View Full Version : Sable Bertei - Shepherd with mammary mass

04-05-2014, 01:52 PM
IMOM.org is raising funds for Sable to have surgery.
Please consider a donation -- but if that's not in your budget right now, please cross post to all your social media sites.

Details from IMOM's site:

Sable is an 8 year old Shepherd mix who has a mammary nodule. Sable has had this mass since November and it needs to be removed. We all know how dangerous mammary tumors can be and I’m afraid we’ve seen too many of them lately. The vet is also adamant that Sable be spayed at this time as well.

Here’s what Sable’s mom has to say about her: “Sable has been with our family almost since the day she was born. She has been our family pet for 8 years. Our children have helped to name her, took her on walks (or rather she took them on walks) and have always been greeted by her with nothing but love and excitement. Sable is a wonderful dog who has never caused us any grief and has always been loyal and protective. Her cyst is potentially dangerous and this worries us greatly. Yes she is getting old, but we are not ready to say goodbye yet.”

Sable’s mom also posted an introduction here: http://www.imom.org/...showtopic=10130

I don’t think any of us think Sable is ready to say “goodbye”.
If you are able to help, please go to http://tinyurl.com/79og6jd to make a donation; note for Sable Bertei. If you prefer, you may also make a direct donation via PayPal by specifying [email protected] as the recipient. Don't forget to indicate Sable’s name when making your donation.

Thank you for your support!

Here's a photo of this sweet pupper. Please cross post! Thank you so much!

04-05-2014, 04:39 PM
Why do people not get their females spayed to prevent these issues?

04-06-2014, 10:06 AM
FUND UPDATE: Sable has $200 in donations and needs $562 more!

Karen ~ I wish I knew the answer to your question. Spaying and neutering are much less costly than the alternatives.
Pretty Sable is hanging in there. Her Mom reports that she is quite the singer.

Please cross-post Sable's story. Here's the IMOM link again. http://www.imom.org/community/index.php?showtopic=10134

04-07-2014, 04:32 PM
Good news! All funds have been raised for Sable's surgery. Wish her luck!

04-07-2014, 04:40 PM
Good to hear! Thanks for letting us know!