View Full Version : Summertime thoughts

07-10-2013, 06:43 PM
When it is really hot and sticky, I find myself wishing there was a pond nearby to swim in. There are plenty of bodies of water near me, but one is a reservoir (no swimming allowed) and I don't know where there's a public beach in this town, or if there is.

Had a conversation with someone the other day, and it got me wondering ... how many people use air conditioning in the summer? We have it available but tend not to use it - we can keep the place pretty cool because we get very little sunlight, so keeping shades down for the small periods of time we do, and it doesn't really heat up. But I hear the A/C running constantly for other units, and wonder if they just don't draw the blinds in the morning or what? How conscious are you of such things?

It's muggy now, and rain may get heavier, storms are predicted ...

07-11-2013, 05:02 AM
The A/C in this house is running constantly the vast majority of the year. My mom and dad (when he was alive) are both super hot natured... something I didn't inherit. Half of the time in the summer I am running around in sweaters when I am at the house. :D

It was crazy muggy and gross outside yesterday. I don't like being in the sun, but I can handle heat as long as the humidity stays far, far away.

07-11-2013, 06:04 AM
Like it's said ....... it's not the heat - it's the humidity! The AC here runs all summer - I'd be dead without it. :( I get physically ill when it's hot - nausea and terrible headaches and just not a pleasant person to be around. :eek:

I can't stand the dampness in the house when the humidity is high - everything feels damp and sticky and even smells musty. Even if it's not extremely hot outside but it's humid, then the AC does not get turned off. It is more efficient and cheaper to run if it's left to cycle on and off, than turning it off and opening the windows if it cools off at night, or for a few days. When you turn it back on, it will run longer and harder to clear the dampness and cool the house again.

It has been a wicked, humid summer here so far this year. Thank goodness for my AC...............:D

07-11-2013, 07:08 AM
The humidity was horrible, and that 4 day heat wave, well, my a/c was running around the clock. And we only went outside mornings and evenings, we remained indoors from about 11 AM to 6 PM!

07-11-2013, 08:40 AM
I'm lucky, it rarely gets extremely hot here, but when it does, it's unbearable. In Denmark it's not common to have A/C, so all I can do is keep the blinds down and open windows.

I agree that humidity is the worst. That I experienced in Dominican Republic, even though it was December. Don't know what they do in summer such places. :eek:

Stay cool, everyone! :)

07-11-2013, 09:49 AM
The A/C runs constantly. I hate humidity, the problem is it doesn't really effect me that much. As a former costume character, my body can handle the heat more than certain people can but I just dislike heat and I pretty much hate all humidity. Hey, if it was 80 degree F with no humidity I'd love it!

07-11-2013, 11:41 AM
I thoroughly embrace all the advancements made by mankind: drugs to make me feel better, TV with cable, the internet, smart phones, cars, lots of hot water, and A/C, among the many. I have a few people in my life that make do with limiting A/C, always assuring me that it isn't that hot, it is comfortable, etc. Not sure who they think they are fooling, as it sure ain't me. And, I am always cold...so, not like I seek out the 65 degree house. As far as I know, no one receives any award for suffering. I like to be comfortable. Hot and sticky isn't comfortable. :D

07-11-2013, 01:52 PM
I thoroughly embrace all the advancements made by mankind: drugs to make me feel better, TV with cable, the internet, smart phones, cars, lots of hot water, and A/C, among the many. I have a few people in my life that make do with limiting A/C, always assuring me that it isn't that hot, it is comfortable, etc. Not sure who they think they are fooling, as it sure ain't me. And, I am always cold...so, not like I seek out the 65 degree house. As far as I know, no one receives any award for suffering. I like to be comfortable. Hot and sticky isn't comfortable. :D

Most of the time, I am quite comfortable, I promise, Cataholic!

When it gets TOO hot and sticky outside, I drink a lot of water, but as I said, we are lucky in that the apartment doesn't heat up, as it get very little sun. If it were not for modern conveniences like good strong corrective lenses, and modern medicine, I'd likely be dead anyway, having wandered off a cliff I didn't see sometime in childhood! I also know that living where I do, we do not often get the extremes of heat folks in more interior, or more Southern areas do, and it does cool down at night.

