View Full Version : can't post pictures

07-18-2013, 03:51 PM
The site I use for uploading is going through an update so can't post pictures,they are (fileden)totally redoing everything and I will have upload most of my my pictures again,I may only upload ones I have had on her since my computer was repaired in Mid December of last year.We all are fine,baking all week in the hot weather staying cool inside,up in the 90's,feeling over a 100 so not walking Heidi this afternoon,maybe tomorrow morning.I hope to beck soon depending on when Fileden gets back online ,very frustrating.Thunderstorms possible tonight,most likely tomorrow,break in the humidity by Saturday.

07-18-2013, 03:56 PM
You can always create an album under your profile here on Pet Talk!

07-21-2013, 12:12 PM
I'm having the same issue. I want to post a picture of Charlotte but it won't let me. I don't think it's your filden. I'm pretty sure the issue is with PT. I've done everything Karen told me to do (delete caches, etc.) to no avail. At least I know I'm not the only one having problems.