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06-24-2013, 10:46 PM
His name is Yodi and he's 17. Has hyperthyroid and on one med per day. I pick him up at the beginning of July. He's got a bit of meezer in him and his colouring is all different shades of grey. Gee, sounds like the book.....:o

Story is that at an advanced age, his human took him to the vet and his hyperthyroidism (sp?) was discovered. Human said put him to sleep and walked away. The vet surrendered him to the no-kill shelter and he's been there for months and months. He was adopted out once but was returned for bad behaviour. Duh!!! Stupid idiot decided to cut him off his thyroid medicine. Long story short, I've signed the papers and will become his long term foster Meowmie when I get back from Ottawa on July 2nd.

He hates other animals so he's now in a cage by himself. I just could not bare to think of him living out the remainder of his days there. It's a very well run shelter and kept really clean with wonderful volunteers, but he has to be in a cage because there is no other place to put him, especially since it's kitten season.

Oh yes and you should see his eyes light up when I mention the Catmobile and all the trips it takes.:D:cool:

06-24-2013, 10:56 PM
Congrats!!! He's gorgeous.:D I'm sure that he'll enjoy being in your home and I hope that you'll have many more years together. PT homes are the best.:)

06-24-2013, 11:24 PM
Oh he is beautiful. You are doing a wonderful thing for him by giving him the best place he could live. I'm happy for both of you.

06-25-2013, 04:44 AM
He's beautiful! Welcome to PT, Yodi! Cassie would love to have him join the Catmobile group! Bless you for giving him a wonderful home with no cage!

06-25-2013, 04:46 AM
Oh, how wonderful! Yodi is gorgeous! Thank you SO much for adopting him. I can't wait to hear how things go when he comes home!

God bless you both.

Love from Pat and cats :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

06-25-2013, 06:50 AM
He has more than just a bit of meezer.....he looks to be a blue point Siamese. He looks just like my Buddy kitty :)

06-25-2013, 07:22 AM
I also was thinking blue point Siamese when I got to the photo.

Anyway, CONGRATS Slick! Yodi does look like a nice fella. This should be interesting for BOTH of you, lol, I suspect Yodi has his OWN Routines, given his age, ha haa, and being C A T, he is going to expect the servant to fall into line!

So sad to learn he's been stuck in a cage for months and months. As an experienced Cat Owner, you know he may need some time to adjust to a room again, let alone a home. When I adopted my Cuddles 8 years ago (!) she had been at the shelter for 18 months. I put her in a room by herself (I had other cats here which you don't have) and opened the carrier door. She looked out a the large area, and backed in to the carrier again. It took about 3 weeks, as I recall, for her to feel comfortable in the room. So do leave the carrier available for a bit.

Queen of Poop
06-25-2013, 07:24 AM
Thank you!!! Sounds like he needs you very badly. So excited for you both.

smokey the elder
06-25-2013, 08:41 AM
Thanks for taking on this handsome old-timer. I think senior cats are very rewarding to have, because they are so grateful to have a furrever home.

06-25-2013, 09:15 AM
Congrats - Yodi looks like a lovely boy! He looks just like my RB Blue Point Meezer, Sam.

I can't believe how anyone could have just abandoned him. Some people are such jerks, and should never be allowed to be pet parents. I'm so glad that he'll have a wonderful home with you for the rest of his days. :love:

06-25-2013, 09:28 AM
he looks a lot like my Benjamin James Angel Sick. That is so good that Yodi wi have such a great FurrEver Home and one of the finest guardians on Pet Talk:love::love::love:
You we pray will be best friends soon.:love::love::love:

06-25-2013, 10:57 AM
Slick, I'm so glad Yodi is going to end up with you, he couldn't have found a better home. :) He has beautiful blue eyes and a coat to go with them. Like others said, he'll need some time to adjust and relax, but you know all about that.

I so look forward to hear more once he's home with you.

06-25-2013, 11:08 AM
He is beautiful!

06-25-2013, 12:11 PM
so beautiful - can't wait to hear more about him!

