View Full Version : News from the clan

05-24-2013, 06:49 PM
Hello all my old friends. I am not much of a "forum" person these days, but I think of you often.

My crew is aging (as are their purr-ents. LOL)

Monte, our oldest has passed the 19 year mark. He is thin, and maybe just a bit stiff in the bones, but doing quite well for his advanced years.

Simba and Calvin (see photo) are in the neighborhood of 15. Both extremely thin, possibly from thyroid issues, but we have opted not to test or treat due to their personalies (neither would be a good candidate for daily pills or other numerous procedures.) So as long as they are happy cats, so are we.

Willow, Ashley and Sterling are 13. Sterling has developed a lump (or 2). One is rather severe and agressive. I will be attaching photos, it is not overly pretty, but the vet feels that this type of growth would come back "with a vengence" possibly even before the stitches were removed (if it were operated on). He also has a small growth begining inside his mouth. Vet feels within 6 months this will prove to be fatal. So we will love on him as long as we can.

Beautiful Biddy White Whiskers is about 12. I will also be posting a photo of him.

Jim, Kim and even Bonnie (my first foster for One by One cat rescue) are all 11 years old. Can you believe it?

Mickey, Shilo, Natasha and possibly Mr. Meow are 10.

And the baby of the entire group, Hamlet, comes in at about 8 years old.

And Today is Charlie's birthday!! (I do not believe he wants me to post that he is pushing .....??) tee hee hee


Scooter's Mom
05-24-2013, 07:49 PM
It's so good to see you posting.
Sorry to hear about the ailments with your little ones.

Please give them all some hugs and kisses from me.

05-24-2013, 08:22 PM
Aww, good to hear from you! I was thinking of you just the other day! Sorry to hear of the various ailments among the crew, but good to hear from you and all of them, Charlie included! Happy Birthday, Cat-Dad-of-Many!

Felicia's Mom
05-24-2013, 08:57 PM
It's good to hear from you again!

05-25-2013, 06:26 AM
Hi Jen, so good to see you here again! Hello to all your fur crew and to Charlie. I'm sorry to learn about the various ailments. Lovies to all!

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

Pinot's Mom
05-25-2013, 07:31 AM
So good to hear from you! Most of the kitties seem to be doing well beyond aging...sorry about Sterling. :( It's so difficult to go through those issues. Prayers.

Try and keep us posted!

05-25-2013, 09:17 AM
We think of you and Charles quite a bit Jen , and please congratulate Charles on his birthday.:love:
I know how he fees as I too get up in yeas!!
Wow it is so hard to imagine how old our Cats are getting older , My Scrappy two and Miquelito are 9 , Panther Tubster is maybe 11
the rest are about two or three.
And Jim 11, that is getting on.
We are sending prayers Jen and Charles for your Dear Senior Kittyzens as I know the pain and loss of my Cats going from 2008-2010.
How are things in Allentown???:confused:

05-25-2013, 09:18 AM
Jen ~ We've missed hearing about you and the clan.

Everytime I trim kitty claws, I am reminded of how long and ingrown Taboo's claws were when you rescued her. My kitties might complain, but I always tell them to "suck it up" because if they get too long, they'll know what pain really is.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you have time to do so more often.

05-26-2013, 06:11 PM
Hi Jen, it's great to hear from you.:) I'm sorry to hear about your cats many ailments. It's so hard to watch our beloved cats age.:( They never live long enough for us. I hope that you'll be able to continue to pop in and update us about yourself and your cat family.:)

05-28-2013, 12:49 PM
Jen what a wonderful surprise. Good to see your crew is doing so well- even if there are problems. Monte is really a senior- not many PT cats lived that long.
All the best to all of you:)