The good or bad part of New England weather is that nothing lasts for too long, anyway!

smokey the elder
07-11-2013, 02:02 PM
I can't tolerate heat at all, especially at night because the humidity gets even higher. So I suck up the giant carbon footprint and electric bill I create in the summer. :p I like gardening but have to do it really early or near dusk after marinating in bug repellent!:D The flowers and fresh produce are the best part of summer.

07-11-2013, 02:03 PM
We have a break in the heat and humidity in Chicago forecast for the next few days. I'll take it!

07-11-2013, 05:42 PM
We have been having heat waves here. And this last one our AC decided to stop working for us. Luckily I get to go to work in an air conditioned office each day. But Bruce had to deal with the heat at home. He used a portable AC unit he has for when he brews beer. He hooked it up in the kitchen so it would blow directly on him.
We have a whole house fan. So in the morning before it heats up he would open all the windows/doors and turn it on. Then when it cools off at night (if it does) we turn it on.
He only turns on the AC if it gets super hot in the house. He pays the electric bill, not me! LOL

I never realized how much I like AC until we didn't have it when we needed it!
I was about to go sit in the dogs kiddie pool. And Bruce would hose himself off while working in the garden. Yes, he's crazy and worked in the garden in 100 degree weather!

07-11-2013, 07:26 PM
We've had 3 heat waves this summer and the humidity has been unbearable . Our A/C runs from am to pm non stop. We don't open the windows at night because it never cools off enough to make it worthwhile. Anytime after 9:00 the air is so humid that it would just make things horribly damp in here. We get plenty of sun , we keep the blinds closed on the side it happens to be coming through. At suppertime we get the hottest of the sun and it heats up the house as high as 78 if we don't let the air run. We have it set for the daytime and I turn it to 68 for the night . Not worth turning it off and as was mentioned it's cheaper to let it run on the cycle than to shut and start it. Things are supposed to be cooling off a little for the weekend but we still need the air or we would fizzle out pretty fast.

07-12-2013, 08:08 PM
Well since I don't even have AC, I don't have a choice to turn it on or off. I have one ceiling fan in the dining room and several floor tower fans. Usually I don't need AC but I sure could've used it during our last heat wave. My cats looked half dead even though I knew they weren't. I had to add another water bowl because they were drinking so much water. If it cooled down enough overnight, I would keep both windows and my sliding glass door open all night with all of the fans running. When it gets too hot out, I close all of the blinds and close all of the windows. I only get the morning sun so this also helps my condo to stay much cooler even though I'm on the second floor of three floors.

Yes, we do have AC at work but on very hot days it doesn't work well. I also sit between two hot ovens so I have a small fan that I keep at work year round so I can turn it on as needed. Humidity and muggy days just kill me. Luckily we rarely have this kind of weather. I would love to live some where that was in the 70's year round.:) Many years ago my parents had AC put into their house but they rarely turn it on. During this last heat wave, I kept asking them if they turned it on and they only did very briefly. They're in their mid 70's and I worry about them getting heat stoke. They're just too stubborn or don't want to pay for AC so they let themselves suffer during the heat. I just don't get it. They live enough south of me that their weather can be as much as 10 degrees hotter than mine and they really don't even get a breeze. The weather here has been great the last few days and I hope it'll continue to be like this.:)

07-12-2013, 08:57 PM
Fortunately we rarely need A/C:). We do have an A/C unit in our master bedroom but only run it on extremely hot days and only long enough in the evening to cool the room to a comfortable temperature for sleeping. I generally close blinds and run ceiling fans during heat spells and this does help to keep the house cooler and air circulating.

Humidity is not generally a problem either, thank goodness. I can handle the heat but humidity just depletes me and I can so relate to the discomfort that so many have mentioned in this post. Stay cool and drink lots of water:love:.

07-13-2013, 09:40 AM
If it's really hot in your bedroom, I've heard that having a bowl of cold water standing next to yourr bed - and a towel, of course, is a good idea. Stick your feet into the water for a few minutes if it's gets unbearable. That will cool your whole body off.

I came across this link with advise to keep cool: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23255554?ocid=socialflow_facebook_bbcnews

Also, a hot cup of tea should help. :)

07-13-2013, 10:08 AM
I don't get it!!! Why have AC if you aren't going to run it to stay comfortable, because it's too costly? :rolleyes: My comfort is worth the money. I'd rather cut corners somewhere else, than be hot and sick and miserable.

