View Full Version : Please spread the word about the dog and cat meat trade in China.

09-11-2013, 04:30 AM
I don't post very often anymore, and not in the dog section as I have 3 cats. I am friends with Freedom via email and she knows how strongly I feel about animal welfare and animal rights.

I am posting this to raise awareness of the dog and cat meat trade that exists in China. Although us in the west (UK, America, Europe) are aware of the dog meat being eaten in the orient, even being a taboo subject, not a lot of people realise the sheer horror of what the dogs and cats go through whilst in the slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants that they end up in.

Please take a look at the album by animal equality on the meat trade in China.

Of course these photographs are terrible and show the brutality of how the Chinese country treats these animals (aswell as cattle and other meat) and there are a lot of people campaigning worldwide to ban the dog and cat meat trade.

By making more people aware of what it going on, the word will spread about this trade. The more people see, the more they will become passionate about ending this horrific world for these animals.

I understand a lot of people don't like looking at pictures of animal cruelty, of course I don't myself. But people NEED to know this is going on. We cannot turn a blind eye to this.

I apologise if I have offended anybody by posting this link and raising this issue. But this is something I feel very passionate about and cannot just stand by while these animals are tortured and treated this way.

Thank you for reading.

Kate (Culturejunky)

09-11-2013, 08:15 AM
Warning...very graphic photos!!!!! If you're gonna get sick at the sight of blood, don't look at them!

09-11-2013, 08:41 AM
I don't like reading these kinds of things, but honestly, I don't see how much we can do about it unless we live there. While the US has come along way in the treatment of slaughter animals I feel as if we still have a long way to go. I don't blame you for wanting to help in the least, I just don't see how we can do anything sadly. :( China barely cares about it's people, I can only imagine how they see their animals.

I didn't look at the photos, I don't think it'd make me physically sick (my family hunted for years) but it's just too sad.

Lady's Human
09-12-2013, 06:48 AM
Do we see Indians coming to the US to protest our treatment of cattle?

09-13-2013, 02:07 AM
OMG, that Chinese Butcher told me those were Pork Chops ! :eek:

09-13-2013, 12:18 PM
While I'm not saying to turn a blind eye to anything that you feel passionately about, we have our own battles to fight in the US before we can fight other countries' battles. Look at the US slaughterhouses... we've made improvements in leaps and bounds over the years but we have a loooooooooooooooong way to go still.

And yes, eating dog and cat meat is very normal in other countries. Not negating the abuse that happens to those poor dogs and cats in the process, but just to say that, in some countries, this is a normal course of life for them.