View Full Version : Biting/Bathroom

12-08-2002, 04:46 PM
I need some help... I used my own techniques but i dont think they are working.. lol...
He is a saint bernard 8 weeks old... He loves to bite peoples hands/feet. I tried my own way to stop it but it does not seems to be working... AND NO I DO NOT HIT HIM!
And we are training him to go outside to go to the bathroom. and it is working slowly but it is working i think.. but once and awhile he will take a piss in the house....
And pointer? would be gratefull.


12-08-2002, 06:43 PM

I have mine own training ideas also, but it's good to
realise when their're not working. Have you tried a puppy
training website? I found a good one for my pup at;


Since, as you probably know, each pup is different in
character & temperment. Gosh, an 8 wk old St. Bernard,
I'll bet it's a beautiful pup. Great breed.:) Good Luck.

12-10-2002, 08:30 AM

I cannot emphasize this enough. I have 2 dogs - one is 8 years old, and she was potty trained (using a crate) within 2 weeks for the most part. My other dog is a little over 1, and I have not been as disciplined with her. Her cries in the crate seemed so pathetic. I thought she would learn about potty training from the older dog - - - I was very, very wrong.

So, now she is a little over 1, and we are back to crate training. And it has been 2 weeks, and I have had maybe 2 accidents in the house, and I know it was my fault. Neither me or the dog like to go out in the snow, and she is so small, she refuses to go when she is outside, and we both stand there freezing, her belly in the snow!! But, I digress....

Don't use the crate as a punishment tool. They won't understand. But do crate your dog when you are not home. And take them out as soon as you get home. Over Thanksgiving, I had a 5-day vacation. I took this as an opportunityt to re-train my pup in the proper way. She was in the crate every single time I was not right on top of her to take her potty. If she went outside and didn't go, then back in the crate, and we try again in about 1/2 an hour. When I was pre-occupied and couldn't devote 100% of my attention to her, she was in the crate. She went outside AS SOON as I took her out. This was very effective.

Good luck w/ potty training.

Dixieland Dancer
12-10-2002, 08:42 AM
To stop the biting and nipping you need to yell ouch and then ignore and stop playing with pup for a few minutes. Each time you say ouch real loud and stop playing the pup will associate too hard with no play and what 8 week old wants that!

12-12-2002, 09:46 AM
A puppy obedience class is a MUST for all pups, especially very large dogs! There are humane classes available! It teaches basic commands as well as some potty training suggestions & good manner skills (no biting). It also socializes them.
The suggestions you recieved are great. Also when he bites you well ouch or do a hurt puppy whine really loud and then offer him a toy that he is allowed to chew on! When he chews on the correct objects, PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE! Do not allow him to chew on rawhides until he has learned what he is & is not allowed to chew on as they only encourage the dog to chew! Also do not give him toys that resemble other articles around the house. For example old socks, how does he know the difference between old & new socks? Also if you have the cheaper rugs with remnants of rags tied together that look likt the rope toys they have for dogs.
As far as potty training goes it sounds like you off to a great start 8 weeks and he only pees in the house & that is only once in a while! But to help on potty training teach him a potty command. When you bring him out tell him to "go potty" (or whatever else you want to say). As soon as he finishes then praise him but don't praise him too much as he may be too excited about the praise & may not finish his duty. This command comes in very handy especially when traveling or when a sample is needed for the vet!
Gotta love the sb's! Beautiful dogs!

12-17-2002, 11:37 AM
Our 2-year-old dog Murphy "bites" hands and feet, too (not super-hard in aggression, but just in play). He also bites shirt sleeves (while you're wearing the shirt). Yelling OUCH doesn't work too well, but getting up and/or walking away definitely sends the message. Sometimes we'll squirt him with a water-sprayer (for plants). This DEFINITELY sends the message, and it's much more humane than hitting.

good luck!

12-20-2002, 09:57 AM
One of the best ways to stop play biting is to put your thumb in the bottom of your dogs mouth (under his tounge) and lightly squeeze. NOT hard!! Lightly. In a strong voice say NO BITE at the time of the squeeze. We only had to do this (our trainer's suggestion) a few times and Chester figured it out really fast.

Hope this helps.