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View Full Version : Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge

06-09-2013, 09:57 PM
I headed out to Edwin B. Forsythe NWR in south Jersey the other day and thought you guys would enjoy a few pictures. This place is glorious for birders, I cannot believe how much I saw. Nothing too exotic, but I did enjoy seeing my favorite birds, Ospreys! Nothing quite like them :) Click to make them bigger!
Here's an American Oystercatcher just sitting on her eggs, really neat looking birds they are!
A Diamondback Terrapin!
Red-winged blackbirds, these guys are all over the place but they're quite cute.
My favorites, the Osprey:) See the little fuzzy chick! They were feeding him a fish.
Iridescent Ibis, can now cross that off my birding list!


06-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Here's the cuties reaction to me getting out of the car :p
Egrets tend to be all over the place this time of year, but I love watching them actually hunt.
Curious Gull!
And a cute little Barn Swallow! I love Tree Swallows, but didn't see many of them, but they are great looking little birds with beautiful plumage.
This is the view of Atlantic City, that boring "adult" place with all the Casinos :D

The neat thing about Forsythe is that they have an 8-mile road out into the salt marshes where you can literally run into ANYTHING that's out there. You're not allowed off the road of course but I was maybe 4 feet from that terrapin! Very cool area to explore, and photo creds go to my friend Devin, mostly - they are from his Camera but I did take a few :p

Recently at work I have found a Belted Kingfisher hole very close to the Nature Center and I saw him out while I was giving a tour yesterday so I couldn't get very close - but I will be stalking him for sure. :p I don't know if you guys knew I was this much of a bird nerd, but now I am "out" I guess, so to speak. :o

06-10-2013, 01:11 AM
Cool, how fun! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures, too! Love them all!

06-10-2013, 05:03 AM
Wow! These are such neat pictures of all the creatures you saw!

06-10-2013, 09:51 AM
What beautiful birds!... and I LOOOOOOOVE the turtle!

What a wonderful place that refuge is. Thank you for the photos!


06-10-2013, 07:53 PM
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing! I like the Diamondback Terrapin!;)

06-11-2013, 01:18 PM
Enjoyed the pictures---thanks for sharing. Some of those we never see around here.