View Full Version : Dogs Next Door Being Mistreated

09-26-2001, 04:30 PM
I am not sure if you remember, but there had been a previous post about Pet Talkers and neighbors neglecting their doggies. Well, I told my story about the Malamute and GSD that are tied up all the time, never walked, live in their own waste, and left out in the rain. Their owner no longer lives in that house, but her sister who lives there is keeping them. The situation is still the same and I am very concerned about these poor animals.

I took the first step today and called a friend of mine that works for Animal Control. She explained to me that what I described could be a case of animal cruelty and that I could call and file a formal complaint and they would send someone to check the dogs out and evaluate the situation. Since she is my friend, this was totally confidential and she said that if I decided to take action, I should call and speak with someone and file a complain.
What do you guys think? I do not care if the people next door know that I called or not (my file would be confidential and my name would not be mentioned). I am the only one that can see the dog because of were they are tied. I have to live next door to these people and do not want any trouble especially wince Andrew will be leaving in January and I will be all alone. But these poor dogs need a family that can take care of them.
Anyhow, please let me know what you think. i need to leave work now and so I will do nothing till tomorrow.
I am waiting for everyone's input. Thanks you guys!

09-27-2001, 01:26 AM
I believe all people, and pets, should be treated with respect. Your description of the living conditions for those dogs, sounds like they are being mistreated.

I suggest that you make the phone call. For their well being, and for your peace of mind.

09-27-2001, 01:56 AM
Ditto. You should call if you think helping the dogs' situation is the right thing to do--and it sounds like you're very bothered by their plight. I know that the guilt of seeing them tied up everyday would really get to me if I did nothing, and I'm not usually one to speak up and rock the boat. Do it if you can!

09-27-2001, 06:38 AM
DO IT!!! those dogs deserve better. is there an all breed or malmute/GSD rescue in your area that will take these 'siblings' for fostering until a loving forever home is ready?

09-27-2001, 06:58 AM
The things we regret most are things we have not done. Call. Call right away. Now that you know something is wrong, don't ignore it. You got put in a bad situation by the ignorance of your neighbors. Yes, you might have trouble with them. But, if you don't call, you'll have trouble with your soul.

Once the animal control people make a report, if you have trouble, you can contact the police. Most police take a dim view of abuse in all forms. The animal control report will help in that case, showing you were not calling just to be intrusive.

I'm sorry you have to make this decision. What happens to the dogs may not be known, but at least there will be hope. Right now, they are just waiting to die.

09-27-2001, 07:10 AM
Don't wait another moment. Make that call. After all, it may take a while before they can make the house call and those pups need help NOW. Maybe the sister doesn't know about dogs (or much of anything) but could use some advise and help and doesn't really mean to be cruel. Let us know what happens.


09-27-2001, 07:12 AM
I am going to do it. I have been so bent out of shape about this. I couldn't sleep all night. My stomach was in knots and I had no appetite. I have a meeting at 9 and then I am coming back to my office and make that call!

Thanks everyone for your support.

09-27-2001, 08:53 AM
Souraya, I agree with everyone else, make the call and help the poor pup.

Dixie Belle
09-27-2001, 10:15 AM
You make that call, becuase if you don't it will haunt you forever. And keep us informed about what happens and everything. God bless you for doing it!

09-27-2001, 10:28 AM
Souraya - good for you - this is something that cannot be ignored - I have a neighbor across the street that used to beat his dog on a regular basis - I called the Human Society and they sent someone out straight away - he knew it was me that made that call and confronted be about it and I said I would do it again if I ever saw him abusing another animal. This guy is 50 years old for God's sake - you'd think he'd know better!!! :mad:

09-27-2001, 10:36 AM
I tried to post to this thread last night,
but kept getting a 'software error',then I
did get through,typed out a message & went to
post reply,got another 'software error' & the
reply didn't post.This only happened on the "Dog General". I thought maybe you had
decided to delete the subject b/c you were
afraid to make a report to Animal Control.
I do remember you posting about these two dogs a long time ago.I'm supprised they are
not very sick by now.(given their living
conditions as you described them)Please make
the call.Pet Talkers can be a powerful
backup & support system for you on this!!!
God Bless You! If there is any thing at all
I could do to help you-help these poor dogs,
please let me or someone on Pet Talk know
about it. O.K.? You are in my thoughts and

