View Full Version : Changing seasons

11-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Besides the frost, which has its whole own thread? What do you consider land,marks of the change of seasons? I used my winter coat for the first time this season a couple nights ago, and though I haven't needed it since, it definitely feels like a page has turned. Before that it was a couple weeks ago my body decided it was completely time for oatmeal, which I never eat in warm seasons!

What are your signals? Do you notice the changing of the light, or the temperature changes? Just curious how other mark the seasons for themselves, as if we believed the retailers, Advent started in September, and Christmas is just around the corner ... not a reliable gauge!

11-11-2013, 06:04 AM
Sure signs of autumn around here ... lawn bags filled with leaves on the curb on trash day, or a sign announcing the start of leaf collection. Corollary: when the air smells like burnt leaves. When the heat really needs to be on. When I start wearing sweaters. When it's windy, cold and rainy all at the same time. It's dark out when I leave for work and when I get home.

Good signs of autumn ... football! Chili! Sweater weather! Raking leaves! Hayrack rides!

11-11-2013, 07:38 AM
While I could never bring myself to hunt, the preparation and announcement of deer season is when I know the seasons are starting to change. And when I have to finally turn in the flip flops for the year and switch to boots... and sweaters! And when I no longer have to worry about shaving legs and having nice hair because jeans and a hat will solve all of that. I think I just summed up the colder months as my lazy season. :D

11-11-2013, 05:31 PM
The hunting gear comes out pretty early in my family..but I'd say when I take a hike and see all the beautiful colors! We're supposed to get our first snowfall tonight.;)

11-12-2013, 06:19 AM
I would say the warmer weather but not this year. Coldest November in about 19 years lol. And we still have at least another week of cool temps.

Lady's Human
11-12-2013, 08:57 AM
One question: Who ordered the snow??? Karen????

11-12-2013, 09:03 AM
When I replaced my cotton sheets to my flannel sheets was a sign for me that the colder weather is here which I love by the way. Also the leaves falling gave me my first hint that Fall and Winter were on it's way. Today we even had snow showers but of course nothing stuck to the ground, thank goodness, not ready for the S word yet :D

My favorite Season is Autumn, I just love it and don't mind Winter either altho I don't like snow and ice. The cold weather doesn't bother me tho.

11-12-2013, 10:26 AM
I first notice the shorter daylight hours that signal Winter is coming. The sunlight, when we get it, shines directly through my kitchen
windows. It creates a nice warm spot for kitties sunbath. I used to keep several blankets layed out on that spot for my kitties & they loved
it. Joey, my one cat left, doesn't seem to seek out the sun like the others did.

11-12-2013, 09:28 PM
Ooh - and the "special teas" - the seasonal ones appear! I am currently sipping some "Nutcracker Sweet" - vanilla and cinnamon (almost imperceptible on the cinnamon side) tea, and there's some "gingerbread spice: in the cabinet!

Do you change your eating/drinking habits with the changing season?

11-13-2013, 01:36 AM
Do you change your eating/drinking habits with the changing season?

Definitely! In summer I eat more fresh foods, stir-fries, things done on the grill, stuff like that. But in the cold weather it's all comfort food - soup, stew, pasta, bread, and the like. From Halloween candy to Thanksgiving turkey and all the trimmings, then on to a million zillion Christmas goodies :) I'm trying to eat more healthfully for the next couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.

11-13-2013, 07:53 PM
In the same vein - in the oven right now roasting is some acorn squash, and as an experiment, I stuck a few pieces of ginger root (peeled and sliced) so they are underneath the halves, which are cut-side down on a pan in the oven. Will mash up the results with a little maple syrup. I'll let you know how it works out!

In an hour or so, I will add a chunk of chicken with more ginger and a sliced up shallot into the oven (separate dish, of course)! That's a fall type supper!

With the way food is grown and shipped all over the world, maybe ether are acorn squash from other parts of the world in the stores in other seasons, but I don't even think of it until cool weather happens!

11-15-2013, 05:51 PM
The acorn squash oven baked with ginger was very yummy! I recommend that to anyone! It ended up making so much I have leftovers - I kind of forgot how much one acorn squash contains! But by the time the squash itself was tender, so were the slices of ginger, and I just mashed it all up together with about a tablespoon of maple syrup, and it is very yummy! And even vegan for folks who are. Very filling, too, the squash itself is buttery enough in taste that no butter or oil needed to be added in!

The chicken breast, by the way, was also yummy. If I had been allowed soy, a little soy and it would be an Asian-flavored dish to serve over rice!

11-15-2013, 07:24 PM
The acorn squash oven baked with ginger was very yummy! I recommend that to anyone! It ended up making so much I have leftovers - I kind of forgot how much one acorn squash contains! But by the time the squash itself was tender, so were the slices of ginger, and I just mashed it all up together with about a tablespoon of maple syrup, and it is very yummy! And even vegan for folks who are. Very filling, too, the squash itself is buttery enough in taste that no butter or oil needed to be added in!

The chicken breast, by the way, was also yummy. If I had been allowed soy, a little soy and it would be an Asian-flavored dish to serve over rice!

Hummm, acorn squash with ginger. I need a new side dish for Thanksgiving. Thank you, Karen for the idea!

11-15-2013, 07:49 PM
Hummm, acorn squash with ginger. I need a new side dish for Thanksgiving. Thank you, Karen for the idea!

You're welcome! :) I bet some folks who usually "don't like squash" will like it! ;)

11-16-2013, 07:49 PM
We've had snow 3 times already. When we set back the clocks, get up in total darkness and the darkness descends again at 4:30 I know winter is here. Been wearing winter coats for the last month and we're hitting -10C at night. No more light clothes, jumpers for the house and shopping.

11-19-2013, 10:48 PM
I heard someone blame the changing of the clocks for how dark it was this afternoon, no mention of the fact that they days are just plain shorter - it's not like the sun came up earlier or anything!

Our temperature dropped almost 30 degrees in the past day, no longer feels unseasonably warm!