View Full Version : Has your cat

cat lover
12-09-2013, 12:37 PM
ever climbed your Xmas tree? Sure he or she has. Here are some cute pics. http://www.buzzfeed.com/melismashable/20-cats-in-christmas-trees

12-09-2013, 02:43 PM
Mac never climbs the tree. He is usually a very well-behaved gentleman! Kimba? "I climb, therefore I am." This year will be the first time in three years I am trying a tree again. The last time Kimba was about a year old and, well, the tree was on its side more than it was upright. He's older now, so I am going to try again.:D

12-09-2013, 09:07 PM
Did you notice all the trees were lacking Cat ornaments?:rolleyes:
So what other choice did the kitties have except to use themselves LOL :D

This is my Catmas Tree:D

12-10-2013, 09:25 AM
Smokey the Cat did many years ago when I was young and ruined several irreplacable ornaments that My Mother had had in the family for generations.
We thought that she would be quite angry , but as she wept them up , she hugged Smokey and said that it was not his fault that it was a Cat's nature to climb.
And that as a Creature of Our Lord God he was more important than trinkets.
My Dear Mother taught me a lot that day, she just loved Mr Scrappy and Pouncer, my first Cats,
I miss her more every year:love:

12-10-2013, 06:10 PM
I first put up my Clark W. Griswold Christmas Tree after first getting my cats in 2008 when I had Chessie and Casey. I put it up in my home office so that I could shut them out of the room and away from the tree when unsupervised. When I put it up, I got the lights (all 900) on it and let them into the room to see how they would behave before putting on ornaments. Chessie went up to it and just stared up at it, probably because all the little lights looked like the laser pointer that he loved to chase. Casey went under the tree and started rubbing against the trunk, causing the entire tree to start swaying. At that point, I knew it wouldn't be safe to let them in the room with the tree and keep them shut out while the tree is up. I can still see Chessie camping out in the hallway and straining his neck to look in whenever I'd go in or out of the room.

When I got Smokey, I already planned on not letting them in the room with the tree. However, Smokey has this thing for inspecting open doors (thankfully not the exterior doors) and sometimes getting a running start to try to get through the opening. So, one day I came out of the office for a few seconds, pulled the door shut behind me, but didn't latch it. Smokey pawed at the door, and before I could stop him, he was in the room. I ran in after him, grabbing his rear half as he was starting to disappear behind the Nativity scene and up into the fully decorated tree.

If anybody is wondering why I call it a Clark W. Griswold Christmas Tree, it's a 6-foot tree with 900 lights, an 11-light star, 60 feet of garland, and 200+ ornaments.


12-12-2013, 01:20 PM
I used to have Griswold Christmas Trees before Kimba, but now I'm down to some lights and a star on top. Kimba LOVES the tree still, but I have an artificial tree now and if it falls, so be it. My ornaments (I will put them up in a few days when I am on vacation from work) are the unbreakable kind. Still, Kimba tries to EAT the tree and that can't be good for him. Luckily, the tree is right next to the computer desk and I have a spray bottle handy. He hasn't knocked it over yet, so that is some kind of progress. Cats! What are ya gonna do with 'em?