View Full Version : Malone look alike!

12-09-2002, 06:01 PM
I was so excited today at work because I was doing a job for a customer, and he mentioned that his dog was waiting outside. My boss welcomed the dog inside, and it was a golden lab that looked JUST like Malone (except older & grayer muzzle). I just hope that Malone turns out to be just like him--he was calm and so loving. He came and rested his head on my leg when he wanted to be petted. The guy also said that Emmett (the dog) had an obsession with rocks just like Malone! :eek:

12-09-2002, 06:09 PM
Hey there CookieB!

Don't all yellow labs look alike? <tongue planted firmly in cheek> :)

Do Labs normally start mellowing out around 2 years old? I know
with terriers it seems more like around 10 years of age.


12-09-2002, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
Hey there CookieB!

Don't all yellow labs look alike? <tongue planted firmly in cheek> :)

Do Labs normally start mellowing out around 2 years old? I know
with terriers it seems more like around 10 years of age.


The difference here is that Malone & Emmett are golden retriever/yellow lab mixes. Malone is much darker than the "normal" yellow lab, and his hair is quite a bit longer as well. So, yes maybe all yellow labs are very much alike, but golden labs tend to range from more labbie looking to more golden looking.

I think labs usually start to mellow between 3-4 years. Heaven help us, how AM I gonna get through until then?? Just kidding...Malone is really a good pup, but sometimes overly NAUGHTY!!! :rolleyes:

12-09-2002, 06:25 PM
Hang in there! When Murph was young, there were times I
thought he was a test from god to me.:) He didn't calm down
a lil' until about 10 years of age, but he turned out to be just
the best dog. Those early years of frustration turned out to be
a blessing, because I worked more with him than Maddie and
he's actually better behaved than her now. Not that she's bad,
but just a wee bit spoiled.


Dakota's Mommy
12-10-2002, 08:55 AM
Brian's mom just had to put their 10-13 year old golden lab down but luckily I got to spend many years getting to know him and I still hear all sorts of stories from when he was a pup. From what I've been told, labs are like children, they go through about their first two years of life in a chewing stage. After that, they chill out a little bit, but labs always have lots of energy. Toby, being as old as he was when he passed, still often wanted to be very active, but wasn't able to. He was one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met and he had a very nice temperment just like it sounded like this guys dog did. Labs are great! Toby was a very cuddly boy who loved to come up and set his head down for you to pet! I'm sure that Malone is going to grow up and be an even better dog every year. He sure is a cute one, but you already knew that! Enjoy every moment you can!