View Full Version : Sparky's Day

02-28-2014, 08:24 AM
I know that when our furkids get to RB, that they are happy, healthy, and ageless. However, I just couldn't let this day go by without honoring Sparky on what would have been his 15th birthday, if he was still here with us. I'm pretty certain that Myndi has gathered all of their new friends together for a celebration for him anyway.

I miss him just as much now as I did when he first left us, and even have a little chat with him and Myndi every night at bedtime. But today I recall with a tear in my eye and a smile in my heart, ALL of the very special and unique things about him that made him that special "spark" in my life, and brightened my world when things got somewhat dark. His loving and silly ways were enough to make anyone smile, and he made sure that he looked after me and kept me going, by being my little shadow. Even tho I have a new shadow now, somehow I think that Sparky is right there beside him and making certain that he does a proper job! :):love:

So my sweet little man - have an EXTRA SPECIAL DAY today, and do whatever makes you happy. I love you and I miss you, Sparky-Doodle! - and of course I love and miss Myndi just as much too.

I didn't get to post a tribute to what would have been Myndi's 18th birthday on Jan 24th, because because Wolfy, Leia, Luke and I, were in the car, leaving NC behind us and coming HOME to DE to stay. I'm sure that pleased Myndi more than anything I could have posted here! :):love:

02-28-2014, 12:16 PM
Happy Birthday, Sparky and happy belated birthday, Myndi :love: :love: Hi, Wolfy and kitties! :love: :love:

02-28-2014, 04:43 PM
Happy Birthday at the Rainbow Bridge, Sparky! Go see my mom, she'll give you extra cuddles, okay?

02-28-2014, 05:15 PM
Happy Birthday, Sparky! :love: Its obvious your mum loves you so very much and misses you like crazy. Isn't it nice that she still honors your birthday? We celebrate our dogs who have passed on by taking a big hike each year when their birthdays come around. If only the weather was nicer, we would take a hike in your honor, too! :)

02-28-2014, 06:15 PM
Happy Birthday at the Rainbow Bridge Sparky and Myndi!:)

03-01-2014, 09:43 AM
Happy Birthday Sparky and a belated birthday wish to you Myndi. I'm sure you are both not that far away keeping a close watch on your mom and her new friends. :love:

Must feel great to be back in familiar territory where Sparky and Myndi left all those little paw prints.

03-01-2014, 01:25 PM
Aww - thanks everyone. I'm pretty sure that Sparky got wind of these messages, and is strutting around like a proud peacock, since he loved people making a fuss over him. He LOVED getting attention! :love:

And I thank you for remembering him too. I guess the silly stories that he and Myndi used to post here, made a lasting impression. Wolfy is working on his story telling skills, and it won't be long before he's on here and relaying some of the drama :rolleyes: (and fun) in his life.