06-25-2013, 01:34 PM
Yodi, you are GORGEOUS!!! You hit the jackpot with Slick, my friend. A better meowmie cannot be found. Slick, how can someone abandon their beloved kitty because of a thyroid disorder? That's just cruel! Mac takes his meds (which aren't expensive) and he's a healthy, happy, kitty. I just know you are going to give Yodi the best home ever!:love:

06-25-2013, 02:37 PM
Awww, thank you for taking this old guy! Tell him I can compare thyroid woes with him! ;)

06-25-2013, 04:16 PM
Slick, I am so happy for you both!!! I know he will spend his remaining time on earth knowing more love than he's ever known. (((HUGS))) for you both. :love::love:

06-25-2013, 09:38 PM
Yodi is a handsome Blue Point Siamese "Geezer Meezer"!:D
That is so great that he will get to enjoy his senior years with you.
Please post lots of photos of him when he settles in to stay with you.:)

06-26-2013, 07:21 PM
What great news!! We all knew the time would come and with the right kitty - such a lucky baby to have landed in your lap Slick. Here's to many good times with your new fur child:love:.

Killearn Kitties
06-27-2013, 05:24 PM
So pleased about your happy event! Can't wait until you get him home and start posting pictures.
Welcome to PT, you handsome boy. xxx

07-05-2013, 10:57 AM
I'm just checking for an update ... (((HUGS))), Yodi and Slick!

07-05-2013, 04:17 PM
What a beautiful kitty! Once Yodi settles in, I'm sure he'll make you as happy as you'll make him. Please excuse my anger at the owner who wanted to put him down because of a medical issue that's easily treated. I wish you and your new kitty companion many years of love and companionship! He couldn't be in a better home.

Hi Slick, Groucho here. I join all the other PT kitties in welcoming Yodi to our family. We can't wait for him to join us on a Catmobile trip so he can meet us and join in on all the fun.

07-10-2013, 01:08 AM
From this.....at the Richmond Animal Protection Society....in a cage by himself....

To this.....on my lazeee boy....

and he has now taken over my computer chair....

What's a Meowmie to do???????

07-10-2013, 01:19 AM
He was put into a porto-prison today and taken to the whitecoats. Had his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed. Was told he is a pedigree Lilac Point Siamese.

Never again shall I

go to the bathroom alone
sleep in - this morning I received a 5am wake up call
have my lazy boy all to myself

Was thinking of renaming his "Yodi Get Down" but didn't want to steal someone else's thunder.:o

Right now we are in the middle of a heat wave (well, hot to us.....75-80 F) so both of our appetites are not very good. Have cut his meds in half (as per vet instructions) and his appetite has come back somewhat. Was told that Tapazole can cause anorexia...... Gee, maybe I should take some.... :rolleyes:

He's not a lap cat at all. Doesn't like to really snuggle like I do, doesn't take well to grooming, but he will sit next to me and make sure some part of him is touching me. Definitely he's not the cat I was wanting or looking for....but I'm the human he needs right now and I won't let him down nor abandon him. I love and accept him the way he is. After all, we all can't be purrfect.....:love:

07-10-2013, 04:39 AM

Welcome HOME, darling Yodi!


07-10-2013, 06:33 AM
Oh my goodness, a pedigree Lilac Point meezer. How gorgeous!

Slick, Cassie is not a lap kitty either. (except when I grab her and try to settle her in my lap for a moment) All these years I"ve tried to get her to be one, and it isn't happening. But very often she will sit against me for a loooooong time. Mostly when I am sitting still - such as writing out bills, reading or using the computer. If I move even a millimeter, she moves with me. So she's a snuggle-bug in her own way. I hope that Yodi will decide your lap is THE place to be! He's beautiful and I am so happy for him because he is with you :love: :love:

p.s., He's learned the rule about never letting oneself be on the "wrong" side of a closed bathroom door. ;)

smokey the elder
07-10-2013, 10:28 AM
Looks like Yodi has made himself right at home, thank you very much!:D

07-10-2013, 11:17 AM
Yodi really is a very handsome boy.:love: I'm glad to see how comfortable he looks at home with you now.
Given his past of being abandoned by his original owner & being returned from another adoption, it might
take a while for him to show the complete affection of a lap cat. So many times I wish animals could talk.:)

07-10-2013, 11:25 AM
He was put into a porto-prison today and taken to the whitecoats. Had his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed. Was told he is a pedigree Lilac Point Siamese.

Never again shall I

go to the bathroom alone
sleep in - this morning I received a 5am wake up call
have my lazy boy all to myself

Was thinking of renaming his "Yodi Get Down" but didn't want to steal someone else's thunder.:o

Right now we are in the middle of a heat wave (well, hot to us.....75-80 F) so both of our appetites are not very good. Have cut his meds in half (as per vet instructions) and his appetite has come back somewhat. Was told that Tapazole can cause anorexia...... Gee, maybe I should take some.... :rolleyes:

He's not a lap cat at all. Doesn't like to really snuggle like I do, doesn't take well to grooming, but he will sit next to me and make sure some part of him is touching me. Definitely he's not the cat I was wanting or looking for....but I'm the human he needs right now and I won't let him down nor abandon him. I love and accept him the way he is. After all, we all can't be purrfect.....:love:
so happy to hear this update :D)

07-10-2013, 12:12 PM
This is wonderful news.:) Yes, not all cats will be lap cats. My RB Storm, Sky,and Ziggy have never been. They do like to be near you though. I hope that you'll have many more wonderful years with your handsome Yodi.:)

07-10-2013, 01:08 PM
Such a gorgeous kitty, :love: big congrats to you both. :)

He's not a lap cat at all. Doesn't like to really snuggle like I do, doesn't take well to grooming, but he will sit next to me and make sure some part of him is touching me.
Sounds just like my Ebbs when she came home with me all those years ago. :) She's still not a lap cat but came around on the grooming, she quite likes it now.

Queen of Poop
07-10-2013, 01:24 PM
Glad he's home and settling in. Perhaps, given time he will become more affectionate. Neither of my kitties are lap cats, something I appreciate on hot days! But when they want lovies they know where to go and they tolerate me lavishing hugs and smooches on them now and again. Oh, and the 5 am wake up call - consider yourself lucky, Cali's comes between 3-4 am!!! And she's relentless - you will get up NOW and get me wet food!!!

07-10-2013, 02:58 PM
Ming was a Seal Point Siamese and he never liked laps at all, nor did he like to be picked up. Still, he was ALWAYS next to one of us and was the most social of all my cats. When I am ready for another cat my first choice will be another Siamese. They are very loving and loyal without being "lap cats". Smart, too.:D

07-10-2013, 03:49 PM
that sweet boy has been shuffled around so much he probably is afraid to get close to someone. He certainly looks comfy out of that cage though. Lap cat? My Angel just allows occasional chin skritches and a head pat now and then. Don't even think about picking her up. :love:

07-10-2013, 11:25 PM
"Oh, hello! Did you want to sit here? Well, I am already here. you have permission to adore me!" :D Hello, Yodi, beautiful boy!

Slick, does Yodi meow to you? One of the many things I've learned from PT is that meesers can be chatty kitties.

07-15-2013, 10:38 AM
Yodi is so handsome! Congrats and bless you for helping him out, Slick! :D

07-15-2013, 11:29 AM
Oh, dearest Yodi, you look like you are settling in!

You are SAFE now, for the rest of your life, in the most WONDERFUL HOME!!!!! We are sending loads of love and skritches and head bumpies.


07-20-2013, 03:52 PM
Just checking for an update -- hope things are going well! Happy Caturday, wonderful meowmie Slick and beautiful Yodi!

07-26-2013, 10:10 PM
I had to take little one to the vet today and they kept him overnight as they had to sedate him. He can get real nasty. :eek: Both of his ears have this nasty black stuff in them and I have been cleaning them on a regular basis but now his head is covered with scabs, perhaps from him scratching all the time - don't know. He has this awful head shaking too. The vet he goes to is not mine as I'm just fostering him. I have to take him on a 50 min drive each way and he does not take kindly to that. This morning he peed and pooped in his carrier and cried all the way there. Poor guy - I hope he didn't think I was going to abandon him. :( I asked the vet to show me his last test results in May and unfortunately his kidneys are not doing well and his T4 was off the chart. When it comes to me doing stuff to him, he turns evil and scratches and bites. Hell, when I'm that age I sure won't want someone picking at my ears..... :eek::rolleyes: I do my best. I pick him up tomorrow morning. I'm not very impressed with the shelter or the vet's office.

His purrsonality is really something I've never had to deal with before. He will come for pettings, but will not cuddle nor will he want to be held. He does not sleep with me at night and seems quite distant. That being said, I'm sure he still has some trust issues. Poor guy has been passed around enough but not any more. He's here to stay. His adoption fee is only $20 so I think I might buck up and make him mine. That way I can take him to my own vet who is only 5 min away. He's been there once already for a nail trim and did OK. I will wait to see his latest test results to make my decision. Money is a real concern for me right now.


I should also mention that other than eating very little he just curls up on the corner of the living room floor and sleeps all the time and as I watch him snooze, I can't help but wonder if he is really happier here than at the shelter.

07-26-2013, 10:13 PM
Awww, hopefully he'll be okay! Bless you for caring so much for him, shy as he may be!

07-26-2013, 11:50 PM
Unfortunately at his age I think some of these issues are expected and as you say, he has been passed around in his life - doesn't really know how to love or be loved:(. You are truly an angel for taking him in and giving him so much care, despite his gnarly:rolleyes: attitude at times. I do hope he learns to relax in his new home:love:.

07-27-2013, 02:12 AM
Unfortunately at his age I think some of these issues are expected and as you say, he has been passed around in his life - doesn't really know how to love or be loved:(. You are truly an angel for taking him in and giving him so much care, despite his gnarly:rolleyes: attitude at times. I do hope he learns to relax in his new home:love:.

I agree.:love: Do you think that he might have ear mites? If so I would think that the vet would've caught this if he does.

07-27-2013, 05:29 AM
I wonder if the scratching and head-shaking is related to whatever is gunking up Yodi's ears. I'll say big prayers that he will feel much better soon. I'm sorry the vet is such a long drive for you and Yodi. He's beautiful and I hope that in time he will get used to being loved. :love:

and a candle http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=19026512

07-27-2013, 10:45 AM
Slick, maybe he is exhausted from all the moving around and his ear problems make him more tired. He feels safe enough to sleep.

Once his ears are treated and perhaps some kind of treatment for his kidneys can be undertaken, he will feel more comfortable and therefore welcome attention more.

Thank God Yodi has you! :love:

07-27-2013, 11:17 AM
I should also mention that other than eating very little he just curls up on the corner of the living room floor and sleeps all the time and as I watch him snooze, I can't help but wonder if he is really happier here than at the shelter.

It's good that Yodi got his ears attended to. The constant pain & itching must have been madding for him. As for his sleeping, it's probably the first real restive
sleep he's had in ages. I can't imagine it's that quiet at a shelter with so many other people & cats around all the time. Bless his heart, and bless yours for caring for
this older gentleman.:)

07-27-2013, 02:59 PM
That's right. Yodi is a spayed female.....:cool: Not that it matters much but when I picked her up the first thing I was told was the gender. Gee, I wonder if he had a sex change in the shelter..... This was the tag on her cage.

Anyway, she's back home again and there is some really good news. Her T4 is right back to normal thanks to the meds so the vet told me to cut the dosage in half and have her checked in a month which I will do. Even her Urea and Creatinine have come down - not normal, but down from her last check in April. Her hemoglobin is quite low indicating possible anemia so a CBC is recommended and I might ask for that to be done along with a urinalysis when she goes in for her next check up. She seems weak in the back end and pooped in her porto-prison on the way home but I'm sure a full days sleep will do her some good. She was shaved all around her ears and head and I was given some Surolan liquid for her ears and skin, to be used twice daily until the bottle is empty. They did take some samples of her ear guck and the results will be in within the next week or two.

If her next check up is a good one, I've made the decision to once again fail Fostering 101. :love::love: That way I can take her to my vet as the drive home was really traumatic for her.:(

For now, she's fast asleep in the corner of the living room and I'm sure she is having pleasant kitty dreams.

07-27-2013, 03:12 PM
Sounds like someone at her former shelter needs a sex education class. :D So glad she is back home and resting now and her T4 is normal. Hopefully, she will start feeling better soon and start coming out of her shell. I don't blame her for being cranky going to the vet. I'm a mess when I have to go to the dr too.

She might not really realize yet that she has freedom to roam when she wants because she spent so long in that cage at the shelter. I know I'd be afraid to unpack if I'd moved around as much as she has.
Prayers for you both. :love::love:

07-27-2013, 03:49 PM
That's right. Yodi is a spayed female.....:cool: .

:D My sincerest apologies Yodi darling ... of course you're a girl :love: and not a wonder, a little miffed at all of us referring to you as "he"! So happy to know that you are on the mend sweetie - please let your Mom take care of you - she is awesome and loves you to bits:love:.

07-27-2013, 06:23 PM
Awww, poor Yodee! Maybe someone just thought "Eh, too fluffy, not gonna check, I'll just put 'male'" and no one else bothered! Hopefully they will figure out what the ear gunk was, poor kitty, and you can clear that up together.

07-27-2013, 07:23 PM
I had to look up Surolan and this is what I found: "a combination of medications with antibacterial (polymyxin B sufate), anti-inflammatory (prednisolone acetate) and antifungal (miconazole nitrate) activity" So, Miss Yodee, I hope this will help your ears and skin! The prednisolone should definitely help your itching. I am sending you a HUGE HUG from me and another "senior kittyzen" who is looking at me as I'm typing. :love: :love:

07-27-2013, 07:24 PM
"Oh, hello! Did you want to sit here? Well, I am already here. you have permission to adore me!" :D Hello, Yodi, beautiful boy!

Slick, does Yodi meow to you? One of the many things I've learned from PT is that meesers can be chatty kitties.

Whoops! Hello, Yodee, beautiful GIRL!!!!

07-27-2013, 07:39 PM
I just read the entire thread... don't know why I didn't see it before. Good for you for taking in Yodee. What a lucky cat she is to have you to give her a home, care, and love in her old age. She's very pretty!

07-27-2013, 09:54 PM
Yodee is an adorable girl. Good health for a long time to come. Lots of lovies and scricthes.

07-28-2013, 01:10 PM
You are so very lucky! I have always had kitty boys, but someday I want to adopt a sweet kitty girl! My coworker, who lives in my apartment complex, has two adorable kitty girls and they are adorable. Have fun with Yodee and give that pretty girl some loves from me!:love::love:

07-28-2013, 06:14 PM

I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. When I first looked at the title of your thread, I thought to myself, "Is she CRAZY??? Having a baby at her age????"

Then I saw Yodi's beautiful picture. A big THANK YOU!!!! for taking in an oldie but goodie! I have a special place in my heart for oldies. I miss my Bartie and Elan. If I lose another baby, I'll definitely take in another one.

Yodie is up there in age. Most cats at 17, like Bartie (18) and Elan(19) sleep 23 hours a day. I'm so glad that she got the vet care she needs. She is stunning, even for an oldie.

Can't wait to hear more about her!

Hope you didn't take offense at my thought. Serves me right for not reading it closer.

07-31-2013, 10:33 PM

I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. When I first looked at the title of your thread, I thought to myself, "Is she CRAZY??? Having a baby at her age????" LOL that's the exact reaction I was going for. The shock factor.... :D:D:D
We are making progress. She slept with me last night and apparently lovse to get underneath the covers and crawl down by my feet. Had to sleep softly as I didn't want to roll over her. Today she has been really needy. I think she knows she is home for good. Gosh I love this little purr baby!!!:love::love::love: There's nothing like a senior!:cool::love:

07-31-2013, 10:42 PM
Life is good:D give that little sweetie a hug for me:love:.

07-31-2013, 11:28 PM
We are making progress. She slept with me last night and apparently lovse to get underneath the covers and crawl down by my feet. Had to sleep softly as I didn't want to roll over her. Today she has been really needy. I think she knows she is home for good. Gosh I love this little purr baby!!!:love::love::love: There's nothing like a senior!:cool::love:

She's figuring it out! Good girl, Yodee! My senior and I are sending you a whole bunch of lovies, kisses and hugs!

Meowmie, how are her ears and head doing with the new medication? I hope she is less itchy.

08-01-2013, 01:19 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I hope that everything continues to go well.:)

08-01-2013, 02:04 AM
God bless you both, Slick and Yodee!!!


08-03-2013, 12:12 PM
Can you imagine needing love and attention and not feeling confident that anyone would respect your need and not being able to trust anyone.

Yodee...................you will receive such a loving you won't be able to remember what it was like before Slick adopted you. You are so well loved now - enjoy every scritch and kiss.

And accept some from me too......................

08-03-2013, 01:15 PM
Sorry, I haven't been keeping up to date lately - catsitting for a month, helping with a book, out meeting friends in town and we just had the warmest night EVER recorded in Denmark. :eek:

Slick, I just knew this was gonna happen. :D Yodie has accepted your love and you two will have some wonderful years together. I'm so happy for you both! :)

What that with Yodie being itchy? Is she allergic to something?

Hope to see pics of her soon.

Kisses and hugs to you both. :love: :love:

08-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi, Yodee and Slick :love:! I am thinking of you today!

08-18-2013, 06:32 PM
Jsut read this thread. That's clever Slick. You had me. I do remember you talking about Yodi on Pet Talkers