View Full Version : Play Time can be loud and noisy - and oh so fun!

06-07-2013, 07:29 PM
Here are 6 one-minute videos of a play session. The reason is my camera only takes video for one minute then it shuts off.

Anyway, the first 4 are very noisy, so beware if you are at work! You will see why I have always called Willy the 'play police.' This is what he does, even if no toy is involved -- such as out in the big open field at the farm. I have no idea WHY he does this. Riley and Tasha were a bit wary this play session, because I was holding the camera, but you will surely get the idea of what it is like. This sort of thing happens about twice a day -- it lasts longer, and sometimes is more intense, when I get involved. Other times I just sit and watch and those 2 will still get very intense, lol.

Part 1 of 6



Part 2 of 6



Part 3 of 6



Part 4 of 6



Part 5 of 6



Part 6 of 6


Then what happens is, Tasha has to run out and pee, and the 3 of them settle down for a nap.

Hope you enjoyed!

Oh, BTW, I have played vids of other bichons barking, never got a reaction, started playing these to see how they came out, and ALL FOUR of mine starting going wild barking and running around the house. Apparently they don't recognize their own voices, te hee.

06-07-2013, 09:01 PM
Willey reminds me of Roxey-a referee :) And Lacey-she's like Huney-I'll just stay back and look cute :D
Great videos!

06-08-2013, 10:30 AM
Tee-hee-hee. As always, I enjoyed seeing The Fluffs. Is that Lacey on the sidelines just watching all the action? I can't believe that she would just lay there quietly for so long - content to just watch....... :)

06-08-2013, 11:19 AM
Normally Lacey would get up and leave the room - to avoid getting stepped on! But as she's been under the weather the past 2 weeks, moving is not comfortable for her.

Glad both of you enjoyed the racket!

06-08-2013, 12:48 PM
What fun they were having! :D I enjoyed seeing them live. It seems that the sofa is where they go with their treassure. LOL! Good show!

06-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Willey reminds me of Roxey-a referee :) And Lacey-she's like Huney-I'll just stay back and look cute :D
Great videos!

That's sort of what I was thinking ... here's Willy giving me a play-by-play; and here are the players, Tasha and Riley! Lacey is being the cute spectator :D Fluffs, I enjoyed sharing a bit of fun time with you!

06-09-2013, 08:21 AM
So cute. My fluffy Kirby does the same thing with the others are playing. He just gets so excited and/or upset that he's not involved - he BARKS a lot.

06-11-2013, 11:06 PM
Really the videos that you have uploaded for the play time is really very cute and quiet learning for the dogs. Seems you are great pet lover and spend a good time with your pets. I happen to read a blog on this and just thought of sharing it with you. You may find the blog here (http://www.wellsphere.com/pet-health-article/5-tips-to-train-your-dog-at-home/1960844) Hope you find this one quiet interesting.

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A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.

06-12-2013, 07:20 AM
Thanks everyone. Having multiples is great, I so enjoy seeing the personalities interacting.