View Full Version : Adorable King King!

06-30-2013, 02:42 AM
Your images of your beloved King King were truly lovely. I know how you feel about the love for and from your fur baby. I recently lost my boy and my heart still breaks for him. King King sounded like he was a wonderful boy and loved doing good. I hope that you are able to find another wonderful companion... I hope so for me too, when the time comes

06-30-2013, 04:55 AM
awww King King, you doggie do have a way of getting in our heart and stealing it. You were a beautiful boy and I can see you are truly missed.

06-30-2013, 07:45 AM

What an adorable pup you were King King. Reading your story it's easy to see you were and still are very much loved.:love:
I hope being DOTD makes this a very special day for your family.:)

06-30-2013, 12:18 PM
It's an honor to have the chance to pay tribute to a doggie as beautiful, as giving, as special as you, King King. God bless you for selflessly devoting so much of your amazingly long life here on earth to helping others, bringing comfort and joy, hope and happiness to so many; family and strangers, humans and critters alike. And when your work on this earth was completed you rightfully donned your halo and angel wings, and now your beautiful spirit shines even more brightly at the Rainbow Bridge where you patiently wait for that joyful day when you and your person are together once more. You truly were one in a million, King King, and all lucky enough to have shared even a small part of your life, truly blessed. To the family of King King~ Thank you so much for sharing your precious boy with us, so many special memories and lovely, heart melting photos...those big, beautiful, love filled eyes say it all.:love: I can only imagine how much you miss him, the feel of his soft fur against your skin, those warm, "welcome home" licks, his comforting cuddles when you were feeling down. And though he may no longer be there with you in body, he will forever live on in your heart, in the joy he brought to others, through his legacy of giving and loving unconditionally. I hope seeing him being honored here today puts a smile on your face, and the knowledge that one day you and we will be reunited, much comfort. He was truly a Dog of a Lifetime, and it was an honor being able to give praise to his glorious life.:love::love::love:

06-30-2013, 03:40 PM
What a darling little boy that King was, and so smart, lovable, well behaved, and of course he brought that joyful personality to all the folks he met as a therapy dog. I have a soft spot for Shih Tzus, as I was Mom to my boy Sparky for almost 14 years before he passed away last October. King and Sparky look like brothers, and Sparky had that same "spark" that King did, and I miss him terribly. I hope that those 2 have become buddies at Rainbow Bridge. :love::love:

I'm so glad that King King was chosen to be the prestigious DOTD today, and I know that you are beaming with pride. I'm pretty sure that there is a party going on at Rainbow Bridge in celebration of this honor. ;)

06-30-2013, 06:11 PM
What a lovely tribute to such a beautiful, sweet, awesome lil' dog! :love::love::love:

07-08-2013, 05:54 AM
awww King King, you doggie do have a way of getting in our heart and stealing it. You were a beautiful boy and I can see you are truly missed.

Thank you so much for viewing King King's story & loved him. I wish to express my special thanks for all of
your kind support & warmest regards on me & King King. Indeed, I have adopted a Field Spaniel girl, Moon Moon, few months ago. Hope to nominate Moon Moon as DOTD soon. :):)

Wishing all of you have a enjoyable life !! :):):):)

07-08-2013, 05:55 AM
Thank you so much for viewing King King's story & loved him. I wish to express my special thanks for all of
your kind support & warmest regards on me & King King. Indeed, I have adopted a Field Spaniel girl, Moon Moon, few months ago. Hope to nominate Moon Moon as DOTD soon. :):)

Wishing all of you have a enjoyable life !! :):):):):)

07-08-2013, 05:59 AM
Thank you so much for viewing King King's story & loved him. I wish to express my special thanks for all of
your kind support & warmest regards on me & King King. Indeed, I have adopted a Field Spaniel girl, Moon Moon, few months ago. Hope to nominate Moon Moon as DOTD soon. :):)

Wishing all of you have a enjoyable & wonderful life !! :):love::):love: