View Full Version : Mojo!

07-28-2013, 06:56 AM
Hello sweetheart!
I am so glad you had a wonderful home for 6 years. You have such a beautiful face.
Play hard at RB ....

07-28-2013, 11:43 AM
To the Dad and Mom, to the family of Mojo...heartfelt *tears* for the tragic loss of your beautiful boy, Mojo, for the indescribable pain you're feeling, no longer having him there by your side as you run, to comfort you and lick away your tears when you're sad, to sing "I love you" to you all, just because.:( His time on this earth, his time with you, was tragically cut short. But how blessed he was to have been a part of your family those precious 6 years, to have been given a second chance at happiness, thanks to you. We can all relate to that hole in Misty's heart you speak of. But, as you say, the pawprints he left on all of your hearts are forever, and with time, hopefully that hole will be healed, filled with the countless cherished memories you shared, your pain eased by the knowledge that your separation is only temporary. What a wonderful legacy of love and healing your beautiful boy has left behind. His ability to help Misty through her depression, to lift her spirits with his unconditional love, is a testament to healing power of our animal friends. Thank you for sharing Mojo's inspirational story, his beautiful photo and precious video with us. It was truly an honor to have had the chance to pay tribute to him and all that he means to you. Mojo...play happily at the Rainbow Bridge, sweetheart, and until that joyful day when you and your family are together once more, send down your love to comfort them, especially your Mommy...they miss you so very, very much.:love::love::love: (((hugs)))

07-28-2013, 02:13 PM
RIP sweet Mojo. I'm so glad you found a family that loved you so very very much. I am so sorry your time was cut too short, but I'm sure you are watching over your family at RB. xoxoxo

07-28-2013, 03:53 PM
What a godsend Mojo was...and you all for him as well. He was a lovely dog who had some great years of life with his loving family. :love::love::love:

07-28-2013, 05:40 PM
You were a gorgeous boy Mojo. I believe you were very loved.:love:
I hope you being DOTD makes this a special day for you and your humans!:)

Marc Wells
07-28-2013, 08:00 PM
I would like to take the time to thank you all so very much for your love and support, it means alot to our family. I want to share how Mojo came to be. I had lost a English Bull Mastiff about 7 years earlier and I had just decided that I didn't want to go through that pain again. He was 13 years old, so very old for his breed. Then, one day we were at the Pear Blossom Parade in Medford, and Misty spotted a woman walking 10 Greyhounds over to a booth for adoption. She told me she wanted to go look, because she had never seen one up close. I gave her that look that husbands can do so well, and I reluctantly said, "Well, ok, but LOOK only." About 15 minutes later, here comes Misty with a huge smile on her face walking a Greyhound. I just melted, I could see how special she felt while everybody was in awe of her walking a beautiful Grey. So, within two days, we were at the adoption center starting paperwork for a home inspection. Once we passed and everything was a go, we went to the kennel and looked over about 15 hounds. Misty picked the top 3 that she seemed to have a closeness to. Next, we took those 3 and went to the dog park to play with them. There was a "Phil", a "Skippy" and of course, a "Mojo." While walking laps, Mojo was the one that was like velcro to Misty, he was prancing and rubbing up to her and showing how graceful he could be while running. That settled it, Mojo picked my wife out. We had so many great times with him, and I wouldn't trade those times for anything. The day after Mojo passed, we were taking him to the funeral home for cremation, and there was a big black truck with a sticker in the back window, it was like Mojo sent us a message, it was a giant pawprint that read "Who rescued Who?" Having a tear and a smile at the same time is always a bittersweet moment. The Wells Family.:love:

07-28-2013, 09:55 PM
My heart breaks for Mojos Mom and Dad. He was a very special boy and bless him for being there for you both. Please accept my sincerest condolences on his passing