07-13-2013, 11:08 AM
It's happened in Toronto often, and sometimes in Calgary, that a heat wave causes so many AC units to be turned on that the electric companies have a brownout or resort to rotating power blackouts.

My place is like yours, KAK - I am on the second floor and often leave windows open a bit at night. The sun doesn't come around until the afternoon and I close drapes and windows before then. My place stays very cool and I have one ceiling fan that helps a lot if really needed.

I am thinking of buying some of that window film that blocks heat and UV. I have some friends that have used it and the difference is apparently amazing!

07-13-2013, 12:03 PM
It's happened in Toronto often, and sometimes in Calgary, that a heat wave causes so many AC units to be turned on that the electric companies have a brownout or resort to rotating power blackouts.

This happens just about everywhere if it's hot enough long enough. :(

We're headed for our 4th - or maybe it's 5th - heat wave of this season. They consider it a heat wave if the temps are 90 or above for 3 days straight. Supposed to be in the mid to upper 90's all next week, and probably 100+ on Wednesday. Oh joy!!! - guess I know where I'll be all week with the exception of going out for about an hour for a doctor appointment. If only the humidity was lower it would be more tolerable, but when you open the door to walk outside, it's like someone tosses a hot, wet blanket in your face, and then drapes it over the rest of your body. YUK!!! - too miserable............:eek::(:mad:

I'm so grateful that Myndi isn't a dog that likes to be outside. We go out - she does what is necessary - then we're back in the house. :D

We've had so darn much rain this summer, that it never really drys up before the monsoons hit again. We had over 4" here again yesterday, and just about 12 miles south in Dover, they had over 6" with wicked spot flooding. The hospital parking lot had water up to the windshields on some cars, and other roadways closed because of flooding, and people with kyaks paddling down some of the roads. :( I just walked out to check the mail, and the ditch by the road is still flooded, and there are hundreds of pollywogs(tadpoles), swimming around in the water. :) And yes - the mosquitoes are ferocious this year since they have constant standing water to thrive in - even with the state spraying to try to rid them. It ain't working...........:(

07-13-2013, 12:15 PM
If only the humidity was lower it would be more tolerable, but when you open the door to walk outside, it's like someone tosses a hot, wet blanket in your face, and then drapes it over the rest of your body. YUK!!! - too miserable............:eek::(:mad:

I'm so grateful that Myndi isn't a dog that likes to be outside. We go out - she does what is necessary - then we're back in the house. :D

Pomtzu, I heard a description of the hot muggies the other day that I thought you'd appreciate: "It's like walking around in someone else's mouth." We had a hot very humid day, and we had a bit of rain but it didn't help = it was just like the humidity just solidified here and there into droplets, and a server at my local pizza place told me that one.

By the way, we have A/C here because the apartment/building came with it, we just don't need to use it. And the old house we had a window unit (It's sitting in our storage space at the moment) that we had for the one or two times a year it got too hot there even for Paul.

07-14-2013, 05:39 AM
Having AC is rare here in the UK, but then again so are heatwaves, however when they do occur, oh, how I long for AC:)

This year summer has been a long time coming but it's now arrived and it is very hot in some places, not so bad here so far (fingers crossed & touch wood). I have an electric fan which I use when necessary, otherwise it's windows & back door open to keep the air circulating, great if there is a breeze. Unfortunately, living in a bungalow, and being cautious, I don't leave the bedroom window open at night which is a real bind, even though night temps tend to be lower by then the inside has heated up to make bedtime uncomfortable. I guess I'm 'lucky' in that being retired I don't have to go outside unless I want/need to and any house/garden work I do either early or late when it is cooler.

The pets, well, Ebby just lazes round as always. Alfie is quite clever in that he only goes out to run around in the cool of the morning or evening. When he occasionally does take it in his head to sunbathe it's not for long he either comes back inside or finds a shady spot.

07-14-2013, 05:26 PM
I'm definitely not a fan of summer. As I'm getting older I like the cold weather more and more. AC for us is a necessity. When it gets really hot, especially with these heatwaves, my blood sugar tends to go ballistic. When I talked to my doctor about it, she said that's not unusual for diabetics. According to local weather reports another heatwave is expected to hit tomorrow and last through the week. Ugh!

Karen, here's a definition of humidity I heard some time ago: humidity is when everything that's supposed to come apart sticks together and everything that's supposed to stick together comes apart.

07-14-2013, 05:44 PM
humidity is when everything that's supposed to come apart sticks together and everything that's supposed to stick together comes apart.

That's a good one, Eileen. I never heard that one before, but it sure is true.

Take care this week - we're going to bake again all week, and if we get any more rain to go with it, it will be a steam bath. I'm sick of this and can't wait till Fall and some crisp, clear weather. And hopefully, I'll be in NC by then, too. :)

07-14-2013, 09:31 PM
Maybe we should all buy a chillow for the next heat wave. Here's the link:http://www.asseenontv.com/chillow-pillow/detail.php?p=448277.

07-15-2013, 05:55 AM
I wonder if they really work? I had thought about getting one, but most products you get from t.v. ads, don't work as they say. I suppose I should check out the reviews. :rolleyes: I haven't found any pillow that doesn't make my head sweat (regardless of the weather), and I have to wrap a heavy bath towel around mine (the pillow-not my head :eek:) - otherwise I wake up with a wet head! :eek::(

07-15-2013, 09:06 PM
Pom- I laughed at you with your head wrapped up in a towel! Even feather pillows make your head sweat?

07-16-2013, 05:47 AM
Pom- I laughed at you with your head wrapped up in a towel! Even feather pillows make your head sweat?

Yes indeed - foam or polyfill or down - I've tried them all. Right now I have a down and that is the least offensive of all I have ever had. I still have to wrap it ( THE PILLOW :D ) in a heavy towel tho.........:(

07-17-2013, 02:51 PM
Yet another day of this heatwave - I think this is the hottest summer I can remember - usually a heat wave here will only last a few days! Everyone staying cool?

My favorite sorta "side effect" - when one of us leaves a nearly full bottle of water in the car and forgets it - I bring it in and throw two peach tea bags in a glass and pour the heated water over and throw it in the fridge! Yummy, and cool - and I didn't have to heat up the kitchen by boiling water!

07-17-2013, 03:11 PM
My summertime thoughts are NOT good ones in this weather. It was 96 and stinking humid again today, and no chance of daytime temps falling below 90 before next Monday. I sure hope it cools off some. Next Tuesday night we are going to the Jeff Dunham show live at the DE State Fair, and it's in an outdoor pavilion. It should be somewhat cooler by the time the show starts tho - just hoping the humidity is down and it isn't too buggy. :( We went when he was there a few years ago, and the weather was very cooperative. Hoping for a repeat! :D

07-17-2013, 03:21 PM
My summertime thoughts are NOT good ones in this weather. It was 96 and stinking humid again today, and no chance of daytime temps falling below 90 before next Monday. I sure hope it cools off some. Next Tuesday night we are going to the Jeff Dunham show live at the DE State Fair, and it's in an outdoor pavilion. It should be somewhat cooler by the time the show starts tho - just hoping the humidity is down and it isn't too buggy. :( We went when he was there a few years ago, and the weather was very cooperative. Hoping for a repeat! :D

I just checked weather.com for you - they say you'll get relief by this Sunday! How's Mindi old gal in this weather?

07-18-2013, 06:02 AM
I just checked weather.com for you - they say you'll get relief by this Sunday! How's Mindi old gal in this weather?

She's doing okay since we both stay in the house and go outside only when necessary and for the shortest time possible. It's going to be even hotter today, with temps forecast to be 98 - which means it will be even hotter - and humidity and air quality in the dangerous zone. The heat index will be at the "cooking" level too. BLAH!!!! - bring on frost and leaves changing color and a chill in the air and sweatshirts! :)

07-18-2013, 09:27 AM
We've had a week straight of hot humid weather so I've been mostly cooped up with the a/c. The appts are the only thing that I go out for and I'm glad the buildings and offices all have air. They said we set a record, the temps were up to 40C Tuesday, this is a first for us, it felt like 44C. We had rain last night but it didn't cool things off, still in the high 20's and climbing today, it's just so muggy. I love summer but this is a bit much--- Spring and Fall are my best seasons. Right now they're predictng a high of 38 today, with the humidity it won't be comfortable for sure.

07-18-2013, 09:58 AM
It's not quite 11 a.m. and the temp is already 91 with the heat index of 102. We're sizzlin' today, for sure!

07-18-2013, 10:00 AM
I am relieved I am not working the county fair next week!!:eek: This weather is nuts!

07-18-2013, 11:08 AM
Up to 93/108 at noon..............:eek:

07-18-2013, 12:49 PM
One thing that I do not think I will get over is the animal/insect population that comes out in the hot weather.

We live one street away from the park and there is TONS of chirping, warbling and FIREFLYS!!!!!

I have learned that squirrels also have a 'vocabulary' or at least a way to communicate with other squirrels.....I would hear a chirping noise and could not figure it out until I saw a squirrel on the fence, squawking away!

Good stuff!

smokey the elder
07-18-2013, 01:25 PM
High of 102 F (39C); feels like 110 F (approx.43 C). Feh!!!:mad:

07-18-2013, 01:48 PM
96/110 at 2:45. I wonder if this is a little bit of what Hell feels like??? :confused::p

07-18-2013, 02:11 PM
I thoroughly embrace all the advancements made by mankind: drugs to make me feel better, TV with cable, the internet, smart phones, cars, lots of hot water, and A/C, among the many. I have a few people in my life that make do with limiting A/C, always assuring me that it isn't that hot, it is comfortable, etc. Not sure who they think they are fooling, as it sure ain't me. And, I am always cold...so, not like I seek out the 65 degree house. As far as I know, no one receives any award for suffering. I like to be comfortable. Hot and sticky isn't comfortable. :D

I'm so glad you said this. My dad is one of those people....

I remember when I was 8 months pregnant and we had to go up to visit for my sisters wedding... in AUGUST. My dad is very Anti- A/C. I can't figure out why. He says "I don't need it... my basement stays nice and cool" Yeah but you stay holed up in the basement with the lights off all summer like a troll LOL I'd rather enjoy my whole house with lighting and everything lol. And that's GREAT for you if you like to live in the basement but I had to sleep in the bedroom upstairs where all the heat rises to while extremely pregnant. I almost left and went to a hotel lol.

I can't handle heat. I suffered from heat exhaustion and sun poisoning and 2nd degree sunburn once when I was a kid... I was out of school for weeks. I was so ill and in so much pain. My mom kept a owl of ice water next to my bed so I could just dunk my face in it and put a wet cloth on my skin because I was quite literally... burning up lol. Every since then my tolerance for heat is non exsistent. It makes me feel horrid. Brian is also a very hot person by nature so we keep the AC going constantly in the summer and usually have our bedroom AC unit installed by the end of March.

07-18-2013, 02:51 PM
I saw the surgeon today as the follow-up appointment for my thyroidectomy. She gave me "flesh-colored" strips to cover my scar if I am out in the sun for the next few weeks. I said, "Frankly, I avoid being in the sun, but thanks!" She said, "Yes, I see you take very good care of your skin." I accepted the compliment as it was intended, but the truth is I am pasty white, and burn very easily! The "flesh colored" strips are much darker than my skin! Sunburns hurt, it is not vanity that keeps me out of the sun, it's pain avoidance!

As I mentioned at the outset of the thread, this place stays fairly cool without using the A/C. We are in day 5 of an official heatwave, and I just checked. It is 79° F in here, with 65% humidity, which is perfectly fine by me. As I was out on the road in the late morning though, I did have a popsicle for lunch! Outside it is 90° F with 51% humidity, according to weather.com - but I don't have to go out there!

07-18-2013, 03:08 PM
After last summer in Chicago when the heat wave absolutely would not break ... I can handle this. I'm drinking a lot of water and Gatorade.

07-18-2013, 04:24 PM
WOW - now that is one BIG banana split. It looks incredibly delicious...........:D

OOPS - that's in the other thread about the hot weather. Sorry.

Not to harp on the hot weather and those who choose not to use their a.c.'s, but I just heard this sad story on the Phila news: Philly's first heat related death was reported today when a 57 year old man was found dead in his house. He had a.c., but it was not turned on. Even quite frequently you hear of people found dead in their homes and apartments (mostly the elderly) who have no a.c. or fans, yet leave all their windows closed - thinking that they are keeping the hot air out. :(

I know you might say the heat doesn't bother you, but it takes a toll on your body whether it bothers you or not. Stay safe in this dangerously hot weather. One good thing about it - it can't last forever and will cool off some soon. :p

07-18-2013, 04:44 PM
Yeah, I meant to post it over there, posted it here then moved it!

The great thing about Cabot's is they have dairy free ice cream, too - so you could have a sundae of your own, no tummy ache required. I have heard from lactose intolerant friends that it is the only dairy free ice cream they have had that actually tastes like ice cream!

Do not worry about me, I drink enough water, cold water this time of year, and only do my exercise late at night when it has cooled off.

07-19-2013, 06:04 AM
Hi - it's just your friendly PT weather lady, checking in.

It was already 81 at 5:30 a.m. YOWZER!!! It's gonna be another cooker. I was just looking at The Weather Channel web site for this zip code, and they are reporting "oppressive humidity" No shiat, Sherlock,,,,:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Take it easy everyone, if you are stuck in this soup. Relief coming here by late Sunday. Woo-Hoo :D I hope the forecasters have it right this time.

07-19-2013, 09:15 AM
It's 77 here and it's only 10am. At least it's not in the 80s or 90s yet.

07-19-2013, 11:37 AM
Temp at noon: 94F
Heat index: 107F

07-19-2013, 12:32 PM
We had a little heat wave a few weeks ago so I ran the A/C and got a bill for 300 dollars, so I try not to run it too much.

If I jump in the pool I am cooled off for hours after. Of course the dogs don't swim so when they start panting the air goes on.

07-19-2013, 01:00 PM
We had a little heat wave a few weeks ago so I ran the A/C and got a bill for 300 dollars, so I try not to run it too much.

If I jump in the pool I am cooled off for hours after. Of course the dogs don't swim so when they start panting the air goes on.

Yikes - you must have some outrageous electric rates. :( This is an all electric house (about 2350 sq ft) and has a 3 ton central a.c. and a smaller heat pump/a.c. unit in the area of the 3 room addition. Total electric bill in the heat of summer never runs us that much. And that's just not the cooling - it includes hot water, clothes dryer, kitchen range, freezer that is in the hot garage - anything and everything that is electric.

07-19-2013, 01:32 PM
It is about 2:30 p.m., I have not ventured outside today - I just looked and it is
Temp: 97° F
Humidity: 41%
Feel like: 103° F

I'll stay inside and cool for now, thanks!

One other summertime thought: I bought some popsicles - peach ones, real fruit - and when I finish one, it reminds me of Miss Hoppy - she enjoyed nibbling the wooden, fruit-soaked popsicle sticks. Now I just discard them, but think of her and feel a tad guilty for "wasting" them!

07-19-2013, 01:46 PM
Yikes - you must have some outrageous electric rates. :( This is an all electric house (about 2350 sq ft) and has a 3 ton central a.c. and a smaller heat pump/a.c. unit in the area of the 3 room addition. Total electric bill in the heat of summer never runs us that much. And that's just not the cooling - it includes hot water, clothes dryer, kitchen range, freezer that is in the hot garage - anything and everything that is electric.

Our house is 2750 sq feet, it has 3 zones for the a/c but if i don't turn them all on it doesn't work right. I think our rates are pretty high here.
We also run a pool pump but I don't think it costs too much to run that.

07-19-2013, 02:35 PM
It is about 2:30 p.m., I have not ventured outside today - I just looked and it is
Temp: 97° F
Humidity: 41%
Feel like: 103° F

I'll stay inside and cool for now, thanks!

One other summertime thought: I bought some popsicles - peach ones, real fruit - and when I finish one, it reminds me of Miss Hoppy - she enjoyed nibbling the wooden, fruit-soaked popsicle sticks. Now I just discard them, but think of her and feel a tad guilty for "wasting" them!

We topped out at 96 / 110

It has now dropped to a cool :rolleyes: 94 / 105

So Karen - did you finally have to break down and turn the a.c. on - or are you still cool enough without it?

Every time I have a freezer pop - and I go thru a lot in this weather - I think of how much Sparky loved them and how I always had to share mine with him. I miss that little fuzzbutt-fuzzmutt.....:(

07-19-2013, 02:49 PM
We topped out at 96 / 110

It has now dropped to a cool :rolleyes: 94 / 105

So Karen - did you finally have to break down and turn the a.c. on - or are you still cool enough without it?

Thankfully, as I said, this apartment gets very little sun, so as long as we are smart about it, it stay fairly cool. Right now, just looked, it is only 80° in here, which is fine! It rarely hit 80° inside, but that's way better than what's outside!

07-19-2013, 04:09 PM
Thankfully, as I said, this apartment gets very little sun, so as long as we are smart about it, it stay fairly cool. Right now, just looked, it is only 80° in here, which is fine! It rarely hit 80° inside, but that's way better than what's outside!

You must have a lot of shade, and a very well insulated building if it's only 80 in spite of the outside temp. However - I still would never be able to stand even that "low" temp when the humidity is so high. That's the killer.....:mad:

07-19-2013, 04:49 PM
You must have a lot of shade, and a very well insulated building if it's only 80 in spite of the outside temp. However - I still would never be able to stand even that "low" temp when the humidity is so high. That's the killer.....:mad:

Amen to that.:) We've had high temps with equally high humidity for the last 4 days & that's murder. I couldn't breath with out AC.

07-19-2013, 08:05 PM
Okay - we have hit a landmark - tonight, it is solo humid outside after being soooo hot today, I have to say walking outside felt like walking into a dryer. But the most remarkable was, I just did some grocery shopping. The store is, of course, air conditioned. I was in there long enough so that when I walked OUTSIDE, my glasses immediately fogged up! (This normally only happens in winter, coming in from cold outside!)

Weather.com currently - this is at 9 p.m., says it is
68% humidity
"feels like" 99° !

Officially yuck! Will be glad when the thunderstorms come tomorrow to break this pattern!

07-22-2013, 09:41 PM
So today was a huge improvement, low 80's, low humidity! Is everyone else out of the humdididity hotness, I hope? We never got the promised big storms Saturday, and yesterday was pretty sticky and hot still be today was a big relief, and we may get rain tomorrow!

07-22-2013, 11:30 PM
Saw this on Facebook and had to share!


07-23-2013, 01:24 AM
Even though it's been in the mid 70's to low 80's, it's been very humid and muggy here. I'm not used to this so this makes me feel so much hotter and sweaty than I should be. It's still about 70 outside at almost 11:30pm. I don't have any AC so I hope that I'll be able to sleep well tonight with my fan turned on all night as well as my window open. I don't think I'd ever be able to survive living on the East Coast again. My body isn't used to any humidity any more. I have a feeling that August will be an even hotter month this year.

07-23-2013, 05:59 AM
Still way too uncomfortable to suit me. Temp hovering around 90 and humidity is still way way way up there. Yesterday it really got to me - knocked me on my butt - soooo sick!! Storms came thru last night but all it did was make it more humid. I'm fading fast.................:(

07-23-2013, 11:47 AM
Still way too uncomfortable to suit me. Temp hovering around 90 and humidity is still way way way up there. Yesterday it really got to me - knocked me on my butt - soooo sick!! Storms came thru last night but all it did was make it more humid. I'm fading fast.................:(

Hang on pom, it's still early Summer.:) There's always the ice cold rag on the face trick. It works if you're not moving around much.;)

Rains came through here & cooled it off some, but still humid. This mornings temp was 79 degrees and 79% humidity. Just wonderful.....:rolleyes:

07-23-2013, 01:46 PM
I am happy, rain, rain and now sunshine, but still just 75°F! Come to Boston, Pom! ;) The rain just stopped, and as I said the sun has come out, but weather.com says 95% humidity - duh! It just stopped pouring!

07-26-2013, 10:42 PM
Here we are not even 7 days later, and it has been cool and rainy, good for the gardens, but I saw Rusty the chipmunk today and he was bouncing across the grass rather than scampering as he normally does - must not like getting his feet wet, but it was silly to see!

And yes, the grass underfoot kinda went splash as I walked across it to put out birdseed!

How's everyone else who was in the H&H doldrums last week?

07-27-2013, 06:19 AM
Temperature has been in the 70s, low 80s, low humidity, around here the last few days. Lovely!

