View Full Version : Puzzle #618

01-18-2014, 03:30 PM
Because we have not had one in a while, and I just decided to do one, even though it is Catty1's turn ...

New players! Read the rules before you join, please, and be prepared to host the next if you win!

These are the rules:

* 1. You may only guess one letter at a time.

* 2. After you have guessed a letter, you must wait for another player to guess a letter before you can go again. (see also rule #9)

* 3. The host of the game responding to a guess does not count as a turn. Should you choose a letter, then receive a response from the member host, you must wait for the next member to guess a letter.

* 4. One point will be awarded for each correct letter, 2 points for vowels.

* 5. Only six misses are allowed in the game.

* 6. If you wish to guess the phrase, send it to me via Pet Talk Private message. (This is accessible via the 'PM' or 'Profile' buttons on any of my posts). DO NOT post it on the forum. If you wish to guess a letter, post it on the forum.

* 7. You must have submitted a correct letter to submit your solution. Unlike letters, if you submit a wrong solution, you are disqualified from continuing in that puzzle.

* 8. The player who correctly guesses the phrase wins the game. If no one has guessed it correctly after six misses, then the player with the most points wins the game.

* 9. Only 5 guesses allowed in total until the host updates the puzzle. Any guess after 5, before the next update, won't be counted as a guess. And as always, someone else has to guess a letter before you can guess another letter.

And here is what you win ... you get to create the next puzzle.

And in this puzzle, the asterisks * stand in for dashes, which is what I use for the blank spaces.

(Should you win the game and are unable to host the next puzzle, you may pass it to the member with the next highest points)

--- -- ---- -- - ----- -- --- ---- -- --- ----
----- --- ---- -- --- -- --*
--- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---,
-- ---- --- -- --- -- -.
- ----- --- --- -- --- -------'- ----
--- ---- --- -----'- ---*
--- -- ---- -- - ----- -- --- ---- -- --- ----
--- -- - ------ -- ---.

--- ------ ----

Letters to Guess:

01-18-2014, 06:09 PM
E please. :)

01-18-2014, 06:58 PM
T please

Felicia's Mom
01-18-2014, 07:06 PM
N, please

01-18-2014, 09:20 PM
Good start - here you go:

-et -e ---e -n - ----e -- t-e ---e -- t-e ----
--e-e t-e ---e -- -en -- --*
T-e -en --- --e ---- -n- t-e -en --- --e ---,
-- ---- -n- -- --- -- -.
- ----- n-t --t -n t-- ----ne-'- -e-t
N-- ---- t-e --n--'- --n*
-et -e ---e -n - ----e -- t-e ---e -- t-e ----
-n- -e - ---en- t- --n.

--- ---te- ----

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) = 64
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) = 16

01-18-2014, 09:57 PM
O please.

01-18-2014, 11:44 PM
-et -e ---e -n - -o--e -- t-e ---e o- t-e -o--
--e-e t-e ---e o- -en -o --*
T-e -en --o --e -oo- -n- t-e -en --o --e ---,
-- -oo- -n- -- --- -- -.
- -o--- not --t -n t-- --o-ne-'- -e-t
No- ---- t-e --n--'- --n*
-et -e ---e -n - -o--e -- t-e ---e o- t-e -o--
-n- -e - ---en- to --n.

--- ---te- -o--

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) = 104
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) = 16

01-19-2014, 05:11 AM
A please

01-19-2014, 06:20 AM
H, please. :)

01-19-2014, 08:29 AM
-et -e ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
-he-e the -a-e o- -en -o --*
The -en -ho a-e -oo- an- the -en -ho a-e -a-,
A- -oo- an- a- -a- a- -.
- -o--- not --t -n th- --o-ne-'- -eat
No- h--- the --n--'- -an*
-et -e ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
An- -e a ---en- to -an.

-a- -a-te- -o--

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) = 104
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) = 16
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15

01-19-2014, 11:04 AM
M please.

01-19-2014, 12:09 PM
-et me ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
-he-e the -a-e o- men -o --*
The men -ho a-e -oo- an- the men -ho a-e -a-,
A- -oo- an- a- -a- a- -.
- -o--- not --t -n th- --o-ne-'- -eat
No- h--- the --n--'- -an*
-et me ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
An- -e a ---en- to man.

-am -a-te- -o--

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) = 111
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) = 16
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15

01-19-2014, 12:29 PM
W, please

01-19-2014, 04:52 PM
-et me ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
Whe-e the -a-e o- men -o --*
The men who a-e -oo- an- the men who a-e -a-,
A- -oo- an- a- -a- a- -.
- wo--- not --t -n th- --o-ne-'- -eat
No- h--- the --n--'- -an*
-et me ---e -n a ho--e -- the ---e o- the -oa-
An- -e a ---en- to man.

-am Wa-te- -o--

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) = 111
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) = 16
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) = 5

Isn't it funny how, when you *know* what the quote says, you think its so obvious and someone's gonna guess it an any minute, when in reality, it's not even close to easy?

01-19-2014, 06:14 PM
I please.

Felicia's Mom
01-19-2014, 06:48 PM
L, please

01-19-2014, 07:32 PM
Let me li-e in a ho--e -- the -i-e o- the -oa-
Whe-e the -a-e o- men -o --*
The men who a-e -oo- an- the men who a-e -a-,
A- -oo- an- a- -a- a- I.
I wo-l- not -it in th- --o-ne-'- -eat
No- h--l the --ni-'- -an*
Let me li-e in a ho--e -- the -i-e o- the -oa-
An- -e a --ien- to man.

