View Full Version : Towser vs Turtle

07-11-2013, 02:26 PM
Lately every morning when Towser is outside I hear his incessant barking and look out to see him circling random turtles that sneak into the yard. He used to be terrified of them... to the point where he would run on to the porch to bark from there. Anyway, I figured I would take a video of it this morning. I bet you can find the point where he runs in to me while trying to make his circle. :p


I do believe he has quite a bit of terrier in him. :love: And no worries, I always kindly escort the turtles to the other side of the fence in whatever direction they had been attempting to go. C:

Towser's new bowl. He chewed up his old one last week when he got bored, and this was on sale for $2 so I just couldn't pass it up. I think its quite adorable!

And I will leave you with a picture of Towser being his usual goofy self. He just turned 8 months old. My baby is growing up!

07-11-2013, 02:38 PM
Aww, how cute! Towser, silly, those are not rocks that sprung to life, they are turtles, and I promise they do not eat delicate little puppies like you!

I LOVE his new bowl!

07-11-2013, 02:59 PM
"I promise they do not eat delicate little puppies like you!"...

Unless they're snapping turtles, in which case they may seriously injure puppies :eek: But that one was capable of retreating into his shell so he obviously wasn't.

That is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

07-11-2013, 03:02 PM
Towser, you are the cutest :love: I still see some possible Pittie in him, but whatever he is, he is adorable just like his bowl!

07-12-2013, 06:02 AM
Thanks, guys. :) Luckily we never get snapping turtles in the backyard, only occasionally on the street in front of the house, either way, atleast Towser won't get bit since he is too scared to get too close! One time his outside water bowl was turned upside down and he spent the longest time acting the exact same as he did in the video...

Bri, the older he gets the more he looks like his mummy (his birthmother... not me! I sure hope this dog doesn't turn out looking like me. :D) and less like a pit. I still think he might have a smidgen of pit in him. C:

07-12-2013, 06:56 AM
OH my god, I AWWW'ed so much. Haha, I do have to say that turtle is BRAVE. Between Towser and you video-taping he was out of his shell. What a cutie he was. And Towser are you secretly Batman? ;) He's so adorable, he looks like quite the goofball! Just wanted to thank you for helping said turtle rather than trying to keep him or something (not that I think you would!). I work at at Nature Center/Environmental Center and people always bring in turtles they illegally took from the wild as babies or whatever because they don't want them anymore and we usually cannot take them. It just really bothers me because they're usually not deformed because they were not fed properly, or sick, or just in general not well because they were once wild and free and taken illegally.

07-12-2013, 04:14 PM
I live super close to a lake so we constantly see turtles. I am far too well known for stopping traffic to escort turtles off of the road. :o I understand completely where you are coming. I am a firm believer that wild animals belong in the wild (unless a disability prevents it).
BTW, Alyssa. I am SUPER jealous of your job! :D Lucky duck.

07-15-2013, 10:34 AM
Towser is a cutie! His circles are too stinkin' cute!