View Full Version : Goodbye, Sweetie

11-02-2013, 08:40 PM
I am not sure if I discussed this on here before, but my 6+ year old cat Sweetie is gone. I had placed her in the care of my mother and her roommate for a few days, and she got out. My mother's roommate had opened a window despite us warning him over and over not to if he wouldn't secure her first, and she escaped like we predicted. Soon after she got out, I visited my mom and he was complaining about how much she was yowling, so I suspect he most likely let her out on purpose. After all, my mom had already told him he could put Sweetie in her room if she became a nuisance or he needed to open a window. It definitely seems like something he would do, considering our past experiences with him. She escaped near the end of May, and I haven't even seen a hint of her since. I immediately put up posters at the local shelter and asked around the neighborhood to see if anyone had seen her. We've been checking the shelter every few days or weeks since she disappeared, and I've posted multiple ads on Craigslist without hearing anything about her. There was also a website specifically for lost pets in my region where I posted her, but I never got a reply. I would go out at night and look around the neighborhood, calling for her and looking under apartments. I tried a suggestion someone on CL suggested and set out a bed from our house outside, but it didn't work. I believe she's either traveled too far for us find her, she's passed away somewhere, or someone's taken her in. Even though she's deathly scared of strangers when they first meet, food would win her over eventually.

Since she was a strictly indoor cat and we had just recently begun to let her outside supervised, she hadn't been microchipped or been given a collar. I was setting aside some money to get her microchipped before she ran away, even though my family and I decided it was best not to allow her to keep being allowed outside. When we let her out, she became extremely nasty to us and the other cats, and she was always her normal self if she was left inside. During the day, she wouldn't want to go outside and became very frightened very quickly, but during the night she became a whole new cat. She would be nice until she had to come in, which is when she begin hissing and spitting when she saw the door and she would go running off to hide once she was set down. Later on in the night she would get into intense tussles with Tiger and Lucky.

This has just been really terrible for me because I've had her for over 6 years, and one person's insensitivity has caused me to lose her. She was the only cat who would sleep with me and she loved to be held like a baby. She could be moody at times, but she always wanted to be with me and loved attention. I guess having someone take her in is better than her being on the streets or dead, but I miss her terribly....Either way, I believe she is gone for good.

Here are some of my favorite photos, in memory of her.
http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1093_zpsc63a6be1.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1093_zpsc63a6be1.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/681_zps3c745c75.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/681_zps3c745c75.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1902_zps85bce438.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1902_zps85bce438.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_10832_zps11001e0a.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_10832_zps11001e0a.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_2967_zpse945b81c.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_2967_zpse945b81c.jpg.html)

http://i1157.photobucket.com/albums/p600/dtr_2009_/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1729_zps3c197ec4.jpg (http://s1157.photobucket.com/user/dtr_2009_/media/My%20Other%20Pets/IMG_1729_zps3c197ec4.jpg.html)

11-02-2013, 09:45 PM
Oh, dear! Hopefully she is somewhere safe. Maybe you will see her again someday, you have our sympathies!

11-03-2013, 11:46 AM
It's so hard not knowing, but I hope Sweetie is safe somewhere - what a beautiful girl she is. I know you must miss her. :(

Hope you get to see her again, some day.

11-03-2013, 12:17 PM
Please keep praying for Sweetie. I lost my Moose one time for three months, and every day I would got out to find him.
I would race down stairs to see if he was there . then one day after paying there was My Moose , thin and dirty but my Moose was home.
I pray that Moose Angel could help Sweetie come home and that a miracle would happen.:love::love::love:

11-03-2013, 01:56 PM
How sad! I am hoping and praying that Sweetie willl come home to you soon. I would cut out that evil man, who let her out, from my life forever!:mad:

11-03-2013, 02:43 PM
I am so very sorry. What a sad tale, and how horrible that this "roommate" would leave the window open (i.e., deliberately let Sweetie out) when he'd been warned over and over not to do that.

We are praying that Sweetie is safe now and that perhaps she might even come back to you some day. She is such a beautiful girl and looks so full of love! Don't stop looking for her and praying for her.


11-03-2013, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the good thoughts, everyone. :) I'll keep looking for her, and I'll keep looking at the shelter to see if animal control comes across her. I've heard of people who have had their cats missing for 6 months and gotten them back. Sweetie's been missing for just about 6 months now, but maybe she'll still show up. My brother, mother, and I will be looking for another place soon so we won't have to deal with her roommate anymore and my brother and I can get away from our father.