View Full Version : One question: If your cat ate food from your plate...

10-16-2013, 10:16 AM
... would you still eat it? :o

Luna and Lily were never interested in my food, but lately, Lily has obviously discovered her love for Alsan (a vegan butter replacement). For some reason, she seems to like it, so I caught her several times licking it off my bread. I have to admit that I'm still eating it (except for the part she's been licking). :o However, I wouldn't if she had done something yucky before, like licking her butt, or throwing up. But otherwise, I don't mind... Thinking about it, it may be a little unhealthy, though.

What would you do?

10-16-2013, 11:42 AM
Kiri is the first who wants to share your food. Orion is a good boy. But most of the time she steals in a relaxed way like one second "I am only interested casually." and next second "I have that piece of fish and I'm off like lightning." So we have no chance to get it back and try to eat it or keep her from eating it;)
In general I think whoever lives so close with cats as we do shares most of their bacteria- and obviously survives them. Maybe it helps if you tell Lily that you have bacteria too ;)

10-16-2013, 03:14 PM
Cassie loooooves butter! If she's quick enough to get a "lick" of my toast or bagel, I usually just break off the spot she licked. (Sometimes I butter a corner of the toast with a little extra for her ;) ) Milk from my cereal bowl ... I eat the cereal first, and then I let her drink the tablespoon or so of milk that's left. Then i wash the bowl and spoon.

Sending gentle petting and lovies for Luna and Lily too :love: :love:

10-17-2013, 12:27 AM
Kimba wants no part of human food, so I'm good there. Mac will generally wait until you are finished and then eat the leftovers. We call him The Dishwasher. Sometimes though, he will steal some food. He always helps himself to some of my carnitas burrito while I'm still eating it. I don't mind. I've known him longer than I have known many of my friends. He's earned the right to share food.:D:love:

10-17-2013, 05:33 AM
Normally my cats aren't too interested in human food, but if I walk out of the room and find a cat has snuck up to my plate I generally don't care (I just scoot the part the cat has been munching on to the side)... unless it was Floki. She has some respiratory issues and tends to sneeze a lot, so you can see why I'm wary to eat after her.

I always shared my yogurt with Khaith. Its his very favorite and it is the only food he is pretty forceful with in his attempt to snag a bite. Every time he would see me get some on the spoon he would grab my arm and pull it towards him so he could help himself. I don't eat yogurt anymore, but for his birthday this year I bought a tiny packet just for him. :)

10-17-2013, 09:06 AM
I do not have a problem with sharing at all, My Found Hotel Cats are always welcome to share.
Their mouths are cleaner than ours:cool::cool:

10-17-2013, 08:54 PM
The animal science major in me says -- NO WAY.

But the pet owner in me says -- duh, I've shared plates/meals with my pets before and don't bat an eye at it. Lol.

10-18-2013, 05:52 AM
If any of you has ever eaten food prepared in a restaurant, and had no reaction, I can't see why any of the examples above would give you paws (sic).

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-18-2013, 08:16 AM
Inka loves to lick my icecream! I don't mind a bit about this, and I also don't care about the looks some people give when they see me doing that ;):)

10-20-2013, 10:36 AM
Well, I guess you're all right; besides, it's hard to imagine that something so cute and that you love so very much could do any harm. ;)

10-23-2013, 12:15 AM
If they grab it with their mouth, I just eat it. If their FEET touch it - NO WAY! Kyubey doesn't bury his poop and I regularly see poops with pawprints in them when I scoop.