09-27-2001, 11:26 AM
Please call and do it now I have a different kind of problem . Maybe some one can tell me what I can do Guy stays with girl freind and his dog is not allowed in the apartment complex. So the dog lives in the guys truck. Summer it's in the sun , winter its out in the cold truck. I call the local police they say call humane socity. I call them they say call the cops. Ieven called our local animal releif center. they have no power to do anything but want to be kept in formed( infact have called twice to find out progress) I called the manager of the complex and for a week the truck was gone . But it's back What can I do short of breaking into the truck and stealing the dog? It is a nice German shorthair seems to be in good health , he does walk it but I don't say anything due to the fact I probley lose my temper and have to be hauled off by the cops.

09-27-2001, 11:45 AM
Corinna - find out who your local Animal Activists are - they'll do the job for ya.

09-27-2001, 12:42 PM
OK. I made the call this morning at 9:30 right after my meeting. I went home for lunch and the dogs are not there. I tried calling the Animal Control and they said that they couldn't tell me anything. I told them that it was I that had filed the complaint and they said it didn't matter. So, I just called my friend that works there and said that the pups were there and animal control fined the owners. The Humane Society will be putting them up for adoption in 3 days. If they are not adopted by Oct. 8, they will hand them over to GSD Rescue group and Malamute Rescue Group.
My friend told me that the lady that lived in the house didn't even care. She said that they are her sister's dogs and not her problem to take care of them. She gives them water and food whenver she notices they don't have any. I do not know who the fine was made out to.
More updates when I get them.

09-27-2001, 12:54 PM
Souraya - you did a great thing - probably saved those poor babies from dying a tortorous death - I know you'll never regret it ;) ;)

09-27-2001, 02:39 PM
Souraya, You did a wonderful thing by speaking up for those dogs!!!Thanks to You
they now at least have a chance for a normal
Please update on this when you hear any more
about where the dogs may go ,or their
psysical conditions if known..
P.S. purrley, GOOD for You for speaking up
to the neighbor beating the dog!!People who
treat animals so horribly are real cowards
at heart, and would rarely strike out at
someone who could fight back!!!I would do
the same thing if I witnessed the beating.
(I just could not turn away)

[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: lizbud ]

09-27-2001, 03:33 PM
Good For You !!!! you did the right thing. Now the poor dogs will finally get a chance at a happy life and its all Thanks To You !

09-27-2001, 03:52 PM
Wow, a lot can happen here in 24 hours.
Congratulations Souraya on your courage and on your success.

Corrina, I wish I knew what to suggest. Do you know of anyone who might want to give a home to the dog? Maybe the guy would willingly give it up if he knew it would have a good home. If you know the apartment where he lives, you could write him a letter, signed or not signed depending on how you feel about it, and expain your concerns in a nice way. Some people just don't seem to have a clue.

09-27-2001, 04:04 PM
I just came across this post.
Souraya, I'm so glad you made that phone call. Let's pray that these poor babies are adopted into loving, caring homes. I so hate to think that there are so many animals out there being abused and neglected.
I just can't believe the attitude of the lady living in the house! That's truly unbelievable! If she didn't want to be bothered taking care of the dogs, she could have at least dropped them off at a shelter, or called the local shelter. I'm sure that they would have come to pick the dogs up.
Some people just have no heart. :(

09-27-2001, 05:23 PM
Thank you, bless you, great big hugs of thanks! You were a voice for the voiceless!!! Our animal control officer here is so onto situations like these! If she even HEARS of a rumor, or notices herself, anything untoward in the care of an animal, she's there and often the dogs are taken away immediately!! Thank goodness these guys have a wonderful second chance thanks to you. I get sick at the thought of the mindset, the lack of conscience, of anyone who could see these animals daily, and care not of their well being. Thank you again! Maybe it's too much to hope that they could be adopted together?? And this might be a good place to post a link to the animals rights petition currently being circulated to be presented to Congress...Please sign! It may in the future avoid the intitial response, or lack of response, by the officials in this case!

And if you have a moment, cick onto their website and read about the wonderful legal work they do and hope to do, in defense of all animals. Some wonderful stories! www.aldf.org (http://www.aldf.org)

[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

09-27-2001, 05:31 PM
Souraya that was a fine thing you did to help those poor defensless animals, we all thank you for your kindness.

Purrley, good for you, you stood up to the bully. He doesn't deserve any kind of animals.


Dixie Belle
09-27-2001, 08:31 PM
I am soooooo glad that you called!!! Hurrah for the puppies!!!! Please, keep us updated as you get more information. And tell your friend at Animal Control "thanks!" when you talk to her again.

Daisy's Mom
09-27-2001, 08:39 PM
I just saw this topic too. Souraya, you definitely did the right thing. Thank you so much for doing it! You go girl!

09-28-2001, 10:14 AM
Corinna Im really mad right now :mad: I just read your post.

I hate it when a dog is a mans best friend and then when they get a girl friend and they don't like the dog its shoved aside, and the sad thing is when that man looses his girl friend the dog is going to be there to comfort him and love him untill the next girl comes along.

Ahhhh it makes me mad. Maybe you should call a German Shorthaired Rescue they might help you out more then the shelters would.

I love GSP so this really makes me mad.

Please keep me posted, I will try and find a rescue near you. In the mean time I would go with RachelJ advice, thats what I did with Copper I asked the man if he wasn't going to look after the dog to let me have him and give him the life he deserves.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

09-28-2001, 01:01 PM
Souraya, you go girl!! Like lizbud, I tried to post to this yesterday and was getting some errors. I'm glad that you called, and am surprised at how fast they reacted! It's really sad when you see animals being neglected. I definitely would have done the same thing, because it's people like us here at Pet Talk that have to speak for the helpless victims!! **hugs** to you and everyone that speaks up in situations like these. I know they can be somewhat questionable...especially if it's a neighbor or someone who knows it's you that did it, but I agree...I wouldn't hesitate...and like purrley said...I'd do it again!!! Please do keep us posted on what happens to the precious doggies! :D

BTW, has anyone watched Animal Precinct on Animal Planet?? It's great to see people fighting for the rights of these animals... http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/animalprecinct/animalprecinct.html

09-28-2001, 02:14 PM
Wolflady - didn't know they had that on Animal Planet - I watch that quite often but I don't like Emer. Vets and Pet Rescue type shows because I can't stand seeing an animal hurt - but I like Cops and I watch operations on people - I'm I weird or what! :rolleyes:

Daisy's Mom
09-28-2001, 06:46 PM
Animal Precinct is a great show!

09-30-2001, 05:43 AM
You go girl! Souraya, I just read this post and you were brave to do the right thing. Hope those lovely dogs are rescued soon!!

09-30-2001, 09:25 PM
'm glad to here the good news , I know they will find a great forever home.
Thanks for all the ideas but it's all for not now . The girl freind got kicked out of the apartment and so the truck is gone ,heard they went back to home(Butte)to his parents home so at least he'll have a home now. He was a wire haired gsh I hadn't seen any for a long time. He did look good, even though he didn't get out much the guy did walk him twice a day.

10-01-2001, 11:16 AM
I have been out of town on a business trip since Friday and got in late last night. Again, thanks guys for the support.

I just got off the phone with the adoption desk at the shelter. The GSD has already been adopted by a friend of Andrew who has been waiting for a GSD for quite a while. I guess Andrew told him about the pup and he went to the shelter on Sunday to adopt her. I called his wife as well and asked if I could come and visit. She said that they named her Orchid and that they are both very excited about having her in their homes.

As for the Malamute, the lady at the desk said that there was someone coming to check her out today and possibly adopt her.

I know the GSD has a great home and hope her pal does too!

10-01-2001, 12:41 PM
Souraya, I am delighted that you spoke out for those dogs. They both have you to thank for their good lives to come. Thank you for doing that kind act.

And Purrley...what you did also deserves recognition. No animal deserves to be trained so harshly with such abuse. There are so many proven humane ways to teach/correct a dog that it's unnecessary to hit a dog.

Thank you, both of you, for being voices to our beloved voiceless creatures. And YEAH for the GSD finding a home so quick! My goodness, is that ever fantastic news!

Daisy's Mom
10-01-2001, 09:30 PM
I am so glad they were adopted into loving homes! Souraya you should be so proud of yourself!

10-07-2001, 05:44 PM
yay! Souraya!!!!

Corinna, i hope the dog has a nice home!