is out getting cheezburgers for everyone to have while we're on the road. Meowmie just got home from something at church so while she was gone I "borrowed" her credit card. Meowmie said that when the Catmobile gets here everyone is invited in to stretch out a bit, have a snack, a litter box pit stop, and a nice cool drink.
Ready when you are!

Your bud,

04-30-2014, 08:36 PM
The pipers and dancer are all looking forward to piping the horsies in to the track!

Poppy and Sparkler have beautiful new hats they'll be wearing.


05-01-2014, 12:10 AM
My boys are ready, well, more than ready, to go! Can the Catmobile hold all of my boys "stuff"? (bagpipes, some L.A. sushi and pizzas, and all that baseball paraphrenalia).:rolleyes:

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-01-2014, 02:21 PM
Cannot find my credit card anywhere.....:eek: and I cannot find Inka either....:confused:

Pinot's Mom
05-01-2014, 05:25 PM
My boys are ready, well, more than ready, to go! Can the Catmobile hold all of my boys "stuff"? (bagpipes, some L.A. sushi and pizzas, and all that baseball paraphrenalia).:rolleyes:

It always has! Bring it on!

05-01-2014, 06:41 PM
My house is strangely quiet. Chester is the only one here. I am assuming they are with the catmobile.

Richard, please make sure Frankie's mint juleps are liquor fee!!! He's still my baby!! I feel sorry for you taking my girls hat shopping!!! They can spend hours shopping!!!:love:

05-01-2014, 08:23 PM
Hi fellow purrents,
When the Catmobile came by for Amigo, all the kitties accepted our invitation to come in for a rest. Not to worry Lut and MoFF, everyone is accounted for and safe. But I can't speak to missing credit cards though. Our travellers enjoyed their brief stay, we love having them here. The cheezburgers Soncat got on his way home from work were gone almost as soon as he walked in the door. Trenton's Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe provided a buffet of tasty Scottish treats which brought the bagpipes out. Soncat and I were treated to a wonderful concert and they even worked Amigo's fiddle into their program. Spencer, the manager of the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe, was most impressed and taught them a new song from Scotland. By the way, Sparkler was fantastic! She was a bit concerned about getting her dancing shoes polished though.
As they were preparing to get back on the road, I heard Frankie on the phone talking to Amigo's friend Boo. Frankie said something to the others, I heard a cheer and a yes - Boo will be joining them.
A few of the girl kitties were telling me about their new beautiful hats and their plans to go shopping when they get to Kentucky. And without naming any names, they said they strongly suspect there will be a new PT romance before the trip is over.
They took off about a half hour ago with the left-over Scottish treats. I reminded them to be sure to contact their purrents while they're away. Please let us know if you hear from your sweetie?

05-01-2014, 09:38 PM
Sounds like they are already having a ton of fun. I forgot to mention: have plenty of tissues around for Winnie and Angel if they hear "Run for the Roses". It is such a beautiful song, it makes them cry. ( me too in fact) :o

05-01-2014, 10:41 PM
Hey everyone,

Ed and Tucker are ready to give some guided tours around the city and race track.

Mint juleps are the drink of the Derby and hopefully this irritating weather will be over and done with before saturday and the "big race".

I think a stop for a Hot Brown sandwich should be th first stop on the tour!!!! What the heck is a hot Brown sandwich???? :confused:

05-02-2014, 02:12 AM
My two never call...sigh....just as long as they are safe and having a good time... Somehow the credit card bill will get paid...:rolleyes:

05-02-2014, 10:23 AM
What the heck is a hot Brown sandwich???? :confused:

What is a Hot Brown? GOOD!!!!!



I heard a car horn in the front yard early this morning and the Edster is gone, so I think that the Catmobile has made it's way to the track----the Oaks Races are in full swing.....

05-04-2014, 06:30 AM
Text from Cassie ...

Hi Meowm
We are at Churchill Downs
The weather is beautiful and so many people are wearing hats!
Did you see the horses and jockeys entering one by one?
Did you see the race?
Guess what I drank, some cat-mint tea!
Have to go, many more interesting things planned for us to do

05-05-2014, 02:27 PM
We got a text from Amigo:

Hi family,
There's so much excitement here and we're having a blast! Wow, those horsies can run so fast. It was great to meet them, they're so big! Well, after the race they took each of us for a ride on their backs and showed us places nobody is allowed to go. Then they took us to the race place where we had pretend races with the horsies. From there we went to where they stay and had a blow out party - lots of food, music, dancing, and just hanging out. I met a pretty kitty girl named Inka, she is so nice. We danced together most of the night and went for a walk together too. I like her more than a lot. The bagpipers sounded super and the fans gave them a standing ovation. Then we did a concert at the party and the horsies were so impressed they asked us to send them our CD. You should see the horsies dance to the Alley Cat.
Well, the party just ended and the sun is coming up. Time for us to go to sleep, we're so tired. Inka and I have plans for the morning and I can't wait. Frankie is organizing a baseball game for the afternoon and the girl kitties will be our cheerleaders. Don't know when I'll be home so don't worry. Cassie told us Pinot has something fun planned but she won't tell us what it is. See you whenever.


05-05-2014, 05:35 PM
My sister said that her young Alan M. Hill has been practicing and developing his skills at Sean Nos singing. He wants to follow in the pawsteps of his beloved predecessor Nelson, now a glorious Angel.

It brought tears to my eyes to hear him singing "My Old Kentucky Home" to bagpipe accompaniment.

05-06-2014, 07:49 PM
What is a Hot Brown? GOOD!!!!!


I read about the Hot Brown on the link, Richard. I'd love to try one...or two. Do they deliver to Trenton? Maybe Amigo will bring a few home, I'll text him and ask since he apparently has my credit card which gives him no excuse to deny his Meowmie such a big treat.

05-10-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi fellow purrents,
Just wondering - has anyone heard from their Catmobile adventurer? Our calls to Amigo go straight to his voice mail. The Catmobile does have a history of taking side trips, it's part of the tradition. Does anyone know where they are?

05-11-2014, 01:00 PM
Not a clue. All I've gotten is a smiley face. Maybe they're headed to Pimlico for the Preakness? Mac and Kimba are so proud of California Chrome representing our state so wonderfully!:D Perhaps they followed him to Baltimore.

05-13-2014, 01:57 AM
All I get are the bills at the end of the month....lol

05-14-2014, 01:46 PM
Hmmmm... The Preakness is this Saturday... I am sure Cassie would like to see more horsies. Then Victoria Day is on May 19 and I am sure she would like to go up to Catada for that.

05-14-2014, 03:33 PM
My gang are all in for both occasions... bagpipes and dancing shoes all packed.


05-15-2014, 09:29 PM
We got a text from Amigo this morning.

"Hi family, we're having way too much fun and doing all kinds of neat things. Sparkler taught the horsies how to do the Alley Cat dance and a few of us kitties learned it too. Our band is very much in demand, I played Run for the Roses with a back-up by the bagpipers. It sounded great and everyone liked it a lot. Inka is soo nice and today we're going to have lunch together, we had dinner together last night. Pinot and Cassie are talking to the Catmobile driver now about something but nobody knows what they're talking about. Frankie just organized another baseball game so I have to go play center field.


Maya & Inka's mommy
05-22-2014, 07:15 AM
Inka just let me know not to worry about her being away for such a long time; she also said she would take "good care" of my credit card, and also that she needed that card to get some "girlie stuff"...... ! Whatever that may be???
She signed her message by "Amigo:love:Inka......!

05-22-2014, 10:26 AM
Inka just let me know not to worry about her being away for such a long time; she also said she would take "good care" of my credit card, and also that she needed that card to get some "girlie stuff"...... ! Whatever that may be???
She signed her message by "Amigo:love:Inka......!

When the Catmobile is around, it seems there's no hiding our credit cards. Amigo let it slip that he learned how to get mine from a few of the other kitties on his first Catmobile trip. Amigo did mention that he and Inka got "his and hers" matching sunglasses. As for the use of my credit card, Amigo said he'll pay me back as soon as he graduates from kitty law school.

Amigo did say they don't know when they'll be heading home since a new stop has been added. The travelers plan to stop by the ASPCA Hospital to visit King. He's the poor kitty that was brutally kicked 20' by a bad human who thought it was funny. Our crew will share their treats with King and they got him some new toys. They also want to let him know that he doesn't have to be afraid and soon he'll have a furever home where he'll be loved, safe, and very well cared for.

05-22-2014, 12:05 PM
What a beautiful thing for the Catmobile kitties to do! My four are looking forward so much to visiting King. They plan to put on a special performance for him, and the other kitties and doggies and other animals on the ward. They will even teach him how to join in, if he feels up to it!

I haven't seen a single credit card of mine since they left. I wonder if they know what happened to all the cards.

05-23-2014, 04:20 PM
That is a very nice stop to make! Good for you, Amigo and Inka for thinking of it! Thank you so much!

Hmmm, I saw a text on some-kitty's phone "Things to bring to Indy 500 ... hat, shades, binoculars" Does the Catmobile have plans this weekend that I don't yet know about?

Pinot's Mom
05-23-2014, 09:00 PM
I'm so sorry I haven't checked in - so many events! Of course we went to the Preakness, tradition you know! Mom put out a big spread for us in my private quarters, arranged for the Catmobile to be detailed while we stayed here and we had so many parties! The 'Chrome' (our special name for the special horsie) showed us all around the Pimlico track, we had sunrise breakfast the day of the race as usual, and what a day! The bagpipes played the infield - it was wonderful.

We have a zoomie treat planned for this weekend, then we'll go for Belmont, and we should be home after that. Love to all!

Purrs, Pinot

05-25-2014, 03:00 PM
Soncat got a text from Amigo this morning. He said King was very surprised and thrilled to see them. All the patients loved the music, dancing, and the party. Cassie and Pinot asked if King could join them going to the races but his vet said King isn't well enough to travel yet. Well, the lady kitties went shopping and came back with designer sunglasses then made King an honorary Catmobiler. As soon as he's well enough, King will go on a Catmobile trip with his new friends. Before they continued on their trip, a special prayer was said for King and all the animals in the hospital will find themselves in PT homes.

Pinot's Mom
06-03-2014, 06:53 PM
Well, kitties, the Belmont is this weekend - we're in the home stretch! It's been a great trip - write what your favorite part of the trip was while we wait to cheer on our favorite horsie!

Purrs, Pinot

06-04-2014, 12:31 AM
My two said their favorite part of this trip, outside of hangin' with the gang, was waving our state flag as Chrome zomed past them in the stretch of the Preakness. We are all so proud of that horse in our state. He represents us very well.:)

06-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Amigo says the whole trip has been a blast and being with his kitty pals. He loved meeting the horsies for the first time, seeing so many new sights, and our guy said the Catmobilers really know how to party. But for Amigo, the best part of all was meeting Inka and sharing all the fun with her. Hmm.

06-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Mine never tell me anything, just stroll in after their adventures with smug looks on their faces...:rolleyes:

06-07-2014, 03:32 PM
Angel and Winnie loved the big hats at the Kentucky Derby and all the shopping. Chip, Chuck and Frankie love the baseball games and sports. They all love hanging with all their friends and can't wait for the race this afternoon. They all love horsies too!!! :love: