View Full Version : terrified of the wind

12-12-2002, 12:06 PM
My little 4 year old Schipperke mix is terrified of the wind. She shakes, cries, pants, paces and tries to hide whenever the wind picks up. No amount of soothing or cuddeling works. The only thing I've found that helps is giving her a doggie tranquilizer, but that takes about an hour and a half to take effect and doesn't entirely work. We're both exhausted the next day, although she can sleep, I have to go to work! Any suggestions, I really don't like giving her drugs if there is something else that might work.


12-12-2002, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by 4cookies
No amount of soothing or cuddeling works.

The reason that doesn't work is because you are reinforcing the fear. Try a 'cheerful routine' with her and act like she's silly for being scared. Distract her with her favorite toys, treats and games. Try calming signals such as yawning and licking your lips, stretching out, laying down, etc.

I do have a dog with thunderstorm anxiety so severe that none of this works because she was so severely abused and is gun shy. I would try working the cheerful routine with your dog for awhile though because you may have been inadvertantly reinforcing her fear. Remeber, it will be slow progress.

Good luck!

12-12-2002, 02:06 PM
She shakes, cries, pants, paces and tries to hide whenever the wind picks up. No amount of soothing or cuddeling works.
I agree w/ aly. What you are doing is praising (reinforcing) that behavior. (the behavior to act like a scardy cat). I would just say a simple "it's ok" and go about like nothing is happening. Praise her when she is calm! It takes a lot of patience and a lot of wind storms for her to get over it but be patient. Good luck!

12-12-2002, 02:30 PM
May be you can get a wind storm on tape or CD so you can pratice with her even when there is not a real storm outside!

12-13-2002, 09:08 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk. Poor doggie! Aly is right, as hard as it may be at first! I also like the idea of a "wind tape," as it seems to be the noise that bothers her. She needs to know that it's not some giant Schipperke-eating monster. It's just the wind, silly girl! (You have my sympathy.)

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!