View Full Version : Buddy/Buster found his forever home! *Picture #59*

12-06-2013, 10:25 AM
Sorry the picture is so big. I have a cropped one, but I had to take this from Facebook.
Last night at 10pm (by the way, we are actually having freezing temps here in Cali) when I was getting ready to go to bed I heard barking outside. Bruce said "it sounds like it is right outside the door". I said "it is!!"
He would not let me touch him, so I put my dogs in the backyard and opened the door and coaxed him to come in. He came right in and met Jax. Jax was probably thinking "they make them in my size too!!"
Once he was in the house I was able to pet him and put a temporary leash on him. I do not have a collar small enough to fit him. I took him to the ER vet for them to scan for a chip. No chip and they asked if he was neutered. Nope! He is intact. :(
I had no choice but to bring him home so he wouldn't freeze to death outside. So today I will walk the neighborhood to see if anyone knows or recognizes him. I am also going to take him to the shelter I volunteer at to use their scanner. The one at the ER vet looked like it was 100 years old.
Let's hope I can find his home, or find him a new home!
Oh, I've just been calling him Buddy. And it made me think of Buddy the elf! :D


12-06-2013, 01:02 PM
Aww, no wonder he was barking - he doesn't have enough fluff to be outside on a cold night! Bless you for taking him in, I am sure someone is missing him right now!

12-06-2013, 04:34 PM
Bless you for taking the little guy in to warm up. I hope you can locate his family.

12-06-2013, 11:55 PM
I put my dogs in the backyard and opened the door and coaxed him to come in.

Things like that have a way of paying off...

I bet when you step up to a big door some day, that there will be another Angel with their hand outstretched to help you in. ;)

12-07-2013, 01:47 PM
Bless you for taking Buddy in. I hope you find his owners.

12-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Thank you for helping Buddy!! Please keep us updated! :) Looks like you may have a foster...those never work in your house ;)

12-08-2013, 05:39 AM
He sure is cute! I'm sad that he was outside by himself on such a cold night, but I'm happy that he found his way to your house and was able to be coaxed inside, where he is warm and safe. Buddy is such a cute name! He needed to be someone's buddy, so he came to you for some help. I hope you find his person, or if not, that he goes to another safe and loving home!

12-08-2013, 10:43 AM
I just can't believe nobody is looking for him. No lost dog posters, no calls on the found dog posters or ads we put online.
We are going to go put up more posters today.

12-08-2013, 06:55 PM
Hmm, I wonder if he was in town visiting with relatives for the holiday and got lost or something!

12-08-2013, 08:22 PM
Hmm, I wonder if he was in town visiting with relatives for the holiday and got lost or something!
That's possible, but shouldn't someone still be looking?

12-08-2013, 09:06 PM
I take it this is the dog from FaceBook? He is cute!

12-08-2013, 09:18 PM
That's possible, but shouldn't someone still be looking?

Yeah, but they may not be looking where you are posting, who knows! I sure hope his owner turns up, have you called local vets to see if anyone recognizes him as a patient?

12-08-2013, 10:29 PM
I take it this is the dog from FaceBook? He is cute!
Yes, this is who I was talking about. :)

Yeah, but they may not be looking where you are posting, who knows! I sure hope his owner turns up, have you called local vets to see if anyone recognizes him as a patient?
I went to my vet that is very close to where we live. I am also going to put posters at the pet supply stores. I will stop by some other vet offices too. It's just hard when I work all day and not local. But I am trying as much as I can. Bruce is helping too, so hopefully we will find them. If they even want him. We had the thought that someone might have dropped him off at the park that we live by.

12-09-2013, 12:02 AM
Aww, poor guy. These cold nights are for sure not for sleeping outside.

I would offer to visit vet offices but unfortunately I don't have a car during the day :/ I can offer to watch him though, if your crew doesn't get along with him or something. I'll also post his pic on my agility facebook group, if you don't mind, those folks are mostly from around here so maybe someone has heard something about a missing Chi.

12-09-2013, 09:37 AM
Aww, poor guy. These cold nights are for sure not for sleeping outside.

I would offer to visit vet offices but unfortunately I don't have a car during the day :/ I can offer to watch him though, if your crew doesn't get along with him or something. I'll also post his pic on my agility facebook group, if you don't mind, those folks are mostly from around here so maybe someone has heard something about a missing Chi.

That would be great if you could post it anywhere and everywhere!! :D
And I might take you up on the offer to watch him. He gets along great with the dogs. He does show some lap guarding at times, but nothing out of control.
But we are going up to Tahoe on Sunday the 29th and won't be back until the 1st. I am hoping I will have found his home by then, but if not I was going to see if my mom would be willing to watch him along with Zoee. If that doesn't work out, perhaps you could watch him for a few days while we are gone. This way, if his owners do come forward he will still be in town (my parent's live 1 1/2 hours away).

Thank you so much!! :D

12-09-2013, 07:49 PM
Sure that wouldn't be a problem. :) We are staying home over the holidays and on New Years Eve.

So far no one on the agility group knew anything about a missing dog, unfortunately. But they recommended the Fido Alert group on facebook but I noticed you have him posted there already.

12-09-2013, 08:50 PM
He looks like such a sweetie, I hope his owners are found, if not I bet there's some lap out there that just need warming!

12-09-2013, 11:47 PM
Sure that wouldn't be a problem. :) We are staying home over the holidays and on New Years Eve.

So far no one on the agility group knew anything about a missing dog, unfortunately. But they recommended the Fido Alert group on facebook but I noticed you have him posted there already.
Thank you so much! :)

He looks like such a sweetie, I hope his owners are found, if not I bet there's some lap out there that just need warming!

He really is a good dog. He seems to catch on quickly. I need to work on basics with him, like sit and stay. But I believe he is a fast learner. Once he can calm down and focus. He is very puppy-ish.

12-10-2013, 10:20 AM
He really does look like a total love bug. Is he scared at all? Skinny? I wonder why someone would abandon him like that, if that's the case. :(

12-10-2013, 10:32 AM
He really does look like a total love bug. Is he scared at all? Skinny? I wonder why someone would abandon him like that, if that's the case. :(

He was terrified the night I found him. You can tell from that picture I posted. But now he is a happy camper! :D He is not skinny, his nails are not too long. He was taken care of for a while at least. Just upon a visual glance at his teeth, the girl at the vets office (not the doctor) said he was about a year old. If his owners do not step forward in two weeks I'll take him to the vet for a more thorough exam and a more accurate age guesstimate. The girl at the vet also said "'tis the season" for people to dump their dogs. :(

12-10-2013, 11:10 PM
That's so sad what the girl at the vet said, about this being the season to dump dogs... :( I wonder if it's because they are planning to surprise their kids with a new pet for Christmas so the old one kinda has to "run away"? Really is heartbreaking :(

12-11-2013, 06:18 AM
I don't know how I missed this thread!

THANK YOU for taking Buddy in and caring for him. He is a sweet dog.

You mentioned he is 'a fast learner when he can calm down and focus.' This likely is because he is an in tact male. It is hard for them to calm down and focus with all those hormones coursing through their bodies. And he has a little body! (We just had a discussion about this on the bichon forum, someone with a 2 year old male, in tact and a wild child, so it is all fresh in my mind).

Do you have long term plans for Buddy? Would you consider keeping him? Please give him a cuddle from me -- and one for all your crew, for allowing him to stay safe at this time.

12-11-2013, 09:39 AM
That's so sad what the girl at the vet said, about this being the season to dump dogs... :( I wonder if it's because they are planning to surprise their kids with a new pet for Christmas so the old one kinda has to "run away"? Really is heartbreaking :(
Well, this guy is not that old. We still think he is in the puppy stage, since he is chewing up EVERYTHING!!! And he is just very puppy-ish all around.
And I think people dump dogs around this time because they can't afford them. :confused:

I don't know how I missed this thread!

THANK YOU for taking Buddy in and caring for him. He is a sweet dog.

You mentioned he is 'a fast learner when he can calm down and focus.' This likely is because he is an in tact male. It is hard for them to calm down and focus with all those hormones coursing through their bodies. And he has a little body! (We just had a discussion about this on the bichon forum, someone with a 2 year old male, in tact and a wild child, so it is all fresh in my mind).

Do you have long term plans for Buddy? Would you consider keeping him? Please give him a cuddle from me -- and one for all your crew, for allowing him to stay safe at this time.

Bruce mentioned that us keeping him is one of the options if we do not find his owners. But I think we are rethinking that. We are not set up for a small dog. He can get under the baby gate into the cats room. He is, as I stated above, chewing up all the toys (cat toys too!). Last night I got home and it looked like one of the toys exploded all over the living room. These are things that we would adapt to and deal with had we wanted to bring in a young dog. But since it's not in our plans.................
But you never know what another week or two will bring. We might begin to not imagine the house without him, and make adjustments accordingly. My main focus right now is to find his family. I have to believe someone is missing him. He really is a sweet dog! Tonight I am posting more signs around the neighborhood and at the pet stores. I am constantly checking craigslist and updating my post so it is up toward the top for people to see.

12-11-2013, 09:41 AM
Sure that wouldn't be a problem. :) We are staying home over the holidays and on New Years Eve.

So far no one on the agility group knew anything about a missing dog, unfortunately. But they recommended the Fido Alert group on facebook but I noticed you have him posted there already.

I spoke to my mom about this last night and she said they could keep him (of course!). If we still have him. And he will get to meet everyone at Christmas too. So it won't be a huge shock for us to leave him there..........I hope.
But thank you for the offer! It is greatly appreciated! :D

12-11-2013, 01:02 PM
Buddy looks like a keeper. :)

12-11-2013, 01:47 PM
Buddy looks like a keeper. :)

I would keep him in an instant. BUT I want to find his home. And we've decided (or I have) that we are not a small dog home.

Good news is I showed his pic and video to a co-worker that had to put her Chihuahua down a few months ago. And she is interested in adopting him if his owners do not come forward!! :D :D This is perfect, because then I will keep tabs on him and get updates. :)

12-11-2013, 01:59 PM
I would keep him in an instant. BUT I want to find his home. And we've decided (or I have) that we are not a small dog home.

Good news is I showed his pic and video to a co-worker that had to put her Chihuahua down a few months ago. And she is interested in adopting him if his owners do not come forward!! :D :D This is perfect, because then I will keep tabs on him and get updates. :)

Ooh, excellent - sounds like a plan!

12-11-2013, 03:16 PM
Please give him a cuddle from me -- and one for all your crew, for allowing him to stay safe at this time.

Please give him and all your crew a cuddle for me, too! I hope it works out that he can go to a new home with your co-worker if his owner is not found. I'm glad he is safe with you right now!

12-12-2013, 10:39 AM
Please give him and all your crew a cuddle for me, too! I hope it works out that he can go to a new home with your co-worker if his owner is not found. I'm glad he is safe with you right now!

Cuddles gladly delivered for you and Freedom! :D Thank you!!

12-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Well, this guy is not that old. We still think he is in the puppy stage, since he is chewing up EVERYTHING!!! And he is just very puppy-ish all around.
And I think people dump dogs around this time because they can't afford them. :confused:

Bruce mentioned that us keeping him is one of the options if we do not find his owners. But I think we are rethinking that. We are not set up for a small dog. He can get under the baby gate into the cats room. He is, as I stated above, chewing up all the toys (cat toys too!). Last night I got home and it looked like one of the toys exploded all over the living room. These are things that we would adapt to and deal with had we wanted to bring in a young dog. But since it's not in our plans.................
But you never know what another week or two will bring. We might begin to not imagine the house without him, and make adjustments accordingly. My main focus right now is to find his family. I have to believe someone is missing him. He really is a sweet dog! Tonight I am posting more signs around the neighborhood and at the pet stores. I am constantly checking craigslist and updating my post so it is up toward the top for people to see.

Cindy, Mikey was the same way you described Buddy...and he is not a small dog. :D He sounds like he's just going through the puppy crazies. PLUS, he is still intact. If you get him neutered I think you'll find he'll be a lot better, especially since he is so smart! He chose your house for a reason, because he KNEW you'd take care of him whether or not you keep him or find the perfect family. He is EXTREMELY adoptable being so young and small to! Boy, did this dog choose the right home to come scratching at the door LOL

12-13-2013, 10:04 AM
Cindy, Mikey was the same way you described Buddy...and he is not a small dog. :D He sounds like he's just going through the puppy crazies. PLUS, he is still intact. If you get him neutered I think you'll find he'll be a lot better, especially since he is so smart! He chose your house for a reason, because he KNEW you'd take care of him whether or not you keep him or find the perfect family. He is EXTREMELY adoptable being so young and small to! Boy, did this dog choose the right home to come scratching at the door LOL

LOL, yes he did find the right home! And I'm just so thankful he barked! I would have never known he was out there if he had not barked.

Well, I think it's safe to say that nobody is missing him. We hung several posters again last night. But I can't help thinking........if he was lost someone would be LOOKING for him! They would be posting on all these sites that I'm posting him on. I just don't get it!

Anyway, my co-worker might have a new puppy for Xmas! I think she is the perfect person to get him. She is familiar with small dogs (has had more then one for 10+ years) and is missing one of her Chihuahua's she had pts this summer. It's still not a done deal with her. She has to convince her husband. But it doesn't sound like that will be too difficult. :)

12-13-2013, 11:06 PM
Buddy's owner saw one of our posters we put up last night at the park. Apparently she moved and can't take him so her boyfriend was supposed to be taking him to someone. She found out today that he " left him with the lady at the gas station". The lady doesn't know what really happened. Anyway, she needs to find him a home. So I'm still going to see if my coworker wants him. If not we don't feel comfortable giving him back. She said she'd take him to her dad's. But how do we know the boyfriend won't dump him again?
His name is/ was Lil Boy. Which we actually called him sometimes in addition to Buddy. He is 8 months old and has never had any shots. I didn't ask his breed or how she got him. But I will ask when I call her next week to let her know what's going on.
Some might think poorly of her, but if she didn't care she wouldn't have called.

12-14-2013, 07:34 AM
Oh good, at least now you can feel good about finding him a home!:)

12-14-2013, 07:38 AM
Knowing his age is a big help - oh my so young to be off on his own! Good boy for barking at the PT house, Buddy!

Do what is best for Buddy -- but then, that's what you've been doing right along. Good job!

12-14-2013, 10:00 PM
Wow, he's a lot younger than I estimated from the pic. Just a puppy really! No wonder he's being so naughty, haha! I really hope your coworker takes him. Sounds like a lot safer place for him :)

12-16-2013, 03:12 PM
Wow, he's a lot younger than I estimated from the pic. Just a puppy really! No wonder he's being so naughty, haha! I really hope your coworker takes him. Sounds like a lot safer place for him :)

Yup, after he was with us for a few days and became comfortable I realized he was pretty young. He tears up ALL of the toys. He even goes in and gets the cat toys. Oh joy! The cats are thrilled, as you can imagine. LOL

Still waiting to see if my co-worker will take him. I really hope she does! Fingers crossed!!!

12-16-2013, 03:43 PM
Wow, I hope she dumps that scumbag!! :mad: I am glad you found out the WHOLE story though. I hope your co-worker will take him. Buddy certainly knew what he was doing when he clawed at your door LOL

12-17-2013, 12:32 PM
So his original owner texted me last night asking how he was doing. This makes me feel like she really does care.
I found out his parents are both Chihuahua's. She even sent pictures of them to me. His birthday is in February, so he is 10 months old, not 8. Still a puppy though!
She did take good care of him. His coat is nice and shiny and he is basically healthy.

I am taking him to the vet Thursday night to get his vaccinations started. My co-worker is going to take him on Friday (hopefully this goes through) and keep him through the holidays for me. We will be going to a bunch of different places over the holidays and I don't want him bouncing around like that. I'm hoping her and her husband fall in love with him (like we did!) and will want to keep him. If not, she'll give him back to me and I'll continue to search for a home for him.
I also found out my vet does rescue rates for rescues. So if I do get him back I'll take him in to be neutered before finding him a home.

Let's just hope he finds his home over the holidays with my co-worker! :D

12-17-2013, 12:54 PM
So his original owner texted me last night asking how he was doing. This makes me feel like she really does care.
I found out his parents are both Chihuahua's. She even sent pictures of them to me. His birthday is in February, so he is 10 months old, not 8. Still a puppy though!
She did take good care of him. His coat is nice and shiny and he is basically healthy.

I am taking him to the vet Thursday night to get his vaccinations started. My co-worker is going to take him on Friday (hopefully this goes through) and keep him through the holidays for me. We will be going to a bunch of different places over the holidays and I don't want him bouncing around like that. I'm hoping her and her husband fall in love with him (like we did!) and will want to keep him. If not, she'll give him back to me and I'll continue to search for a home for him.
I also found out my vet does rescue rates for rescues. So if I do get him back I'll take him in to be neutered before finding him a home.

Let's just hope he finds his home over the holidays with my co-worker! :D

Aww, it is nice that you got to speak with his original owner, and got the extra info, and that she cared enough to text and inquire!

12-17-2013, 08:23 PM
I am glad she cared...:) That is nice.

I really hope this pup gets a new home for the Holidays! :)

12-19-2013, 10:42 AM
My co-worker has decided she cannot take Buddy for me. She will take him for two weeks over the holidays though (thank goodness!!). So now I must find this little guy a home. :(
I wish we could keep him, but we just can't. I would love to find him a home with someone I know so I can keep up on him.

Wish me luck!!!

12-20-2013, 12:19 PM
A lady that saw our Found Dog posters called and asked if we might need to find him a home. Random!
But we do! So she was supposed to come see him last night and didn't. Now she is supposed to come tomorrow evening.
She is already not scoring any points with me for her lack of enthusiasm and that she didn't even let us know she wasn't coming last night (Bruce had to text her).
I do feel like I might be being too picky with this. But I can't help it!

Then another co-worker's sister might be interested. So I have a good feeling that we will find a home soon!

12-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Hopeful news!

12-28-2013, 08:47 PM
Just thought I'd come give an update. Buddy is currently with my coworker. Her husband is definitely becoming attached. But they have not come to a final decision yet. They have until the 2nd to decide, or they will bring him back to me on the 3rd.

Please, everyone, good positive thoughts that they decide they can't let him go!!

12-28-2013, 09:02 PM
Ooh, quick prayers on the way!

01-03-2014, 09:34 AM
Well, I believe Buddy is coming back home with me today. They really love him, but just decided they can't take on another dog. PLUS my co-worker is allergic to him! She can't let him touch her skin without getting hives. So she has to wear long sleeves if she holds him. :(

Unless her husband changes his mind before 4:30 today he will bring him to the office and Buddy will come back home with me. Part of me is excited to see him again, but I was really hoping he found his forever home.

So if anyone knows someone in Northern California that would love a good little Chihuahua boy, let me know! :)

01-04-2014, 07:26 PM
I'll ask my customers!! Can I print out one fo the pics you posted to show him to people?

01-05-2014, 11:36 AM
I'll ask my customers!! Can I print out one fo the pics you posted to show him to people?

Oh, I haven't updated here yet.
So Buddy came home with me Friday after work. I texted my coworker to tell her how excited the dogs were to see him. Taggart was running around like a crazy dog.
Well she texted me back (it was less than 3 hours after I took him back) and said her husband wants me to bring Buster Brown to work with me Monday. Buster is the name he wanted to change it to but she wouldn't allow it unless he could commit to keeping him. He said tell Cindy not to adopt him out.
We took Buster back to his forever home last night. She said they could not stop talking about him when they got home and their other young dog (he's one year older than Buster) kept looking for him everywhere.

Buddy got to spend one last night in the home he chose back on December 5th. You should have seen how fast his little tail was wagging when he saw his forever mom again last night. It was so fast it was just a blur.

She sent me a couple pictures last night. I'll try to post them here tomorrow.

I'm so happy this all worked out!!!!!

01-05-2014, 11:54 AM
Oh, I love happy endings.:love::love::love: Thanks to you the little guy will have a great home.:)

01-05-2014, 02:38 PM
I am so glad it worked out and so happy for Buddy! I guess she doesn't care about the allergies ;)

I can't get over how he knew which home to come to. Miracles really do happen :)

01-05-2014, 02:50 PM
Awesome. Perhaps they'll figure it out, but if covering up works, go with it. Glad he found a home.

01-05-2014, 03:05 PM
She is highly allergic to cats. When he was with her they had our crate that was used for Taz back in the day. We didn't have time to clean it out. She washed the blanket, but then it went back in the dirty crate. Now the crate is not there. So we are hoping any cat dander will eventually go away and she will be fine.
With cats her asthma flares. It has not with the dog, except the first night because of the blanket.
It's not bad enough that she doesn't want to keep him. She tried her hardest not to get attached to him in case her husband said no. Well, obviously, he is the one that got attached.......the first night! He lets him do things and go places in the house that the other dogs are not allowed to do. She told him he can't do that, especially if the keep him. We'll see how that goes in the future. LOL

01-05-2014, 03:11 PM
She is highly allergic to cats. When he was with her they had our crate that was used for Taz back in the day. We didn't have time to clean it out. She washed the blanket, but then it went back in the dirty crate. Now the crate is not there. So we are hoping any cat dander will eventually go away and she will be fine.
With cats her asthma flares. It has not with the dog, except the first night because of the blanket.
It's not bad enough that she doesn't want to keep him. She tried her hardest not to get attached to him in case her husband said no. Well, obviously, he is the one that got attached.......the first night! He lets him do things and go places in the house that the other dogs are not allowed to do. She told him he can't do that, especially if the keep him. We'll see how that goes in the future. LOL

Well, gosh. We'll hope the cat allergy is indeed the issue and she'll have no more issues with it.

01-05-2014, 05:26 PM
Such good news!

01-05-2014, 09:25 PM
Yahoo!!! I'm so happy that he's in his forever home for reals! ^_^

I have a good friend with a serious cat allergy like that. We have to limit our time together; even if we go out to eat we have to sit outside because being in an enclosed space with me makes his asthma flare up. I'm sure a dandery blanket would have the same effect on him! Hopefully your co-worker will be breathing easier around him soon!

01-06-2014, 07:01 AM
I am so happy for Buddy. :)

01-06-2014, 08:00 PM
I'm so glad to hear that he finally found his forever home. Thanks for keeping us updated.:)

01-06-2014, 08:49 PM
Good to hear Buddy (Buster Brown) really is home now!:love:

01-09-2014, 10:31 AM
Here is a picture of Buster with his best friend Wilson. Wilson was named after Brian Wilson when he was with the Giants. Buster is supposedly after Buster Brown, but I think privately it's also for Buster Posey. Her son has a cat named (Matt) Cain too.
I just love the smiles on their faces!!! :D :D


01-09-2014, 02:19 PM
I am so happy Buster is so happy, what a lovely pair! :love::D

01-09-2014, 05:02 PM
Great picture.:) Buster & Wilson make a cute pair.:love:

01-09-2014, 09:27 PM
Aww they look so happy together sharing the blanket:love:

01-10-2014, 12:42 PM
Thanks everyone!

So last night I was just too curious so I texted his previous owner and asked her if she knew his exact birthdate. She said her sister has his brother and she asked her. He was born January 10th, 2013. Which means he is ONE today!!! :D :D

Happy Birthday Buddy/Buster!!! :D :D

I'm so glad I decided to finally text her last night. I'd been thinking about it for weeks now. I (like most of my fellow PTers) like to celebrate my "kids" birthdays. :)
I let my coworker know and she said her husband was just asking her when his birthday was. LOL

01-10-2014, 12:59 PM
Buddy/Buster & Wilson look like a happy pair of friends together. A sweet pair. :)