View Full Version : Strange accident- a vampire in my house?

07-17-2013, 04:41 AM
So Saturday night at about 11 pm I cleaned the litterboxes and put the bag outside my apartment door so I don't forget to take it to the garbage next day (I was too lazy to go down again...). I just put it outside, take one step back to close the door- hear a scream and feel two long teeth going down my left heel.
It hurt... really... and it started to bleed really bad. So I had to catch some kitchen paper first to keep me from bleeding all over things. I sat down at the table and Orion jumped in front of me "flehming" and purring at the same time- he obviously was not comfortable. First I thought it had been him but when I looked closer- and when the bleeding began to stop I saw that the width of the teeth pointed rather to Kiri who is quite a bit bigger than Orion.
I looked up the internet and it said that cat bites can get infectious quite easily. Especially as the wounds tend to close on the surface rather quickly- but they may get infectious inside (which I remembered also from cats who got bitten- like Ti and Miley -some of you may remember). So I called the emergency doctor who advised me to go to the emergency room in our hospital right away.
Which I did- it was midnight by now. After all it turned out ok, the heavy bleeding is a rather good sign as some germs may have been flushed out. 3 days later I am glad that it's summer as I have to go to the office in sandals but the wound is ok, it still hurts as the two canines went in really deep but it is getting better every day. What hurts also is the place I got the tetanus shot in (I was not up-to-date with it which should not happen:rolleyes:).
Kiri and Orion are purrfectly sweet of course and I have no proof of either having bitten me. So it may have been a close-to-the-floor vampire after all? I have never been bitten by any of my cats in my life and I cannot imagine that a short step backwards could have frightened anyone that much. Of course I have stepped on toesies occasionally as they both are between your feet all the time but I did not feel any of them.
A big secret.....glad we all are ok....

07-17-2013, 05:29 AM
Oh, my goodness, Barbara!

It must have been a vampire. Neither Kiri nor Orion would EVER have done something like that.

So glad you are all right!


07-17-2013, 06:07 AM
It was surely a vampire, cats never bite lol.

07-17-2013, 09:15 AM
I have seen My Cats bit the odd time, maybe I shoud call Doctor Van Helsing!!!!!:eek::eek:
Bela Lugosi lives!!!!:love:

07-17-2013, 09:15 AM
Barbara I am happy to hear you and the kitties are fine:love:!! AND, it was definitely a vampire - no doubt in my mind:eek:. Hopefully the kitties will search that kritter out and exterminate it stat!!

Have a great day:D.

07-17-2013, 10:11 AM
Maybe wear a clove of garlic tucked into your sock for the time being - that vampire has obviously been eluding two vigilant watch cats ...

07-17-2013, 11:35 AM
Ouch!!! I'm sorry to hear that Barbara. Some of the most painful cuts I've ever had came from a cat's scratch. It always becomes very red
and inflamed so I can imagine how a bite would feel. Maybe it was the suddenness of the foot movement which prompted the bite.(or it may have
been a vampire ) ;) Hope it heals up quickly.

07-17-2013, 12:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that this happened:( but I'm glad that you're going to be fine.:) Hopefully you won't run into any more vampires any time soon.;) I've been bitten by my cats before and one time it was bad enough to go to the doctor. I was put on antibiotics just in case. I hope you heal up quickly.

07-17-2013, 02:43 PM
I am so glad it didn't get infected and that you are okay. When Kimba was much younger, he fought almost daily with both Mac and Ming. One time I was walking through the kitchen and didn't realize I had gotten between Kimba and one of the other boys. I heard a growl and Kimba sprang and bit me very deeply on the front of my leg, just above the ankle. When he realized he had bitten me, his eyes got very wide and he ran. I wasn't mad at him at all, just at myself for being stupid enough to get in the middle. It bled a lot, but no long term damage was done except that I still bear the scars on my lower leg. Cats will bite, but unless their truly feral, it's almost always on accident.