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View Full Version : The No. 1 Thing People Don't Understand About Their Cats (video)

03-02-2014, 10:24 AM
I couldn't paste the URL here, but it's a cute short video. I think we who are owned by cats knew this already! :)


03-02-2014, 12:24 PM
Those are so funny. I am going to have to look up that book.:love:

03-02-2014, 04:05 PM
That was very interesting. It made me compare my two boys. Mac is a "kneader" and Kimba is most definitely not. Mac does not greet me by rubbing against my legs, he walks up to me and meows with his tail straight up. Kimba will always wind himself around your legs when he greets you. Kimba adores being picked up and cuddled and Mac hates that. Mac is always near you, either he jumps up on you lap when you are sitting down or on your tummy when you are laying down, or he lies next to you, on the floor. He is ALWAYS near you and very tactile. Kimba is often off exploring other parts of the apartment and only comes to you when he wants lovin', which is fairly often. Mac meows for food all the time and Kimba never does. It's funny, they have such different personalities and yet they are both what would be considered "affectionate" cats. Good video.