View Full Version : Happy Howl-o-ween #558.

10-31-2013, 11:27 AM
I think I'll put out some candy and wait for the little goblins to show up...

Orc, You are a GIANT goblin......Hi Angel, will you meet the T or T'ers with a 'howl-o-ween' at the door.

Now I just have to get my costume together, I haven't dressed up for years....


10-31-2013, 06:08 PM
We may have to remind the Orc not to scare the trick-or-treaters too much! I am sitting awaiting the next round of little critters, myself!

11-02-2013, 12:52 PM
So anyone up for some cider? Mulled or not, I love the stuff this time of year!

Lady's Human
11-05-2013, 06:58 AM
Mulled cider is one of the few things I can safely drink at the moment, so why not?

Just keep everything away from Angel, we don't need a green cloud in the bar.

11-05-2013, 10:40 AM
LH - did I miss something or are you ill? Whatever it is, please get well soon!

Mulled cider with a cinnamon stick for me, please. I was 2 degrees F overnight and is now 11...going back down to 3 overnight.

I'll be in Vancouver tonight where it will be 41 tonight and in the mid-forties for the rest of the week - and RAINING!

Pinot's Mom
11-05-2013, 11:37 AM
Well, Thursday patrons, I don't think I've posted in here for a while....missed y'all! ;)

We had no kids for Halloween, so it leaves us to eat the candy - such a shame! Our driveway appears to drop into nowhere so kids generally don't attempt it.

Could I get some mulled cider with a shot of whiskey? You know, just to fortify the soul...

Lady's Human
11-05-2013, 11:42 AM
I've been ill off and on since June, I'll leave out the gory details.

We have our own superhero in the bar, now, the kids have named Angel "stinkbomb". Ham plus Angel=BAAAADDDD Idea. There was a green cloud in the house yesterday. :p

11-05-2013, 08:47 PM
Hee hee - good for clearing the room of bad guys - but unfortunately, it also clears the good guys at the same time!