View Full Version : I have a favorite pair of shoes......

03-18-2014, 05:59 PM
I buy my shoes at an outlet sporting goods store. They are a western chain that I have shopped at for years because they sell shoes that are last year's models, blemished and shoes that are wacky sizes - I once saw a pair of HUGE sneakers that were size 19 or some crazy number.....

Anyway, I stopped into a store and found a pair of HiTec walking/hikers that I really liked. They fit well and aside from what looks like a spot of oil on the toe, they are perfect.

I buy them and they are part of my walking regime.

I love it when a plan falls into place!

Today, I go walking with the dog. We get out and he stops to pee on the lamppost that every other dog uses. So far? So good!

We walk about 15 yards past the post and the dog gets to sniffing the ground. Still good!

I look up and for some reason I look back down and.....

Now, the dog has his spots - posts, poles and bushes that he regularly waters -so I am not paying close attention that he has stopped no where near a usual watering spot....

.....walk right into a stream of pee that he splashes on my shoes.

If anyone read my 'slippers story' you will see a pattern emerging.

There is nothing to do but laugh and wonder what the hell I have done to these animals in the past.

I have fed them, watered them and given them treats...and that is the thanks I get?


03-18-2014, 06:02 PM
I have fed them, watered them and given them treats...and that is the thanks I get?


It's Tucker marking you so no other dog can claim you! Yeah, his "blessing" of those shoes! So how are your feet after that huge trauma about when you moved? All healed?

03-18-2014, 06:08 PM
It's Tucker marking you so no other dog can claim you! Yeah, his "blessing" of those shoes! So how are your feet after that huge trauma about when you moved? All healed?

Doing well! I have a little spot that bothers me from time to time, but overall? Good.

Now I just have to wait to see what Doris has in store for me....


03-20-2014, 06:53 AM
Just think of your sneakers as now officially being broken in by the Edster. ;)