View Full Version : A complicated problem...the neighbor's dog

08-22-2001, 07:53 AM
As most of you know, I am very sensitive about my dogs being good neighbors, and not barking incessantly. They are always in at night, and when the barking starts during the daytime, I always investigate and bring them inside. I am extra sensitive to this because when they were puppies, about two years ago, I went off for the weekend and had a petsitter come to care for them. We chose to leave them outside, and apparently, they were very loud during the night and my backdoor neighbor made sure I knew about it. In fact she chose to ring my doorbell at 11:00 at night, 5 nights later,when my dogs were sleeping soundly inside, to inform me of the weekend activities. She also wouldn't identify herself, but later admitted it was her. I was scared to death! They have never spent another night outside since that fateful weekend.

Now to the problem. These same neighbors took in a Yorkshire Terrier that was headed to the pound. OK, that was a noble thing to do, but for the last three weeks, they have left that dog penned up on their deck and it barks and cries all the time! In fact, last Sunday, it escaped and ended greeting me at my front door when I came home from church. I had her for half a day until I could reach them. I hinted that I knew it must be their dog because I recognized the bark. Well, the hint wasn't good enough. That poor thing is miserable and lonely, the only way I know to describe it. They put her out when the husband leaves for work at 2:30 am, and she stays out until late evening. And she barks all night and all day. She can't even get down to the yard! As the weather gets cooler, I will want to open up my windows, but I don't see it happening as long as all this barking and yipping is going on. And I endure it all day too since I work from home.

I'm scared to make a big deal out of it with them for fear that the lady of the house will be as ugly as she was two years ago. I'm sure I would get a long list of every single time she has heard my dogs bark. My one defense would be that I know my dogs don't keep her awake at night!

I would like the barking to stop, obviously, but I also feel so sorry for the little dog. A Yorkshire Terrier is not an outside dog, is it? Anyone have any brilliant ideas for me as to how I can deal with the problem?
I do not want to make waves....but I would like to sleep and see the little dog in a better environment. My offering to adopt it is NOT an option!!! :eek:


[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

08-22-2001, 08:35 AM
logan i feel for you. it's hard when you have a neighbor who is bad to their dog and you're a dog lover. i had a similar experience and this is what i did. i contacted a rescue group,and asked them to get a place ready. the next time the dog showed up at my house to play with alex, he was fed, cuddled and went with me to the rescue group. i didn't tell them the whole truth, just that he was showing up at my house and i was worried about his well being. they got "harry" settled into foster and now "harry" has a good home. a day later i mailed a letter, telling the former owners anonmously that since their dog wasn't loved and cared for by them that he'd gone to a place where he was being loved and cared for. they weren't even looking for "harry".
i realize that is a very drastic solution and if those neighbors had the wit to figure it out, there would have been BIG problems. i struggled with that decision for days before i did it. i do know that they never got another dog while i lived there. i still feel that i did the most correct thing for that dog, but that sin of theft is still something i struggle with sometimes.
i hope you can find a solution. smiles and woofs

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: joycenalex ]

08-22-2001, 09:04 AM
Oh, Logan, I feel for you. Nothing drives me up a tree like a barking dog. I know what you are talking about here is not the occasional barking at a passerby or something that they see, but the continual barking which denotes that they want or need help. And that is what is so upsetting. These are not circumstances in which to keep a little yorkie. I tend to agree with Joyce that this animal needs another home. Is there a local rescue group that you could contact who would be willing to take some action?

Snowy's Mommy
08-22-2001, 09:05 AM
Hi Logan,

I was thinking about your problem and this is what I propose:

If you can (I know you work from home and have your fur babies to take care of), give the Yorkie some rawhide chews and treats during the day--that will kepp him busy, show him that you care and stop the barking.

As for the fact that he is kept outside all the time, that is disturbing because Yorkies are NOT outside dogs--they are very people oriented and really should be kept inside.

I would politely talk to your neighbors if this continues, explaining that he barks all day and that it's really not good for the Yorkie to get this upset everyday.

The bottom line is he is lacking affectionand that is very sad. If they continue after you talk to them about it, maybe you should anonymously call the ASPCA adn have them check it out.....it's not fair to the Yorkie to have him treated like that and if he's outside in the winter he will surely get very sick.


08-22-2001, 09:05 AM
You know what?! This is so crazy coz I was just getting ready to post on a similar situtation.

About a month and a half ago, when I came home from work. I noticed a GSD and Malamute tied up to a tree that is right on the border of my property and my next door neighbor's. I knew that they had a Collie that ran around, but this was the first time I saw these two beauties. Everyday when I came home, they were still there. It rained, poured, and thunderstormed, and they were still there! Andrew and I went out and put a tarp over their head to protect them from the rain. It smelled so bad coz their chain is short and they have to go to the bathroom right there and stay in it. It made me so mad.

One day, when I got back from work, I waited on my front porch till I saw someone go out and give them some food. I asked if I could take them for a walk and told the lady that the poor dogs needed to be cleaned and walked and given a better place to stay. She said that they were moving into town and were staying with my neighbors till they found a house which should be in about 2 weeks. That was a month ago!
Andrew and I go out there every couple of days and scoop up the mess. Two weekends ago, the owners went away for a couple of days and left the dogs their. Andrew and I took them off the chain and washed them and brushed them and took them for a walk. They are so sad and it breaks my heart. They are still there!
They howl and brak at night but I am patient with that. I would be doing the same if I were in there place. I have talked to their owner several times, but she tells me that they will be leaving soon and that the dogs will not stay like that for long.
What should I do? I wish I could take them both, but my house is too small for 3 BIg dogs!

08-22-2001, 10:55 AM
Both situations are so sad, I can relate to both. Across the street the daughter who has an apartment brings her dog to her parents for the weekend and she barks the whole time.
Down the street people who live there have some sort of cage they built for about six doxies, they are so confined that they bark most of the time. Poor things, some times they get loose and I am so afraid they will get run over, I try to catch them, but can't run very much because of heart condition. So far they get rounded up and back in the cage.
Some of you probably remember the problem we had next door, a Mexican family tied a beautiful friendly Boxer to the fence on a short rope with no water etc. I got Don to jump the fence and put a bowl of water there, she was out in the rain, bad weather.
So I finally marched over there and said did you know "Rica" is tied out there in the rain. Well they brought her in. I continued to make a pest of myself trying to help poor "Rica" by knocking on their door if the rope was to tight etc. I would reach over and give her treats and she would wiggle all over. I even offered to take her. One day she was not there, I asked about her and they said she ran away. No wonder.
Logan I feel so sorry for you, I don't know what the answer is. At least these people were friendly and went along with my busybodyness, but for people who have a chip on their shoulder it's hard to know what to do. Souraya, I don't know what to tell you except maybe call the Humane Society. :(

08-22-2001, 11:10 AM
Jackie, I had forgotten that it was you who went through that awful problem with the neighbor's boxer. I thought of that story immediately when I was writing my message.

You have all given me such wonderful input, and I really appreciate it. I think I just have to wait it out. I can't get to the little dog (her name is Shadow), without entering their backyard and going up on their deck, so I feel sort of funny about giving her treats, although I would love to. She is definitely a handfull, and she was just as noisy when I had her in my house for part of a day.

I think I will have to speak up if the nighttime barking continues, but I won't complain about the daytime barking. I would take advantage of the opportunity to tell them how upset she sounds though. I know that Honey probably barks some days when I am gone and she is outside. I just always think that at least she isn't disturbing people's sleep in the daytime. I wish I had it in me to take her in and work with her, but I just can't...the rescue suggestion is a good one though. In case she escapes again. In fact, they had a cocker spaniel, Daisy, for a while. She stayed in all the time, and then all the sudden, she was outside permanently and barked nonstop too. She escaped, and someone actually found her, but they let her stay with the new family and didn't even bring her home. That's why I was so surprised that they even bothered with this one... :( Sure is a sad thing.

08-22-2001, 12:18 PM
Hi, Logan. I would write a note that starts by congratulating them for saving a life! I would maybe pick up an inexpensive basic dog care book, and some Yorkie size toys as gift for them, too.

Then I would explain that a Yorkie is an intelligent dog, although small, and you are afraid he/she is getting bored being outside all day. I'd mention toys and activities, ask how his training is coming along (maybe they're just keeping him outside for now ...), and how he is adjusting. I don't feel you need to mention barking specifically, unless you feel a need to explain WHY you know he's bored and lonely. Stress "companion animals" and "the pack" and keep congratulating them for rescuing the pup.
Even offer any ideas for good obedience classes that you know of, and say that while he may be housetrained, etc., obedience training helps form a good bond between dog and owner in a way that not much else does. A rescue has special needs, etc., and we are SO glad that saved this dog!

Be relentlessly positive between suggestions. Tell them about the Pet Talk community, and that we congratulate them as well. It's early, maybe we can teach them despite former bad cirumstances!

Just my two cents ...

karen israel
08-22-2001, 03:22 PM
Yikes! Logan, I know it's hard. Our neighbors across the street had a Rottie that they tied out back and it barked constantly, esp. loud and snarly when anyone passed the house. I didn't know what it was tied with,a rope or chain (ugh) but I could hear it rubbing up against the tree as "Shadow" (what a coincidence) strained to get free. I'm talking about rain, snow, cold, hot weather. Only when I didn't hear him did I realize something was wrong and he got sick and had to be put down. Now they have a Finnish Spitz whose not out as often, but it does get annoying at 11p. Some people shouldn't have pets. "Dog" does not mean outside animal all the time. I am so tempted to call the Humane Society for the dog's sake. At least I can be anonomous, but you, sweetie, having made a new friend, can't do
that cause she sounds so understanding and rational! I think as long as the girls don't bark outside at night, she can't throw that in your face. After all, you are complaning about night, not day, I'd start with that!
Hmm, this is a dilemna..but we'll help you work it out!

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: karen israel ]

08-22-2001, 04:26 PM
Logan I feel for what you are going through. I wish I lived closer. I would kidnap that Yorkie! I think Yorkies are adorable! :D Seriously, I don't understand why anyone would leave a dog like that outside all day. It sounds like they are only half-hearted in their commitment to a dog, based on how the last one ended up.

It's interesting to see this topic, because we have a little cottage at the shore and just went away for overnight. We left Bella here at home with my son. We actually were going to take her with us but I was afraid that she would bark inside the cottage when we were out and I didn't want the neighbors to be annoyed. She doesn't bark here but the shore house is a little strange to her yet and I was afraid she would have a little separation anxiety at a different house.

Unfortunately some people just don't take time to consider others. I remember a neighbor from years ago who was an RN and worked 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM. She slept during the day. I guess the yorkie's owners don't realize that there may be people who have to sleep during the day and are being bothered by the barking.

I wish I had an answer for you but I don't. It might be that another neighbor will have a word with these people and you won't even have to get involved. Hopefully this will be resolved shortly for your sake as well as that little yorkie.

08-22-2001, 05:30 PM
i agree with calling a rescue group...both of these situations come under cruelty and/ or neglect...you could call code enforcement but then they go to a local pound where they will be put to sleep...but with a rescue group...they will find home...or check and find a no kill facility in your area...this is not ignorance...they don't need an education...they need to be told that they are not privileged enough to own a dog....i wonder how they take care of their children??? the 2 legged kind!!!! the deli dog :mad:

08-22-2001, 06:33 PM
Logan, your good heart must be eaten up by this! It must be so hard for someone who loves dogs and people so much. I admire you so much for thinking about the consequences so fully before acting.....not something I am well known for!
If I were in your position I would call the RSPCA who would then come and assess the situation. Any photographs, tape recordings or video tape that I could take would be shown to them. They would then approach the owners and take it from there.
I have no idea if any organisation your side of the pond can do this sort of thing?

08-22-2001, 09:43 PM
Thanks everyone for your input and support. Karen, I think your approach is sensible and probably the right thing to do. I just don't know these people well, and I am sure that the dog is cared for and fed, its just sad that she has to stay outside like that. I did see my neighbor come home midafternoon...guess he gets home early because he has to go in so early! But of course, the reason I saw him was because when he walked outside, Honey immediately started barking....so you can see my dilemma..but I did immediately come out and tell her "enough" and invited her inside, which she gladly accepted.

I'll probably "lay low" for a few days and see how Shadow does...then decide if I need to say anything.

