View Full Version : Gini

11-24-2013, 09:41 PM
I'm posting this with tears running down my face. I've just received an email from Gini's neighbour that our dear Gini passed away yesterday, Nov. 23 at 1:45 pm after fighting emphysema for the last 3.5 years. She died peacefully and seemingly not in pain. I had absolutely no idea that she was in hospital. I would have travelled down to LA to say good-bye.

I'm sure she received a standing ovation from Phred and the PT furry ones. That's all I can post for now.:(:(

RIP dear friend.

11-24-2013, 10:00 PM
Oh dear! Thanks so much for letting us all know! Emphysema is such a horrible disease, and so sad. I am glad her neighbors contacted you, and you could let us know. So sad, so sad. We will always miss her!

I hope she was met with a parade of firefighters and all the beloved Pet Talkers - Phred, Molly, Corinna, Jonza, and all the others, and the orange kitties I bet formed their own tribute welcome to her.

11-24-2013, 10:19 PM
Gentle Gini ~ You will be missed.

Some may not know this, but Gini would send me notes with positive stories for me to share in the Good Guys thread. I don't know why she didn't want to post them herself. That was our Gini.

Our thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family.

11-24-2013, 10:54 PM
I'm in shock.:( Thanks for letting us know about this. I'm so thankful to have met her when she hosted her famous LA PT BBQ's. She was such a wonderful and caring person. RIP Gini.:(

11-24-2013, 11:01 PM
shocked to say the least :(

how sad... even though I haven't been in ages here I feel so sad to know about this great loss... so many great people have gone to the RB lately.. :(

I bet Phred had already a red carpet and firemen as escorts for when she arrived.. she will be soooo missed down here.. for those who knew here and those of us who only knew here in here.. R.I.P Gini.. I should've dropped by when I could... so sorry... another PTer I didn't took the chance to meet :(

11-24-2013, 11:04 PM
I am so sad to hear that Gini has passed:(. She was a dear, dear lady and I too was fortunate to meet her personally. Godspeed dear friend:love:.




11-24-2013, 11:05 PM
I am pretty speechless at the moment.

Gini was an original.

RIP Friend. :(

11-24-2013, 11:24 PM
I have just made reservations to attend the memorial service next Saturday. I'm with Richard...words escape me.....:(:(:(

11-24-2013, 11:30 PM
I was so glad she was back on Pet Talk after being so ill a while back.

It doesn't seem possible - Gini! :(

Lilith Cherry
11-24-2013, 11:30 PM
This is so sad. You will be truly missed Gini!

11-24-2013, 11:32 PM
Oh, my. This is such sad news. I noticed that her candles on the PT gratefulness.org page went missing several days ago. I'm sure that Corinna, Phred and Terry were ready to welcome her. Dear Gini.

11-25-2013, 12:18 AM
Together again.


11-25-2013, 01:20 AM
Rest in peace, Miz Gini. I am fortunate to have met you and will miss you greatly. :(

11-25-2013, 01:50 AM
Oh, Gini. So sorry to hear you have left us, although it is easy to imagine your joyous reunion at the Rainbow Bridge. {{{gentle hugs}}}

Thank you for the update, Slick.

LES from AmberLee and her furry gray kids.

11-25-2013, 02:29 AM
Oh, no, not our dear Gini. :(:( Heartbreaking.

11-25-2013, 02:33 AM
I'm in tears... can't write anything right now. :( :( :(

Rest in peace, dearest Gini! :love:

11-25-2013, 04:07 AM
Together again.


Slick - I send you huge huge hugs!!!!! :-(
Gini ... I simply can't believe it ........ I have no words ..

11-25-2013, 04:53 AM
RIP sweet lady. She will be the designated Pet Talk hostess in heaven.

11-25-2013, 05:04 AM
Wow, I don't know what to say. I never got a chance to meet her, but she was such a presence here. She will be missed.

11-25-2013, 05:13 AM
What a shock! I am speechless.
I remember so well that wonderful meeting we had with Gini and you, Slick and I was always so sure we would have that again.
Can't write right now.

Queen of Poop
11-25-2013, 05:57 AM
Like so many others here, I am in shock. I was just thinking of Gini on Saturday. I am saddened beyond words right now.

11-25-2013, 07:46 AM
Just saw something about this on FB and came right over. Goodness, what a shock! RIP Gini.

11-25-2013, 08:09 AM
I am so saddened to hear this. Gini was such a wonderful, compassionate person. She will, no doubt, be the ultimate caretaker of all those that have passed before her. RIP, dear woman.

11-25-2013, 08:51 AM
So Sorry to hear this news. I feel very fortunate to have met Gini, first on a trip to SoCal, and then again in Findlay. RIP friend.

11-25-2013, 08:55 AM
Oh, no!!! I will miss my sweet friend so much. She always took time to email me funny pictures and stories when I was depressed. I had no idea she was in the hospital. I will miss her so much.

Thank you for letting us know Slick. I know you will miss her even more. :love:

11-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Slick, many huge hugs to you.

11-25-2013, 09:11 AM
We have lost an exceptional sweet woman. Gini was unique, she was empathetic, fun, generous and had such style. The world will be poorer without her. :(

Gini was suffering the last few years, but she didn’t complain - she was so brave.

I am glad I got to know and meet her, first at the 2005 BBQ she held - we were all welcomed with open arms and she was the perfect host. Those days are some I will remember and treasure for the rest of my life. The fire brigade Phred sent was a hoot and Gini so enjoyed that, like we all did.

The second time I met Gini was for Christmas lunch in 2010. We had time to sit quietly and chat, so that was special, too. When Sara and I drove off, we noticed a fire engine overtaking us... it was no. 29, the exact same one that Phred had sent!

I like to imagine Gini and Phred catching up at the RB... with John too. Rascal will surely be there to greet his mommy.

I will miss Gini very much, she kept in touch over all those years and was such a good friend.

Rest in peace, dear Gini! :love: :love: :love:

This is my favorite picture of her:


11-25-2013, 09:31 AM
Such sad news. Even though I never had the chance to meet her, I feel the loss of a Pet Talk family member.

RIP Gini

11-25-2013, 09:35 AM
Heartbreaking. :( RIP sweet Gini. The world is a little less bright now. :( :(

smokey the elder
11-25-2013, 09:41 AM
I'm so sorry about Gini. My flights of angels sing her to her rest.

11-25-2013, 10:28 AM
Oh my goodness! I had no idea until I saw Noahsmommy's note in Malachi's thread! I'm so so sad to hear about this. Gini was such a beautiful and wonderful woman who opened her home to us pet talkers on a number of occasions! She was also very supportive of me when I was going through some very difficult times and her support was always so appreciated. I had no idea she was struggling with her health and am heartbroken to hear this news...especially today. I'm sure she will take good care of Malachi for me...tears are just flowing a lot today...and even moreso now...Love you, Gini! :love:

Scooter's Mom
11-25-2013, 11:09 AM
What sad news. Emphysema is such a cruel disease. She is surely rejoicing now, breathing easy and free.

11-25-2013, 11:45 AM
I coundn't respond here on PT until now - it just seemed like if I did, it'd be real. ������ The only reason I'm OK that it's real is that she's finally free from the pain and life-robbing symptoms of her illness.

Gini, our 'Mom' was truly one of the BEST people I'd ever met. The times spent with Gini - in her home with many PTers or just her and I - will always remain my most favorite memories. She would help anyone in anyway she could think of. Generous, fun and caring. It was so nice to have another Mom that cared for me. Even though towards the end she couldn't speak on the phone, email, or have visitors, I'm grateful I kept up my cards and emails to her - so she would always know I loved and prayed for her. Yes, we DO get busy in our lives, but we don't know how many days we have left and I know Gini always made them count in her own way...even when she couldn't do a whole lot.

My heart aches for her family - those beautiful nieces she held so dear. Her orangies, Emma and Annie...what is to become of them? I'm planning on calling her brother Bill in a few minutes to check on him and I'll let you all know - or Slick will - what we find out.

I'm at least comforted to know she's happy, healthy and free now....an angel that will resume watching out for her girls (((Tonya, Staci, & Me)))) and all she holds dear. I swear I feel her around me this morning and that would be JUST like her, holding us while we cry over her.

������ RIP, sweet Gini. Our loss of you here on Earth makes me happy for when my day comes as I know I'll see you again. ������

Pinot's Mom
11-25-2013, 12:05 PM
I didn't know Gini personally, but I had snippets of conversation with her on PT, and heard stories from y'all. I know she will be missed terribly.

RIP dear Gini. Much love goes with you.

11-25-2013, 12:14 PM
Just spoke w Mike, Gini's brother ... He is going to be making a website in her honor where we can upload photos and write comments, so I am not doing the poster board as his request. The LA Memorial is going to be a smaller memorial compared to their family memorial back home - I'm gathering. I've deleted my threads as a result. Keep pics in mind though and as soon as he sends me the link to her site, I'll pass it along here. 

They are so busy trying to figure everything out and coordinate things...poor things! They are going to figure out homing the cats at a later time, but DO need to do this. He specifically asked for our help on this, BUT NOT AT THIS TIME. They have a lot to see to and I think are only available this week to settle her affairs...which isn't a lot of time - especially w a holiday smack in the middle of it. He specifically asked that we DON'T call regarding Annie and Emma this week/at this time - we'll figure it out when it's the appropriate time.

11-25-2013, 12:21 PM
OMG, these are shocking news! I'm speechless. :(

My heartfelt condolences to her loved ones!

11-25-2013, 12:51 PM
Brief correction - the service in LA will be the only one, but Mike will keep Kelly updated on the website plans.

11-25-2013, 02:03 PM
I'm still in shock and numb from the news. She will be missed so much.

11-25-2013, 04:05 PM
Oh no!:(:(:( I'm in shock, and so, so very sad to hear that our dear Gini has passed.:( I knew she had been fighting this disease for a few years now, but had no idea she had recently become so ill. She was a PT original, and one of the sweetest, most gentle and loving souls, so giving of herself and always so supportive of others. She and I shared a love for astronomy, as well as kitties, and would email each other pics of the planets and stars, the universe. Now she lights up the sky with her own beautiful light and shining spirit. Heaven, tonight, is a whole lot brighter. Oh, how you will be missed, dear Gini.:(

11-25-2013, 04:54 PM
I read this sad thread this morning and I still can't express the sadness I feel at Gini's passing.:(:(
To think how much she must have been suffering in Hospital & no one knew or told us about it. I hope
at least her passing was pain free & peaceful. She was the sweetest, kindest person I knew and she will
be greatly missed. Rest In Peace dear friend.:love:

11-25-2013, 05:46 PM
Rest in peace, dear Gini.

11-25-2013, 07:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I didn't really know her, but I did know that she is respected and loved. RIP Gini! :love:

11-25-2013, 08:04 PM
Thank you for letting us know slick.

I am so sorry to learn this news :( Gini was such a nice and well-loved member of the Pettalk community. Rest in peace, Gini. I am glad that it was at least peaceful.

Miss Z
11-26-2013, 11:35 AM
I am so saddened to read about the loss of another dearly loved PT member. :( Gini always had a pleasant word to say to all and was such a popular and cherished member of the PT community. How sad that she's been taken so suddenly. :(:(

I had no idea that she had been suffering with emphysema for all that time - what a brave lady. The website in her honour is such a wonderful idea, and I'm sure she would have been so touched to know that so many cared so deeply about her. :love:

11-26-2013, 01:11 PM
This comes as a total surprise. I hope that Gini sitting with Phred and looking down on us curled up with her furry ones that went before.

Rest in Peace Gini, you are no longer suffering

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-26-2013, 03:02 PM
OMG, I cannot stop crying.....!
I don't come here on PT as much as I used to, but today I felt the urge that I had to come ... ........
I will miss her so much...! I have never seen her for real. In 2003 we had planned a trip through the USA.
Our Gini was so sweet and organized a first BBQ for us ! I was so very much looking forward to meeting her (and many other PT-friends)!!
But then I was rushed to hospital where I got an urgent back surgery.
when I realized that I would not be able to travel, I was so very sad.... .

I am so sad I never got the chance to meat you in person Gini......! You sure were a very special lady, and though there is an ocean between here and your place, I loved you so much!!
Thank you so much for being such a special friend to all of us on PT!
You will be missed so so much sweetheart.......
Rest in peace dearest Gini!!.

Today I have written all my Xmas card on the PT-list of this year. Tomorrow I was planning to write my cards to other friends overseas, from PT and others;
Every year I wrote to GiniI .
So now I will hang the card that was meant to go to Gini on my wall......

11-27-2013, 02:29 PM
I have spent the last few days remembering all the fun I had meeting and spending time with her and all the great people from PT at the BBQs.


Gini was a lady's lady, but she did have a very small streak of bawdy running thru her veins. She was quick with a laugh and had a great shoulder and ear.

Gini loved her 'daughters', cats and a huge laugh.


One thing about the BBQs that no one may have known was the planning she did for the events.

Gini would talk to me about what she had planned and she would fixate on 'getting it right' and the other details...I finally convinced her that things would take care of themselves and not to worry.:eek:

I then prayed for a successful weekend.;)


Gini was a total rock star. She made you feel comfortable and was always ready with a smile or a laugh.

I know she dropped off the radar after she became sick and I was able to keep contact with her thru intermittent e-mails.

She was a wonderful person and great friend.

God bless her.

11-27-2013, 02:36 PM
As another BBQ attendee - I will never forget Gini's warmth and hospitality in making everyone so welcome. She must have worked so hard, yet she made it seem so effortless. Seeing the house of Orange, and the other pettalkers, and the peeps, and the laughter, and the slushies, and major amounts of LMAO when the wine was spilled on my pants.:eek::cool:

Gini - you were a class act. It was an honor to meet you. You will be missed.

11-27-2013, 02:49 PM
As another BBQ attendee - I will never forget Gini's warmth and hospitality in making everyone so welcome. She must have worked so hard, yet she made it seem so effortless. Seeing the house of Orange, and the other pettalkers, and the peeps, and the laughter, and the slushies, and major amounts of LMAO when the wine was spilled on my pants.:eek::cool:

Gini - you were a class act. It was an honor to meet you. You will be missed.

I was telling stories about her and laughed again about the STFU incident....


We were hanging in the backyard as the party wound down and during a lull in the laughter, we heard a voice come from behind the hedge say,
"S--- T-- F--- U-!"

We stopped and looked at each other in shock!

I went indoors to tell G what had happened - I didn't want her neighbors to hate her -and she responded along of the lines of "I don't care......."

No one was going to ruin HER party!

We did laugh about it for the rest of the weekend and it became a 'theme' for the crazy people that showed up whenever Gini put up her "Welcome Pet Talkers" sign on her porch......

11-28-2013, 11:42 AM
I was never able to be at the barbecues, but I do have an apron from one, so I guess that counts! Gini sweetly sent me one. I wore it for a picture with Miss Hoppy, and coincidently, that's the photo I use some other places as an avatar, although one can just see the apron straps.

11-28-2013, 06:10 PM
OMG Richard, I forgot all about the STFU neighbours. How could that have slipped my mind. I remember when they yelled that out.:D:D:D
Catland, there are so many incidents that took place before, during and after the BBQs. I have many many pictures of the 2 that I attended and a couple of Gini washing your pants in the kitchen sink. I wonder if there is going to be a big BBQ with Phred up at the Rainbow Bridge. Hell, why not eh???

I'm in Lost Angeles now staying at the Wilshire Hotel. Awesome place and they can't do enough for me. I even have a goldfish in my room to take care of and his name is Fred.

Hey Richard I took a walk down to the Grove this afternoon and walked around remembering when Gini was with me. Wish you were here.

11-28-2013, 06:44 PM
Aww, slick, glad you have someone to look after wile you are there! And I bet Fred the goldfish isn't even half as loud as Miss Yodee! Do extend our Pet Talk greeting/condolences to the family, please! And enjoy the LA weather - even in November it is pretty nice!

11-28-2013, 07:41 PM
Slick, I stayed at the Wilshire several decades ago when I was there for some music auditions. Nice place!

HUGS to you and everyone there.

11-28-2013, 11:49 PM
Catty, I think you must be thinking of the Beverly Hills Wilshire??? That's the $400/night one. I'm on Wilshire but apparently this hotel building used to be a medial building until about 4 years ago. It's really awesome, great room, great staff, and they even provide a free bicycle for guests to use.

11-29-2013, 08:04 AM
Oh Slick, it’s such a sad occasion and I’m sure LA brings back many memories - but I’m glad you’re attending Gini’s funeral. Kelly is, too, right? Have you met her brother/family/neighbor yet? Please give my heartfelt condolences to them all.

Is anyone arranging flowers for Gini’s funeral? I would like to give a contribution.

(((hugs))) :love:

11-29-2013, 11:58 AM
OMG Richard, I forgot all about the STFU neighbours. How could that have slipped my mind. I remember when they yelled that out.:D:D:D
Catland, there are so many incidents that took place before, during and after the BBQs. I have many many pictures of the 2 that I attended and a couple of Gini washing your pants in the kitchen sink. I wonder if there is going to be a big BBQ with Phred up at the Rainbow Bridge. Hell, why not eh???

I'm in Lost Angeles now staying at the Wilshire Hotel. Awesome place and they can't do enough for me. I even have a goldfish in my room to take care of and his name is Fred.

Hey Richard I took a walk down to the Grove this afternoon and walked around remembering when Gini was with me. Wish you were here.

I wish I could make it too.....:(

Slick, please give Pam a huge hug (Pam lived across the street from Gini and was her partner in crime) for me.


There was Gini's drain in the shower, Mary the Bag Lady Goes to California, Gini's Ice Cube Trays and the Gini's Sightseeing and Tour Excursions, Onion Rings!!!!!!

The more I sit back and think about some of the happenings and stories from the BBQs I laugh...It was too much fun to sit back and be sad about them.


Gini had asked me to help her out in some of the planning of the BBQs and even with that serious work at hand, we'd be goofing off while we did it.

We had gone to Costco to pick up some booze and other stuff for the BBQ....We had basket full of alcohol, mixers, and party plates/cups.

She and I were being boisterous and a young woman turned around and looked at us and the contents of our basket. She wrinkled up her face and turned around, apparently disgusted by what we were buying.

I looked at G and said in a loud voice, "THAT should keep us drunk all weekend......."

The woman turned back around to get a look at us and the basket.....again.

We laughed all the way back to her house........


You could stuff all the monkeys in the world into a barrel and they probably wouldn't match the fun that woman was capable of.........................

11-29-2013, 01:26 PM
I found it! The Gini memorial page is now in existence at http://gini.muchloved.com - one can post thoughts, memories, stories - and you do need to provide your name and email address at the end, I "added a thought" to be sure of the process.

I looked for an obituary, where it might list Gini's family's preference if they want donations in lieu of flowers or anything, but just found a simple one - only two sentences, that didn't say anything about that.

11-29-2013, 01:31 PM
I just got this email:

Thank you for your contribution to Gini's Tribute. You can revisit anytime you wish by clicking here.

Please note that most contributions are reviewed by the Tribute Guardian so they can take some time to appear on the website.

In case you would like to view Gini's Tribute from another computer, we have also provided your own login and password which you can use whenever you visit the Tribute from http://gini.muchloved.com.

11-29-2013, 04:47 PM
I found it! The Gini memorial page is now in existence at http://gini.muchloved.com - one can post thoughts, memories, stories - and you do need to provide your name and email address at the end, I "added a thought" to be sure of the process.

I looked for an obituary, where it might list Gini's family's preference if they want donations in lieu of flowers or anything, but just found a simple one - only two sentences, that didn't say anything about that. Did you say you found an obit? Could you post a link please. Thanx.

11-29-2013, 06:54 PM
Did you say you found an obit? Could you post a link please. Thanx.

It is here: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/latimes/obituary.aspx?pid=168211170

11-29-2013, 08:31 PM
Thanks. There is a guestbook there too where we can sign.

12-01-2013, 12:36 AM
this is so tragic, and came as a big shock to me, i am so sad to read this, Dearest Gini was such a wonderful lady on PT, may she rest in peace.:love::love:

12-01-2013, 07:16 AM
OK, we need to get the wheels rolling as we have been given to "go ahead" to find a loving home for Annie and Emma. When I get home later today I will get pictures posted and share, share and share on FB as well as here. For those techie people (Catty?) feel free to search out pictures of them posted in the past by Gini. Also, Gini's younger brother will be emailing Kelly and I some recent pictures of Annie and Emma. Apparently, they could both use a bit of a kitty diet....:eek:

The memorial was just as Gini would have wanted it - few tears and many belly laughs.

12-01-2013, 09:01 AM
What a wonderful person. I'm so sorry for her loss. My deepest sympathy to her family and all who love her and grieve her so very much.

Rest in peace, dearest Gini. greeted with so much love by so many beloved friends at the Bridge.


12-01-2013, 02:07 PM
So, I went to Gini's Memorial yesterday ... It was beautiful and exactly what Gini would have wanted. Her loved ones keeping it positive and remembering her when she was healthy and happy. I know she was there laughing and crying with us. The speeches given by her family and Pam were so touching and reminded me how many people she had in her life praying for and loving her. I know that while there were a lot of people there, there were countless that couldn't be - lives she touched as well.
Here are a few pics - I also recorded the speeches, but need to ask permission before I post them here, I hope you all understand. I signed the guest book for the PTers too - so you were all there.

Here are a few pics. First is Slick and I having breakfast at the Roof - atop her hotel. Gini sure sent us a beautiful day, didn't she?

Second is of the guest book table - that beautiful arrangement was sent by Pam, Gini's good friend and neighbor.

The third is the guestbook I signed for PTers that couldn't be there. :) More coming...

12-01-2013, 02:12 PM
OK, more pics…
The first one is Gini's brother Bill…

Second is Slick and I holding hands - it was so very nice having Slick there with me. It was nice to be comforted when I needed it.

The third is of a picture of Rascal I brought - sitting on one of the flower arrangements w Gini at its center. They are together now. :)

Fourth is a better view of Gini in her flowers.

12-01-2013, 02:17 PM
And more…

1. This is what Mike, her brother passed out to everyone. Its the website he created so we can upload pictures and share Gini stories. :)

2. Gini LOVED chocolate, so her nieces set up this candy bar with all her favorites - including a platter of her See's top 3!

3. We all knew Gini loved PINK!!!These are the napkins they used, keeping with her favorites. :)

4. Some of the guests and one of the two areas we were in.

12-01-2013, 02:20 PM
A few guest pics and the pic I left of Rascal for Gini… :love:

12-01-2013, 02:22 PM
And lastly, pics of Slick, Gini and I.

And of Slick and Gloria. :love:

12-01-2013, 03:58 PM
Oh, Kelly, thanks so much for posting the pictures, it really helps us feel like we were there.

12-01-2013, 07:14 PM
A funny thing happened on the way to New Westminster. My plane landed right on time, I took the shuttle to where I parked my car, started it up and waited for the gate to open. My heart sang for there in front on me was the most brilliant rainbow and it was the whole arc, not just half of it and it gleamed across the blue sky to guide me home. I thought.....there's the sign from Gini. She's made it safely to the Bridge wants me to know that she's OK. It was very comforting and given that Richard said to watch out for something "gini" well, I'll take this one. I did get a picture of the start of it - couldn't get the whole rainbow because there was no where to pull over in traffic. I'll offload it from my camera tonight.

12-01-2013, 08:30 PM
Slick that sounds just like Gini!!! It would either be a rainbow or a Peep!!! ;) Glad you made it home safely!!! :love:

12-01-2013, 11:25 PM
What a beautiful tribute to our beautiful friend. :)
Slick what a gift! I'm so glad you got your "sign" keep a lookout - now rainbows may show up in all the strangest places!!
Thank you Kelly for the pics - for those of us that couldn't be there - it helps.
My heart is still heavy in missing my friend but knowing she is ALWAYS with us now, helps. Now, like with my grandma and Phred, I can talk to her anytime, anywhere and I know she'll hear me.

This was on a throw from my Grandma Musselman's funeral and its become a favorite of mine when someone (or my pets Kylie, Keegan, Shaianne) close to me died.

"If Tears Could Build A Stairway"

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane.
I would walk right up to Heaven
and bring you back again.

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say "Goodbye".
You were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.

My heart still aches with sadness,
and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to love you -
No one can ever know.

But now I know you want me
to mourn for you no more;
To remember all the happy times
life still has much in store.

Since you'll never be forgotten,
I pledge to you today~
A hollowed place within my heart
is where you'll always stay.

Author: Unknown

12-02-2013, 01:56 AM
I haven't been on pt in a long while and randomly logged on tonight. I cannot believe what I am reading. :( I had no idea Gini was sick for so long, and am deeply saddened to hear this news. To God we belong and to Him we return. :( I remember enjoying reading Gini's posts when I used to frequent this site. She was a lovely, kind hearted person. :(

12-02-2013, 02:50 AM
Slick, thank you for the rainbow:) It brought again tears to my eyes.

12-02-2013, 11:46 AM
The rainbow. Please excuse my wiper blade. Had to take it quickly as there were cars behind me waiting to exit the parking lot.


I took this pictures several times and each time it came out the same with that heavenly glow behind her head. Reflection from the window? Maybe but I chose to think differently.

12-02-2013, 12:39 PM
Lovely.. both of them.

12-04-2013, 12:34 AM
So very sorry to learn of her passing. She was a great part of PT and will be missed.

12-04-2013, 02:19 AM
The rainbow. Please excuse my wiper blade. Had to take it quickly as there were cars behind me waiting to exit the parking lot.


I took this pictures several times and each time it came out the same with that heavenly glow behind her head. Reflection from the window? Maybe but I chose to think differently.

I love we can see a second faint rainbow! Was it more noticeable in real life?

12-04-2013, 10:58 AM
What a gorgeous sight! *hugs*

12-04-2013, 11:24 AM
I don't come by too often, so I am just now seeing this. :( My heart hurts to know dear Gini has passed on. It's really hard to come up with any words. I will never forget her help when I went through Raven's cancer, and all her sweet and positive posts. I wish I had more adequate words, I just don't :(

12-04-2013, 08:36 PM
Rascal was a huge, sturdy cat.

He loved to be touched and he had a funny habit of drooling all over if you just sat their and scritched him.

He ended up in my lap one and I absent-mindedly began to scratch him as he sat there.


A few minutes later I felt a warm spot on my thigh and, to my surprise, saw that he drooled a puddle on my jeans.

I laughed and pointed this out to Gini.

She jumped up out of the chair she was in, picked up Rascal and began to apologize profusely about the mess.

I laughed - it was only cat spit, but she acted like the cat had crapped on me. :D

It was then that I knew she was a devoted animal lover. She treated the incident as if it was her own child that had brought shame upon the "House of Orange".

To this day, whenever I play with an animal that just so happens to salivate on me, I laugh and think of Rascal and Gini........

12-08-2013, 12:39 PM
Whenever I crack eggs to fry I always think of Mz Gini.


During one of the Cali BBQs we'd all pitch in to make a meal during the lulls in the action.

The kitchen was alive with people and I was at the 'egg station', cracking and frying......I picked up an egg and proceeded to crack it - one handed.

Gini saw that and made a HUGE deal about it.


I don't know if she was shocked, impressed or just plain stunned. I laughed and told her that it was nothing, but every time I do fry up and egg and open it one handed, I think of that moment.

12-09-2013, 02:30 PM
Dear Mz Gini:
You know how fascinated I was with all the palm trees down there???
I've just ordered this
http://www.homehardware.ca/en/cat/search/_/N-2pqfZ67l/Ne-67n/Ntk-All_EN?Ntt=5656-058 in your honour and will have it lit up on my deck permanently. Her name shall be Virginia.
love you lots
other me xoxo

12-09-2013, 02:36 PM
Awww, how perfect! :)

"Yes, Virginia, there is a palm tree! And it is you!"

12-09-2013, 02:56 PM
I haven't been on in a while, so sad to see this. RIP Gini you will be missed.

12-15-2013, 04:10 PM
Has there been any word on Gini's Emma and Annie finding homes? I can't find the thread. :love:

12-16-2013, 09:15 PM
I'm working on it MOFF. The thread is here:

12-22-2013, 02:02 PM
LOl, Palm trees........


When I call friends my standard greeting is "Hey You!".

I'd call her and she'd answer in her business voice, "Hello?"

I'd say, "Hey you!" and immediately she'd repeat my greeting back with a very hearty laugh....That was worth making the phone call.

I swear that you could call that woman and within 5 minutes you have forgotten what you originally called for.:love:

03-05-2014, 04:19 PM
When I went to Walmart this morning I saw tons of Peeps!!! I can not nor ever will be able to look at them from now on without thinking of our sweet friend, Gini!!! I still get tears in my eyes but have to smile too. I think she would laugh at the idea of a Peep reminding me of her. :D :love:

03-05-2014, 04:21 PM
"Oh, the horror!" Peeps are starting to appear everywhere!

03-05-2014, 07:40 PM
LOL, I thought the same thing as I walked by a display today!!

03-05-2014, 08:15 PM
...and I still hang my head in shame as I remember the Microwaved peep. May it rest in peace.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2014, 08:05 PM
I haven't been on PT for quite some time now and I am totally shocked to hear of Gini's passing. I, too, remember the wonderful BBQs she hosted.

Gini was one special lady. Always quick with a comforting word, and somehow she knew exactly what to say to make you feel better.

Gini, you are missed. The pic of Gini and Phred was particularly hard to see. :( :(