View Full Version : Spring ... in various places

03-07-2014, 01:45 PM
I know in some areas it is getting to be Spring, just wondering when you count it as truly spring where you are!

Do remind us your are, when you post ...

When I was a kid the first Robin was a sign of spring up here in Massachusetts, but the past couple years we have had robins show up surprisingly early so they are no longer a good predictor. I saw some 2 weeks ago - long before any worms are to appear!

Not spring yet here in the Boston Massachusetts area by a long shot ... I think I really count it as Spring when ... hmm, i dunno - but at least most of the snow and ice are gone? It is hard when I don't have crocus to rely on ...

03-07-2014, 03:21 PM
Our springs seem confused the last few years. Last year we had snow in May. The latest time of year we had ever had it.:eek:

I'm in SE Kansas. Yesterday, I noticed leaves from my tulips are coming up and my lilac bush has tons of leaf buds on it. Today it was 60 but tomorrow it is to be in the 30s with rain and snow. Sort of hard to tell when spring is really here. They usually say April I think.

Robins have been back for a couple of weeks already. As for me, I usually consider March, April, May the spring months. :D

03-07-2014, 03:53 PM
A Robin, puffed up against the cold
Hurries past my window toward
The lone patch of exposed grass
While juncos and sparrow,
Sturdy little ones they are
Contentedly feast on seed
Thrown out onto the frozen snow

I want to tell it "Go back, silly bird,"
The worms are all napping, frozen solid
And will be for some time to come
"Go back South" I'd say,
But I don't speak "robin"
And it doesn't speak "human"
So my pity will have to suffice.

03-08-2014, 01:06 PM
Oh, and I really don't think of it really being Spring usually until April, and sometimes we have Spring all the way into June, and sometimes summer temperatures hit in May .. the glory of unpredictable New England weather!

03-08-2014, 06:33 PM
I've been told that a surer sign of Spring than a Robin, is a Red Winged Blackbird. Robins have been known to "winter-over" in some areas - but not the Blackbirds.

Spring for us this year, will come when we can see significant areas of grass. We haven't seen any since last year, and with 2-3 feet of snow to melt, I think it will be awhile.

03-09-2014, 06:15 AM
Being in the south, we have robins and red-winged blackbirds year round. Right now there are no signs of spring, but I am eagerly awaiting when I wake up one morning and everything is suddenly green again! :)

03-09-2014, 08:53 AM
I'm trying to love spring, I really am. All it means is MUD to me.:(

On a happier note, my tulips are starting to come up!:D

03-29-2014, 06:10 PM
I had to find this thread - today the last of the snow behind the apartment will have gone away - warm rain will be the end of it! Of course the ground is so saturated from the snowy winter and rainy spring, it's already forming puddles on the grass ....

When the last of the snowbanks is gone from in front of the apartment, that will truly be a sign of spring. They were as tall as I am at a couple points this winter, and are down to less than 2 feet high now ...

03-29-2014, 06:52 PM
Spring??? What's that??? I think it's a coiled piece of wire, and has absolutely nothing to do with the weather or time of year.

But yes - I do believe we saw our last snowfall last week. It has been a very long and cold and rather depressing Winter, even tho I normally like Winter. I think it's just that this year, it overstayed its welcome.

Some rain yesterday, POURING rain today, and more rain tomorrow. The yard has it's own lakes in the lower locations. The snow is finally gone, and none to be found except for the mountains of the black, dirty, nasty mess that's still in the parking lots of the stores and malls.

I so want some sun and warmer weather to brighten my disposition. I feel like a house hound, and my little Wolfman has gained 2 pounds over this long winter, for lack of getting out for those long walks that he loves, and maybe getting more treats (even tho just healthy ones) than he should have. Time to get that boy back in shape - along with his Mom! :p

03-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Yeah, up here, thankfully the temperatures were warm, so while all the rain formed ponds in the back yours as it fell, thankfully the ground is also thawing so it managed to eventually absorb is by nightfall - although i would not risk actually walking on what looks like grass at this point! And we have more rain coming tomorrow, besides what is falling now!

The kind of morning when it is still so dark, you think, "Maybe my clock is wrong, and it really just 6 a.m. instead of 8, and I can sleep more ... " but alas, not the case!