Thanks again.

08-23-2001, 11:34 AM
Logan. This is a sad sad situation from
Your point of view as well as the Yorkie's..
There once was a time when I would hesitate
to become involved other than trying to talk to neighbors in a friendly kind of way about
the weather,local events ,etc.Once you get a
feel for what kind of people you are dealing with, then maybe say something nice about
the dog, ask it's name,etc..
If nothing changes for the better for this
little dog..I would definately do what joycenalex did!!!Life is short enough & for
pets far shorter to live out their existance
in such a sad,cruel way.
When i think about the Rottie mentioned earlier i could just cry..He was neglected,
badly treated,suffered and them he died..
How sad!!I could just not live with myself
if i personally witnessed this and did nothing about it..Maybe it comes with age
but I don't give a D*** what people may say
about me making it MY BUSINESS to make a call
or take(rescue)any dog i knew to be treated
this way.. Might try to enlist the help &
advise of another neighbor who feels as you
do, but has not spoken out about it.
Good Luck to You.

08-23-2001, 11:55 AM
Guess what...not a peep out of Shadow during the night last night or all day today! Maybe I sent a subliminal message, or maybe she has just given up the barking. I'll keep you informed!


08-23-2001, 01:10 PM
Guess I am a little late with a response but Karen would have outshined mine anyway! Great great, fantastic approach Karen. Thank you :D!

Logan, I tend to get angry when I see these things happen. I let out my aggressions and then go to the culprits house...and speak nicely of course. I did this to a neighbor of ours a few weeks ago. We are constantly finding her two very old little terriers running around our building. The first time was okay, the second time perturbed me, the third time I said this is ridiculous and was going to let the lady have it... nicely. It turns out, thanks to another neighbor telling me, that she is an elderly lady and the dogs get out of the back gate and she can't chase them down. They never go far anyway, several times they just wait at the back gate and we put them back in. Finally I confronted her. I asked how this happens and if she can't take care of them what does she plan on doing. She was really sweet and said that she can't go after them. I asked if she was trying to find a home for them then. She said she was and I told her that when/if the dogs get out to come get me immediately, I will get them for her and I will help her find them a home. But, they are sooooo old. It's so sad.

So, again, this is the only time I have ever had to do this but I do tend to be direct but very nice. No problems so far :) Good luck Logan. Hopefully the rest of your nights will be bark free :)
If not, the direct approach is best. Identify yourself and politely mention that this barking does bother you and possilby other neighbors. What do they plan to do with this poor dog and can you help in any way. Try that... if she has a problem with that approach then it is her problem and she must not be a very nice person.

08-23-2001, 03:37 PM
Angel, you are a softy, I love your direct approach, you go to tell the lady off and you end up offering to fetch the dogs and find them a home. I love it, I wished you lived near me. :D :D :D :D

08-23-2001, 08:19 PM
Having just re-read thru the posts on
"Complicated problem" i felt that my thoughts
and opinions might be construded as a put-down of other Pet Talk peoples reactions
to the issue at hand.Sorry if that was the
case with anyone here..
One of the great things about PET TALK is
that everyone can feel welcome to post without fear of being belittled or their opinions rejected out-of-hand because they
differ from our own... The openness and
honesty of discussion on issues is what drew
me to PET TALK. Truly hope no one was offended by my opinions...
Logan..Good luck with this !!!!

08-23-2001, 09:07 PM
Liz, no offense here, I truly think we all feel the way you do, just get tired of all these people who do not take responsibility and care for the animal they take into their home. Wouldn't life be great if they had to sign a legal document that they would
love, cherish and take care of any animal they took into their home for life. Guess I'm dreaming. :rolleyes:

08-30-2001, 10:07 PM
Interesting update for you....

