View Full Version : Long time no Towser?

01-22-2014, 06:41 AM
Hey, guys! Towser here. Remember me? Its been a while since we have had enough time to pop in and say "Hi". We moved to a new place. Right smack dab in the middle of town! I'm a city dog, now! Actually, mum says we live in a town, not a city... but it still is a big change for me. Lots of noise and new smells, but we are walking distance from a farm store that actually lets me go inside with mum! They always have a huge cage holding these strange things that mum always refers to as "cute" and "downright adorable", other people just call them "bunnies". They smell good. Mum says I can't eat them, though...
On top of that, there are two nice parks really close that we go to, as well. Overall we are all a lot happier here. :)
The picture above is from a little over a month ago when it snowed! I love the snow!

Looking, looking, looking for toys in the snow. Its harder than it sounds! Mum had already loaded up all my toys and took them to the new place. On the bright side, it gave me a good opportunity to practice "pointing".

I ended up just breaking off pieces of the icy stuff under the snow and brought them to mum. She laughed at me and complimented my improvising skills.

I would love it to snow every day! Its so much fun, but....

This is my "lets go back inside" face. My feetsies get cold.

Then I met this strange man! He was nice and all, and he gave me a BUNCH of treats, but as you can tell by the look on my face I was just like "MUM, get me OUT of here." I had more fun meeting a bunch of other dogs and kids at Petco. People really like guessing what breed I am. A lot of people insist I am part dalmatian and most people just say "Part Pit, part...?" and wait for mum to finish it. Mum doesn't know what I am so she just says "Your guess is as good as mine!" cause she likes to hear what other people think I am.
Oh! My name also gets some funny replies. There was the nicest elderly lady who asked my name, and upon hearing it replied "Trousers? What a lovely name!" Mum just went with it and now calls me Fancy Pants sometimes.

Much to mum's dismay, grandmum taught me that if I look really cute and stare people down when they eat it means I get some, too! I found it only really works on grandmum, though...

Here is one of the parks that I get to go to almost every day! Its right by the river and I love all the new smells and all the people we see there.

I have made a lot of friends here. Earlier this week I met a little German Shepherd mix puppy. She was really cute and we got our leashes tangled in the excitement. I proceeded to sit right on top of her, though. Thankfully the humans just laughed at us... it was a little awkward for me... probably even more awkward for that puppy.

A few more in the next post....

01-22-2014, 06:42 AM
The best thing about this park is that the river often gets high when it rains, and when it goes back down there are SO many sticks to play with! Seriously, its the best thing ever.

Here I am with two of my kitties. They are nice and all, but they seem to get offended when I try to play ball with them. I miss Ethan a bunch. And Sala lives with grandma, so I only see her every now and then. Mum says that I'll get another brother or sister in a year or so... but that sounds like an awful long ways off.

Oh well! Its nap time now. Hopefully next time its not so long before I can show PT more of what's been going on in my life. :) Thanks for stopping by!

01-22-2014, 07:24 AM
Oh, Towser, we have sooo missed you, but it does sound like life has been very busy for you lately! Thanks for all the great pictures, you new digs sound awesome! Looking handsome as ever!

01-22-2014, 08:13 AM
Hi Towser! I love all of your pictures! You are so handsome! :)

01-22-2014, 04:51 PM
Hi, Towser, handsome spotty guy! If you stared me down and looked really cute, I would just have to share my dinner with you :)

01-23-2014, 06:44 AM
Hello Handsome Towser great to see you again. What a nice new life you have now living in town. That snow can be tough on the humans too. Hope you can find more of those sticks to chew on it sure beats that cold snow. ;)

01-24-2014, 05:50 PM
You're a cutie Towser! I love your spots!:D

01-25-2014, 08:48 AM
Oh Towser I did laugh when I read about your mama calling you fancy pants lol.

You are way to handsome, and have grown into a stunning young man :love:.

It is lovely to see and read about what you have been upto, don't be a stranger.

Scooter's Mom
01-25-2014, 09:54 PM
So nice to see you and learn of your adventures!
Don't be a stranger :)

01-28-2014, 01:01 PM
Thanks a bunch, guys. :)