View Full Version : Cat advice request (long-ish)

12-12-2002, 09:08 AM
Hi everybody!

I've been lurking here for several months and have been very impressed with all the PetTalk people. :) I would like to get your advice about a cat situation that I am really struggling with....

Earlier this week I rescued a very sweet little orange kitty that I have fallen in love with (you can read about his story in the Cat Rescue forum). After a struggle with myself and a long talk with my husband-to-be, we agreed to ask my landlord to let us keep a third kitty. That was approved, but then yesterday I found out that my aunt will be going into a nursing home and needs a home for her cat. This cat is not, well..."normal". She was feral when my aunt found her and she has spent the last 8 years under a bed, only coming out for trips to the litterbox and the food dish. There is no way I can have four cats in this apt and I know that finding a home for my aunt's cat is going to be next to impossible. Not many people are willing to live with a cat that you never see and is still frightened of you eight years after you saved it's life....

Anyway, my conscience is telling me I should place my little orange rescue kittty who is absolutely adorable, and take in the unplaceable feral kitty. But, quite honestly, I don't want to! I've fallen in love with my little orange guy and it breaks my heart to think of giving him up. :( On the other hand, it breaks my heart to think of my aunt's "special" kitty ending up...where??

Sorry for the long post....I would appreciate your thoughts on this if you have time. I know you are all very good cat people and would value your opinions. Thanks so much!!!!!!

12-12-2002, 09:25 AM
I have been reading about how you rescued Orangekitty and how worried you were whether to keep him or not and was very glad to see your happy kitten pics.
I admire you for taking responsability and you have taken it when you rescued him.
However there can be a limit for what a person can take -just in general. And I think it is ok to say no at a certain point. Everybody must decide where this point is for him or her.
And if you have to choose you are not forced to choose the thing that is the most uncomfortable to you.
Would you ask yourself also if you had Orangekitty for a year or so?
Is there a possibility that you find another solution for your aunt's cat?

12-12-2002, 09:32 AM
That is a tough one!

I'd try to look at it this way....which cat would your current felines get along with better?

Never say never... there may be someone out there that wants the challenge to work on socializing your aunts cat and give it a nice home.

Either way, you are giving a home to a needy animal and shouldn't feel bad about which ever choice you make.

Russian Blue
12-12-2002, 10:17 AM
There has to be some animal rescue or feral rescue organizations within your area? You would be amazed at how many people are out there who will help you.

What about your vet? He/she may know of an organization or person. If the cat has spend 8 years (!) under the bed, I don't see it getting along with your other cats. Also, do you have the time to invest in a feral cat?

I would vote to find an organization or person who has experience with feral cats.

12-12-2002, 11:02 AM
Would the landlord notice the fourth cat if its under the bed all the time anyway? Good luck and I hope everything works out for both kitties :( Keep us posted.

I agree that you should contact feral rescue groups and talk to them.

12-12-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by aly
Would the landlord notice the fourth cat if its under the bed all the time anyway?

That was my thought, too. You could try it, and THEN if it doesn't work...look for another solution.

12-12-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

That was my thought, too. You could try it, and THEN if it doesn't work...look for another solution.

Yep exactly my thought too! Is this a case of great minds thinking alike?! Good Luck.


12-12-2002, 03:54 PM
at the risk of throwing a wrench into the works........

could the other cats possibly entice the 'bed kitty' out of it's solitude?

that would be a great solution for the cat's problem but may
cause the land lady a few fits......should you try the stealth
cat solution.

good luck!

12-12-2002, 06:05 PM
You know, I sat here for a long time thinking about this. This is HARD!!!
Did your Aunt specifically ask you to take in her cat? Maybe she doesn't expect you to bring this burden on yourself. If so, then get in touch with as many rescue organizatiions as you can. They know how to tame the untamable and somewhere there MUST be room for one more kitty. That way there will be no guilt, you did your part, as most of these places are no-kill and WILL find it the proper home, and you can keep your beloved orange kitten.


12-12-2002, 06:15 PM
I agree with jenluckenbach.
Do what your heart says. The orange kitty might be best for you. I had an opportunity to adopt two ferals before I rescued my two boys. I had to tell a dear friend 'no' when she knew I was looking for a copule cats. The socialization and interactivity in our houshold is so important to me, I wanted the freindliest cats possible. They are the center of attention. I can't imagine a kitty under the bed. I'd lose my mind with concern.

Good Luck.