Little Shadow has continued her daytime barking, but not nearly as bad. I never said a word to them, as I hadn't heard her during the night anymore. And just tonight, I had to go outside around 7:30 and tell both Shadow and Honey to be QUIET!!! Then, at 9:15, my doorbell rang...made me nervous as I had turned off the outside lights and was getting Helen in the bed. I did the normal "who is it?" and it was my neighbor (the husband, thank goodness). He said Shadow was gone and wanted to know if I had seen her. He said they went out to dinner and when they came home, their gate was open, and she was gone. He could see no signs of her escape from the deck. I know he was hoping that she had come here again. I'm wondering if some other neighbor got fed up with the barking and took her out of there...maybe not. Maybe she just wiggled out, but that doesn't explain the open gate.
I guess deep down, they are trying with her...I hate for that little thing to be lost and wandering the streets. She had no collar on when she came here that one day.

Say a little prayer that they either find her, or someone took her in. :(

08-30-2001, 10:33 PM
When you say " I think they are trying with
her" I don't believe it.They have an investment in the dog..that's all. If they
trully loved the Yorkie they would have made
other arraingments for keeping it inside..
I don't believe in " outside dogs " to begin
with ,,,But a Yorkie???
Hope with all my heart that someone took
the baby to a better place where she can
begin to unlearn all the bad stuff that's
happened to her..
Thank you Logan for the update on Shadow..

08-30-2001, 10:57 PM
I'm late as usual. I hope Shadow is found and taken to a good home. Maybe someone was as upset as you and did as Pam suggested: kidnapped him. Others have offered good advice but I must ask... What are the laws in your area? In the community where I live dogs that are kept outdoors must have ample space (not sure of the correct intended meaning of ample) to move around, shelter from rain, sun, inclement weather, etc. plus water available at all times when kept outdoors. There's also a noise ordinance in place. Check and maybe law enforcement could become involved. I do believe the direct approach is best. Calmly talking about the situation. This advice may not do any good if poor Shadow isn't found but maybe it could help someone else.

08-31-2001, 07:52 AM
I certainly wouldn't be surprised if someone else was on a rescue mission for Shadow. I only hope that was the case. There are others who have more direct and sinister ways of dealing with a barking dog who is annoying them. I hate to bring up that possibility, but the fact is it exists just like the incomprehensible notion of someone continually leaving a little yorky outside like that. God bless little Shadow wherever he may be.

[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

08-31-2001, 08:13 AM
Oh Rachel now I have such an uneasy feeling about little Shadow. I hadn't thought of that possibility. :( I think the open gate says it all. I certainly hope that Shadow has been rescued by someone who will love her the way she deserves to be loved. Logan, please keep us posted if you hear anything.

08-31-2001, 08:40 AM
Uh-Oh.... I must say I am surprised about Shadow's disappearance but my first thought was another neighbor taking her. The open gate does speak volumes. I just hope (and this is my skeptisism and watching too much tv speaking here...) that the neighbor didn't plan this and purposely let the dog out and made it look like someone took her. I really doubt they would go as far as too knock on doors and ask if anyone had seen her
if they purposely let her out. But, you never know. I really think someone else got fed up and took her out. Do you know if the other neighbors knew about Shadow's situation? I'm sure they did if you did. You can't miss a Yorkie barking constantly. I just hope Shadow is with someone who treat her the way she is meant to be treated. This makes me very sad - I know this doesn't have to be said but just let us know what happens.

08-31-2001, 09:15 AM
Oh Rachel, I don't know what happened but I hope she is in a safe place and not on the street.

karen israel
08-31-2001, 10:10 AM
Any sightings Logan? Poor, sweet, innocent Shadow, I hope he's ok. I feel rather creepy about this, gate open and all....

Daisy's Mom
08-31-2001, 05:43 PM
I was happy at first, thinking that Shadow had bee rescued, until Rachel brought up her point. I really hope this is not the case here. Daisy and I pray that Shadow was rescued by a caring neighbor, and that now he is in a loving home.

08-31-2001, 06:08 PM
Oh please let Shadow be in the arms of someone loving and kind; or that he is safely hiding, soon to be found, having merely escaped the yard. I can't bare to imagine that someone has taken him and harmed him. This is so distressing. Please let us know as soon as you hear anything Logan. Maybe he will show up at your very welcoming door mat soon. I hope so.

08-31-2001, 10:29 PM
I have heard not a peep tonight, and I rarely see my neighbors. But if I see the owner tomorrow, I will definitely inquire. As you can tell, they aren't the "closest" of neighbors that I have. :(
I hope the little dog is ok too. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything.