View Full Version : Isn't it funny how some letters affect things?

06-08-2013, 06:09 PM
Today's Dog of the Day reminded me of a comic who pointed out certain sounds are just funnier to us humans than others. The example he used was the "k" sound - chickens are often the subject of jokes, hens are not - it's just not as funny to say "Why did the hen cross the road"

Today's Dog of the day is "Hiccup" which is a cute name, fun - taken from a movie (How to Train your Dragon), and hiccup is a fun word, but no one names their pet burp, or yawn ...

Giggle sounds sillier than laughter, and chuckle is pretty merry as well ...

What words can you think of that this applies to?

And had I used the word "peculiar" instead of "funny" would you have opened the thread?