View Full Version : Happy Aunt Bertha Day!

04-07-2014, 05:06 PM
This was her birthday, and she loved her animals - and we kids very much. Share a bit of your food (only safe stuff of course) with your pet today, it would be a fitting tribute. She was our Great Aunt, and pretty much the benchmark for kids as the first adult we could claim to be taller than!

One iconic image of her for me was, one Saturday after we kids and our parents had all been fed, dishes done, everything put away, Aunt Bertha sat by herself in the dining room, eating her french toast with her dog Togie (picture a Beagle in size, but color like a yellow Lab) on one side of her, and Freckles, our Saint Bernard on the other. She would cut some with her knife and fork, then Togie got a piece, Freckles got a piece, and then Bertha ate a piece. All in the quiet, peaceful room, and a treasured sight.

Needless to say, she was much beloved by everyone - kid, dog, cat and anyone else she could feed!

Lady's Human
04-07-2014, 05:39 PM
How she ever parked that big mint green LTD in the driveway in Newton is beyond comprehension. I still see her (all 4' 10" of her) maneuvering that ark of a car like it was a compact.

Dinner in New Hampshire was always excellent. On time? Welllll......

More than once we went down to the hot do g shack by Lake Wentworth to grab a hot dog to tide the kids over until dinner was ready. :p