07-27-2013, 10:43 AM
We had a couple of days break - very low humidity and one day in the 70's and the other in the low 80's. It's warming back up and getting sticky again - I could really feel the difference in the air when I walked outside this morning. A couple of cool and breathable days was better than none tho and I feel like I earned it. I came off a 3-day extra brutal migraine in time to enjoy the cooler air. Haven't had a head-banger like that in years, and it actually sent me to the walk in clinic Wednesday morning when I couldn't get in to see my doctor. A shot for the pain and a pill for the nausea, and 2 prescriptions later - it finally eased up by the following morning. Don't want my head to go there again any time soon...............:(

07-27-2013, 10:54 AM
We're having a cool summer, which is unusual but nice for a change. In July the "heat waves" have lasted for one day each. The second one comes in August, so we'll see. The partly sunny days or even sunny ones with cooler air are wonderful!

Today and tomorrow the forecast is for showers and a HIGH of +15 and 16 respectively! That's about 58 and 59F.

07-31-2013, 12:19 PM
This week has been what I think of as normal summer weather - hot but not too bad, rain at night, thunder, but nothing catastrophic. How is it where everyone else is?

07-31-2013, 04:17 PM
The weather has been MUCH more tolerable here than it was - a few days were absolutely perfect - clear bright skies, fluffy clouds, low humidity, a nice breeze and actually somewhat chilly first thing in the morning. The afternoons still warm up enough to leave the a.c. set to run if it's needed, but it's running a whole lot less than it was.

Today's been rather cloudy and rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. At least we didn't get the torrential rains that Philly got a couple of nights ago - upwards to almost a foot in some areas. My house in NC got some wicked rains the day before that too - roads and bridges washed out in the town where I'll be living - people being cut off and no way out of their homes, cars washed into rivers, etc. and at least one drowning. My house is at the end of a dead-end street and at the bottom of a hill several miles outside of the town, and my niece said the water running down the street looked like a raging river. No flooding at the house tho, except some standing water at the back of the property line, and what runs down the road just keeps going and drops down another hill.

Here's a pic of the house, tho it's not very big since I can't get a good one off of Google, but you can see a little of the dropoff on the right side.

08-06-2013, 02:14 PM
Hopefully the roads are passable agin for you!

The weather here the past couple days has been nice - upper seventies, maybe 80 - so some people are thinking it is too cold! ;)

08-07-2013, 02:16 PM
Karen I couldn't live healthy without a/c. I have it on day and night when it's needed. We have had a very hot and humid summer here in NJ and I get physically ill when it's that hot so yes, I need the a/c. When we have a cool day which hasn't happened much this summer, I do open windows and Autumn loves that. Unfortunately most of this summer the windows have been closed, I just can't take the heat.

08-09-2013, 03:32 PM
Well, today it has rained so much, the back yard is a pond! We have had relatively nice weather all week, then today it was absolutely pouring, and when I checked weather.com just out of curiosity, it said, "Light rain" - duh! We had downpours!

08-09-2013, 04:37 PM
I run a/c starting in April and would find it horrible without one. Although this summer has not been hot hot, it has been wet and humid and warm/hot and I would be miserable without an a/c. Wonderful invention!!!

08-28-2013, 01:25 PM
Had to bump this up, I love when this happens:

I go to weather.com, and it says:

Current temperature: 83° (feels like 84°)
Today's (predicted) high: 79°

You'd think they would have a way to programatically bump up the "projected high" when the actual temperature passes it!

08-28-2013, 05:19 PM
Present temps in Indy Hotter than blue blazes.

94° F
High: 93° F
Low: 72° F

Partly cloudy
Feels Like: 100° F

Barometer: 29.92 in
Humidity: 45%
Wind: W 17 mph
Sunrise: 7:09 am
Sunset: 8:21 pm

Full Forecast >>

08-28-2013, 07:17 PM
7:15 PM... it's 80F, but 69% humidity. Not too hot but sticky.

08-28-2013, 07:50 PM
We're having another heat wave, the temperatures have been up to 30C all week but the humidity is what's keeping everyone down. I keep praying the a/c doesn't decide to break down, that would be a real catastrophy-- it's new but anything can happpen when you least expect it. And with the kind of humidity and heat we're having I think I'd be off to a cooling center in less than an hour.
We're expecting hail tonight, who knows, the forecasters have been so wrong all week about everything. After 8:30 am it's impossible to be outside, so I hope we get relief soon.
Shouldn't complain because if this breaks we could be freezing like 2 weeks ago when we were hitting below 0.