View Full Version : Many thanks too all those who pestered me, lol, seriously though

12-12-2002, 06:44 PM
I just want to send a special thanks to all who have helped me understand a few things about myself and money saving issues. Thanks a bunch!!:D

Today I saved a few dollars (may sound silly but it means something to me) by washing my laundry in the tub by hand, instead of paying 75cents to wash it in the laundry. I then only had to pay for the dryer and saved five dollars! We went shopping last night and saved $25 dollars on food with coupons! Now that's what I'm talking about. Dan was emberassed about using coupons until he saw how much we had saved.

I also got Dan to change his W2 form to claim one dependent instead of 0, that way he can take home more money each paycheck but we will still have a nice return at the end of the year. Thanks guys!:D

12-12-2002, 06:47 PM
Oh Oh! And today while holding the baby kittens, I noticed that I have a few dumbos! yippee! They are just so adorable. The rescues are fairing rather nice also and all were bathed and given a dose of invermectin to treat their mites/lice. They look much cleaner and healthier. I will try to take picture of the rats later tonight and post an update in Pet General. :D

12-12-2002, 07:18 PM
um...you're welcome? *G*

12-12-2002, 11:27 PM
OH!! NO!!! Tell Dan that coupons are the only fun part of grocery shopping!!! lol I LOVE to come home and figure out how much I spent on a particular item. A lot them, the store owes ME money for it. My friend and I go shopping together and compete to see who saves the most...it just makes it more tolerable.

Tell him the competative part and he'll change his mind...he's a man....they like competition!! hehehehe...nah...I'm not stereotyping or anything! lol

12-12-2002, 11:35 PM
LOL! That is too funny. You always see on the news people saving thousands of dollars with coupons, hey why not us right? :p

Thanks again!:D

12-12-2002, 11:57 PM
I generally save between a third and a half by using coupons. I very rarely buy anything other than meat and dairy (and even some dairy I use coupons) without a coupon. A couple of our stores here in Fort Wayne triple the coupon if it's $.50 or less and double between $.50 and $1.00. Coupons are a beautiful thing.;) :D

12-13-2002, 02:14 AM
I love coupon clipping!!!!! Have you ever printed off the internet yet? I want to try that. It gets to be really fun and I have finally got my husband involved when he figured how much we can save!

Everybody has times in their life when they need to cut down spending. And it is suprising what you can do when needed. Good luck - !

12-13-2002, 05:14 AM
I *LOVE* shopping like that....I wouldn't say that I'm like those experts who get everything for nothing, but lots of times I have gotten $150 worth of stuff for under $50. :eek: However, I don't know if this is because we live in the "boondocks" but it is getting harder and harder to find coupons that are worth anything. Many times I will find a coupon for a national brand...many times even with the coupon it is still a worse deal than a cheaper brand. I always shop with the weekly flyer and always save a bundle that way. If there is an interenet source for normal coupons, I would love to find a link.

12-13-2002, 06:43 AM
I get alot of my coupons from coolsavings.com (http://coolsavings.com)
Even if you get one sent to you, it usually only takes 3-4 days:eek:

12-13-2002, 12:19 PM
Thanks Anna,, I was just about to ask when you posted, but you beat me to it. Thanks for the link!!!!!!

But on another note, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo HAPPYYYYY!!!:D

12-13-2002, 04:00 PM
Tell Dan not to be embarressed about the coupons..it is a sport!!! My friend's husband is a machine repairmen and at work all the guys bring inthe grocery adds, compare prices, and share coupons. Her husband won't buy anything unless it is on sale and/or he has a coupon...I think sometimes the store pays him to take their stuff!!!

12-13-2002, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Tell Dan not to be embarressed about the coupons..it is a sport!!! My friend's husband is a machine repairmen and at work all the guys bring inthe grocery adds, compare prices, and share coupons. Her husband won't buy anything unless it is on sale and/or he has a coupon...I think sometimes the store pays him to take their stuff!!!

I can just picture them in my head arguing over who spends more money than the other, lol!:p