03-30-2014, 10:18 PM

03-31-2014, 01:08 PM
There's dormant grass in the back, kinda a dull green and brown, does that count? More rain today!

Lady's Human
03-31-2014, 01:38 PM
The announcement of spring came this morning amidst the snow.

The blackbirds are back. They were making so much noise in the trees that I thought it was a windstorm.

04-01-2014, 10:53 AM
May 15th is our actual planting season here, so I consider that Spring. But like Kansas we had snow in the middle of May last year with a late planting season in June. along with Monsoon season at that time also.

04-01-2014, 11:16 AM
I'm in Denmark and we definitely have spring. :) During the last few weeks we've had days warm enough to sit out in the sun in short sleeves. The buds on trees are coming out, the ground is covered in all sort of blue and yellow flowers and lots of various birds are singing and looking for nests. Wonderful! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-01-2014, 11:55 AM
Hey, here in Belgium it is Spring since quite some time now!! In fact, we didn't have a real Winter! Today it's almost 20°C!!
Our garden is bursting with uncountable flowers; I will try to attach some pics

57962 57963 57964

57965 57966

04-01-2014, 12:36 PM
Oh, Lut, thank you! THAT is what spring should look like!

04-01-2014, 08:39 PM
Such beautiful flowers- I don't think we'll see that here for at least two months or more. We have quite a few feet of snow still. It rained today and melted about two feet but we still have at least 4 more to go. The forecast is calling for a colder night with another snowfall tonight so who knows when spring will come here. At least we aren't getting any more - 30's or more. We actually had a high of 9 degrees today but the humidity was fierce.

04-01-2014, 09:18 PM
Just where do you live, Asiel?


04-01-2014, 09:52 PM
Just a wee update - despite my predictions, it was not until today's bright sunshine that the last of the snowbank in from of the apartment went away. But it is now gone. Was out at dad's house today, and did a little cleaning off of the Iris bed, and there are new shoots coming up that will now get sunlight.

04-02-2014, 07:05 AM
We had the warmest winter I have ever seen- hardly any snow at all North of the alps. It is the first March I could go without socks:)
Saturday I went for a ten mile hike and saw cherry blossoms, little yellow primula (we call them "keys of heaven"), little wild blue anemones. Everything is green, the trees start budding, bright yellow forsythia is everywhere. The farm kitties were outside in the fields dozing in front of mouse holes.
I am so sorry for all my American friends- but here it is spectacular.

04-17-2014, 03:35 PM
We had snow yesterday, but it had all melted by noon - that counts as a sign of spring, right?

And driving on the highway tray, my mum-in-law was pointing out there were hop leaves on any of the trees, so I waited and then pointed out a faint haze of red (maple) and chartreuse tinged yellow (the willows) and said - "See, they are budding, anyway!" There were only obvious in spots near the river, but they exist!

04-18-2014, 12:39 PM
Though the spring has been cold
And a hard freeze heart-breaking,
Still spring comes.

Close your eyes tight and listen
The two-note call of the chickadee
Alway a minor fourth in sharp relief
Against the dull grey of cloud
Calls to the heart
Buried deep in a winter-weary chest

Spring-time! Spring-time! it calls,
Looking for love but I
Whistle back to it once or twice
Wrong species, I know
Far too clunky and earthbound for the tiny flitting one

Spring-time! it calls,
And I whistle back just so it knows
That someone hears,
And that no matter the cold
The hard ground and frozen buds
And I know …

The chickadee is calling
Spring-time! Spring-time!

And though cranky commuters
Grumbled angrily, scraping ice and snow
From yesterday’s windshields
And jammed earbuds in
With news radio playing,
Hoping for someone to blame for
Cold fingers and winter’s return
But I know ...

The chickadee is calling
Spring-time! Spring-time!

And it will come.

04-23-2014, 11:30 AM
Rain, rain and more rain!

04-23-2014, 02:24 PM
Well, since the West Coast never really had a winter this year. We've had spring like conditions for months now! The only cold spell was the beginning of December.

However, I am not seeing very many hummingbirds lately. I have refreshed the feeders twice when they were still almost full. Usually I was refilling them once a week because they were empty. Where are all the hummers??? :confused: