View Full Version : Not dirt poor enough

10-06-2013, 03:37 PM
I took Emily and Callie to Animal Care Services Friday for shots and hopefully so vet care. I don't qualify. You have to be beyond dirt poor to qualify. I was willing to pay more and they said no. They have their own poverty guidelines that are similar to the fed guidelines. 11 000 for a one person household. Yikes. That's 30 hours per week at 50 weeks per year at minimum wage.

My friend might have to "adopt" some of my cats to get them care. She and her new husband qualify.

Yikes. It is scary to think of how little people must earn to qualify for anything.

10-06-2013, 04:12 PM
I'm having the same situation with health care. Under Obamacare, I make too much to qualify for the free health insurance. I do qualify for a subsidy, but that is in the form of a tax credit that I get back at tax time. I would still have to pay upfront for my insurance and there is no way I can do that. If they want to penalize me for not being "poor enough" they can go right ahead and do it. Ain't nothin' I can do about that.:(

10-06-2013, 08:54 PM
I'm having the same situation with health care. Under Obamacare, I make too much to qualify for the free health insurance. I do qualify for a subsidy, but that is in the form of a tax credit that I get back at tax time. I would still have to pay upfront for my insurance and there is no way I can do that. If they want to penalize me for not being "poor enough" they can go right ahead and do it. Ain't nothin' I can do about that.:(

bummer on that. Mine isn't free either, but I do get a rebate every month on th extra premium that I was charge last year. Last year I was paying twice the rate since I was only part-time. I elected to keep state insurance and luckily, the district has reimbursed me for my extra premiums. I'm sick enough that not paying for insurance wasn't smart. I know I need it.

good luck with it. There are parts of the ACA that need tweaking. Tax rebates are great, but only of you have the money to spend now.

10-07-2013, 10:26 AM
I do not think we have those in Canada, but my Vet is a good man and gives me a Seniors Discount, and an overall skipping certain items.
He is our Vet , and I do not know what to do if he retires.
He is one of the few who makes house calls.:cool:

10-08-2013, 05:56 AM
Hi Gary,

ACA, Affordable Care Act, is the real name for ObamaCare.

I wish my vet was as nice.