View Full Version : Arrrggghhhh!

12-10-2002, 01:44 AM
I love my fur-babies, I really do. I just need to scream right now.

Tonight I was wrapping presents at one end of the dining room table and had my dinner at the other end. (I interrupted wrapping for dinner...) The phone rang and I stepped away to get it. Came back and Cassy was on the table eating my chicken. My fault for not covering it, to a large extent... Then he gets sick -- on the table by the presents. He manages to get both the wrapped presents and one of the unwrapped. (Chicken was too rich for him???) While I'm cleaning that up, he's getting sick in the hall.


When I got home from work last Friday, he'd been sick twice on the carpet in the bedroom. While I was on my knees cleaning that up, he started acting hyper and was charging through the mess, then jumping on my back and then on the bed. Then he'd race through it again. The mess was incredible.


Most of the time lately he's been his usual self, but sometimes he has been overwound these days. About 15-30 minutes a day of being jumpy and over-active weird. (If he was a kid I'd swear he'd gotten into the Halloween candy!) I thought it was me being upset getting on his nerves. He's always had a sensitive tummy, but usually doesn't get sick quite this often.

Does he sound sick to you, or could this just be seasonal hyper kitty?

12-10-2002, 02:56 AM
I know for sure that they feel if something is different. When you are in a hurry he will feel that, that's for sure.
To me it does not sound as if he needed to see the vet. Tigris regularly will vomit if he gets chicken or steals something because he is so much greedier that his little stomach doesn't accept it.
Wait and see!
And enjoy your Christmas preparations;) :rolleyes:

12-10-2002, 03:27 AM
ok, sorry to laugh. but, thanks, I needed that!!:eek: :D :D
I am rofl.:D I know it's not funny but while reading it my cats are running, and, Emma has been super crazy lately, actually jumping in the air at the walls!

I would ask the vet about the kitty though to be sure she is ok, and on a serious note: be careful of cat and chicken bones! I never leave chicken out, even when I'm done I throw it right away, I am so scared they will get a bone and choke and I wouldn't be able to do anything:(

I know if Cassy was sick you didn't have a chance to cover it. I can just picture that all happening, and I would be at wits end too, but thanks again for the laugh!

hope Cassy is okay.

ahh, the joys of having cats around right?
omg, I just read it again, and again I started laughing so much. ok the stress of the past weeks has lifted and I'm silly...yeah thats why I'm sitting here alone at the computer at 2:30 in the morning, laughing like a loon. :eek: :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-10-2002, 11:29 AM
If I remember correctly Cassy isn't that old is he? Because of my history with Tubby, I would have his kidneys checked. Tubby was always one to throw up (gotta love those hairballs - ugh!) so when he started doing it more often, I didn't think much of it - until it got to the point where he was throwing up almost everyday. I took him to the vet and, as you probably already know, he has chronic kidney failure, which is somewhat common in older cats. But Tubby is now 16 1/2, and Cassy is nowhere near that old, is he? I do know that younger cats can get this condition, but usually in younger cats it comes in the form of....can't remember the exact term....but it's sudden, usually fatal, kidney failure.

Tubby's being treated with 1/2 Pepcid a day. They said it won't repair any damage that has been done, but it will slow down the progression of failure. At his last vet visit his numbers had turned around and they said "He's doing great for a guy his age." So I would recommend a trip to the vet and have them specifically check his "numbers." They do a blood test and there are a few things they look for that indicate kidney failure. Fortunately they caught Tubby's early enough - and the earlier the better.

I hope it's just the weather, the season or yourself being upset that is bothering him because those are easy to deal with - and not ultimately fatal. Please let us know how this all turns out.

Oh, and I'm sorry too, but I also had to laugh. I could just see that naw-tee-kat up on the table with his face in your plate. :)

12-10-2002, 04:56 PM
Cassy was born 11 Jul 1999 -- He's not quite 3 1/2. He typically has tummy issues about once a month. This last week has been extreme, for him (and me, but not to the same extent :rolleyes: ).

Oh, I'd cooked the chicken with the skin, but pulled it off to eat it. He was focusing on the skin, which was a relief. A minor relief, but I'll take what I can get these days.