View Full Version : Prince's Christmas comes early

Dixie Belle
12-10-2002, 02:46 AM
I've posted about Prince's mange and stuff before. We have been able to somewhat control it, but then he broke out all over, and nothing was helping. I've been crying my eyes out :( worring, and in comes a saviour. My grandmother went to the vet's and pre-paid for six dip treatments for Prince. And she said if he needs more, that she will pay for them too!

Call me crazy, but after losing Justin and Mama, I'm not about to lose my Prince too. Grant it, it's my Christmas gifts for the next three years, but you know, it's the best thing I could have gotten!

12-10-2002, 08:08 AM
Wow! That is so wonderful of her! What a great gift for you and Prince!!!

Dixieland Dancer
12-10-2002, 08:57 AM
My first dog suffered from Mange sometimes too. There is a dip product you can get at the pet store that you mix up with a gallon of water yourself. It cost about $15.00 and gives you about 5 dips per bottle. It works just as well as the dip at the vets for a lot less money.

It was great of your Grandma to help you out! If you try the store dip then you can use the money Grandma paid for some other vet service. We all know how expensive trips to the vets are! :eek:

12-10-2002, 09:02 AM
What a special Grandma you have!! I hope Prince and you enjoy a very Merry Christmas and many, many more years of happy holidays! Feel better soon, Prince!!:)

Dixie Belle
12-10-2002, 11:58 AM
We have done the store dip. It doesn't work with the kind of mange that Prince has. He has demodectic mange, which is inherited from one of the parents, in Prince's case, his mom. Our fear is that he will catch the other mange, and give it to Belle and Missie. By getting the dips, we hope to prevent that from happening.

Cisco's Mom
12-10-2002, 06:35 PM
WOw! That was really nice of your Grandma. Just goes to show that there is nothing like grandma's!!:) (maybe grandpa's).

I will hope the best for your fur baby!