-am Walte- -o--

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12)= 135
Asiel: T(16) = 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) = 5

01-19-2014, 08:11 PM
V please

01-19-2014, 08:15 PM
S please.

01-19-2014, 08:45 PM
Let me live in a ho-se -- the si-e o- the -oa-
Whe-e the -a-e o- men -o --*
The men who a-e -oo- an- the men who a-e -a-,
As -oo- an- as -a- as I.
I wo-l- not sit in th- s-o-ne-'s seat
No- h--l the --ni-'s -an*
Let me live in a ho-se -- the si-e o- the -oa-
An- -e a --ien- to man.

Sam Walte- -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) = 150
Asiel: T(16) V(2)= 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) = 5

I'll start expecting guesses soon, unless I am the only one familiar with this quote!

01-19-2014, 09:53 PM
D please.

01-19-2014, 10:23 PM
You had the last guess, Catty1, you have to wait for someone else to guess before you can guess again!

01-19-2014, 11:45 PM
Y, please and if you like I'll guess before Catty1 so hers can be accepted too :)

01-20-2014, 01:08 AM
Let me live in a ho-se -y the si-e o- the -oa-
Whe-e the -a-e o- men -o -y*
The men who a-e -oo- an- the men who a-e -a-,
As -oo- an- as -a- as I.
I wo-l- not sit in th- s-o-ne-'s seat
No- h--l the -yni-'s -an*
Let me live in a ho-se -y the si-e o- the -oa-
An- -e a --ien- to man.

Sam Walte- -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) = 150
Asiel: T(16) V(2)= 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4)= 13

Because the Y is used a a vowel in each case, I double the points for it this time.

01-20-2014, 12:52 PM
R please (sorry I jumped the gun!)

01-20-2014, 02:41 PM
Let me live in a ho-se -y the si-e o- the roa-
Where the ra-e o- men -o -y*
The men who are -oo- an- the men who are -a-,
As -oo- an- as -a- as I.
I wo-l- not sit in th- s-orner's seat
Nor h-rl the -yni-'s -an*
Let me live in a ho-se -y the si-e o- the roa-
An- -e a -rien- to man.

Sam Walter -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) R(12) = 162
Asiel: T(16) V(2)= 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4)= 13

01-20-2014, 07:13 PM
PM sent

01-20-2014, 08:42 PM
Oooh, Candace was close but missed one word, so other guesses - letters or the quote - are welcome!

01-20-2014, 09:02 PM
D, please?

01-20-2014, 09:46 PM
Ooh, that'll bring another guess, I bet!

Let me live in a ho-se -y the side o- the road
Where the ra-e o- men -o -y*
The men who are -ood and the men who are -ad,
As -ood and as -ad as I.
I wo-ld not sit in th- s-orner's seat
Nor h-rl the -yni-'s -an*
Let me live in a ho-se -y the side o- the road
And -e a -riend to man.

Sam Walter -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) R(12) = 162
Asiel: T(16) V(2)= 16
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4) D(13)= 26

01-20-2014, 10:08 PM
PM sent but I just realized that my guess is wrong and why.

01-20-2014, 10:18 PM
Folks, we still need a guess, cassiesmom got the same letter wrong that Catty1 did, but they each did it differently!

01-21-2014, 03:24 PM
So still waiting for the next letter or guess - Catty1 and cassiesmom are out for this one, so it is up to everyone else!

01-21-2014, 08:19 PM
B please

01-21-2014, 08:21 PM
Let me live in a ho-se by the side o- the road
Where the ra-e o- men -o by*
The men who are -ood and the men who are bad,
As -ood and as bad as I.
I wo-ld not sit in th- s-orner's seat
Nor h-rl the -yni-'s ban*
Let me live in a ho-se by the side o- the road
And be a -riend to man.

Sam Walter -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) R(12) = 162
Asiel: T(16) V(2) B(7) = 23
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) = 23
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4) D(13)= 26

Felicia's Mom
01-22-2014, 06:26 AM
C, please

01-22-2014, 07:26 AM
Let me live in a ho-se by the side o- the road
Where the race o- men -o by*
The men who are -ood and the men who are bad,
As -ood and as bad as I.
I wo-ld not sit in the scorner's seat
Nor h-rl the cynic's ban*
Let me live in a ho-se by the side o- the road
And be a -riend to man.

Sam Walter -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) R(12) = 162
Asiel: T(16) V(2) B(7) = 23
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) C(4) = 27
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4) D(13)= 26

01-22-2014, 08:10 PM
U please

01-22-2014, 08:39 PM
Let me live in a house by the side o- the road
Where the race o- men -o by*
The men who are -ood and the men who are bad,
As -ood and as bad as I.
I would not sit in the scorner's seat
Nor hurl the cynic's ban*
Let me live in a house by the side o- the road
And be a -riend to man.

Sam Walter -oss

Letters to Guess:

Catty1: E(32) O (20) M(7) I(12) S(15) R(12) = 162
Asiel: T(16) V(2) B(7) U(4) = 31
Felicia's Mom's : N(16) L(7) C(4) = 27
ChrisH: A(21) = 42
Randi: H(15) = 15
cassiesmom: W(5) Y(4) D(13)= 26

01-23-2014, 04:08 PM
Soo, any guesses?

01-28-2014, 09:01 PM
I know what it is :)