View Full Version : A Momma Cat and her Babies , I wish I knew where they were.

06-17-2013, 09:24 AM
A Tuxedo Cat who I suspected was expecting started coming up on the Porch.
And she came back thinner and I heard mewing coming from under the porch next door.
I looked to see if I could reach them ,and she got scared and moved them away.
I feel so bad, but Sydney- Ette:love: is back for food and she eats like a steam shovel.:love:
Please pray with me that those Babies are all right:love:

06-17-2013, 10:29 AM
Prayers that she and her babies are all right and you will find them and bring them to safety and wonderful homes.


06-17-2013, 01:17 PM
Maybe when they are a little older she will bring them around and you can poof all of them and get them vetted and then into some good homes. I'll be praying for that to happen.

06-17-2013, 05:10 PM
No Offense Catmandu, but if the babies are that young, you should leave them where they are. Unless they are out in a open
space, they need not be moved. It's probably best to help the mom be keeping her well fed(to keep her nearby) then she will
provide for the babies.

06-18-2013, 09:12 AM
:love::love:I have been putting lots of food in the back yard where she is now in an old Cat Carrier.
I will give Sidney lots of room as they are in a good safe place.
There are four Babies , a gray a gray and white and two black and whites
Last night it was Kitten Food a good brand Prefomatrin with Turkey Slices.
Momma Cat sure eats like a steam shovel.
I have named Sidney after Sydney Angel, Scrappy Two's Love from Ann Arbor Michigan.
I just wish it would warm up and stop raining.:love:

06-18-2013, 11:57 AM
Oh, that's wonderful, Gary, that you have put out shelter for them and are feeding them and watching over them. Thank you so much.

Sydney Angel tells me he is watching over them, too!


06-18-2013, 06:54 PM
Many prayers are being prayed to St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, for these precious little newborns to be safe and Mommycat is going to them and taking care of them. When Mommycat is ready for you to meet her beautiful babies I'm sure they'll find themselves on the most cat friendly porch in the universe!

06-18-2013, 11:40 PM
^ ^ ^
I agree wholeheartedly!

06-19-2013, 09:10 AM
I see now where Sidney , Sydney Angel :love:and Babies have taken up residence in an old projection TV , I opened up a hoe in either side where any Cat can get in out of the cold.
I cannot tell how many Babies thee are but I think that there are at least four.
My Vet sent over some special food for young Mother Cats at cost.
I will have to update at Kitten quest in a month.:cool: