View Full Version : Todo por servir, se acaba - Thursday #563

12-05-2013, 06:05 PM
Uh, It's been a weird few weeks.

I went out to the store and when I came in, I saw that Nelson Mandela had passed.

In the past few weeks, I got the news that a brother in law and a former co-worker had died, then Gini.


Todo por servir, se acaba.

Everything that is useful, will wear out.

My mom used that saying quite a bit, about material things and about people.

I pondered those words for years - until I started to see what they meant.

It's a simple lament about something that you use or depend on finally wearing out.

It's also a little salute as to how useful that item or person was in your life.

We get a little flustered, lost and then we get our bearings back and breathe again.


Lemon Drop.

1.5 oz Vodka
.5 oz triple sec
1 tsp sugar
.75 oz fresh lemon juice.

Mix and serve in a sugar rimmed glass.


12-06-2013, 03:12 PM
FOUND GINI'S LD RECIPE...... :D:cool::love:

Lemon Drop Martini

2 oz Lemon Flavoured Vodka
2 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Margarita Mix
½ oz Lime Cordial (I add a bit more than this)

Fill a shaker with crushed ice.
Squeeze in a big wedge of lemon, then drop in the whole wedge.
Add all the ingredients above.
Shake, not stir. Strain in a martini glass and enjoy!

12-07-2013, 07:59 PM
Aww, makes me want lemon squares, yummy! :) Those and some Earl Grey tea, anyone?

12-08-2013, 12:31 PM
Hahaha, I have a box of lemon pound cake that I have been hoarding...

Tea? Sure bet.


I knew it was in here, someplace. The L&F maybe?


12-08-2013, 06:44 PM
Thanks - tea and lemon cake sounds lovely! Perfect for a dark winter evening - it gets dark around 4 or so up here this time of year! And with a storm coming, perfect for warming from the inside out!

If I ever had to describe the color yellow to a blind person, I would say it feels like sunlight warm on your skin, and tastes likes lemon and butter!

12-08-2013, 07:27 PM
I had a high school friend over last night to help finish decorating my tree. I was all excited to make her a lemon drop. Did all my shopping but low and behold I forgot the Triple Sec. Made it anyway without it - drinkable, but not the same.

Weather still below zero here so I will take a hot toddy please, and make him as good looking as you, Richard. :cool:;)

12-09-2013, 01:24 AM
I had a high school friend over last night to help finish decorating my tree. I was all excited to make her a lemon drop. Did all my shopping but low and behold I forgot the Triple Sec. Made it anyway without it - drinkable, but not the same.

Weather still below zero here so I will take a hot toddy please, and make him as good looking as you, Richard. :cool:;)

Hee hee! What's in a hot toddy, anyway? And does hot buttered rum really have butter melted into the booze? Not a drinker of alcohol, so just curious!

12-12-2013, 12:54 PM
Hee hee! What's in a hot toddy, anyway? And does hot buttered rum really have butter melted into the booze? Not a drinker of alcohol, so just curious!

Yes, but you MUST use butter, not margarine!